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Charity Hospital (New Orleans, La.) Lunatic Asylum admission book, 1841-1848

1 volume

The Charity Hospital (New Orleans, La.) Lunatic Asylum admission book contains admittance records compiled from July 1841-December 1848. The patients, who included men, women, and children from multiple states and countries, were admitted for mental health issues and contagious diseases.

The Charity Hospital (New Orleans, La.) "Admission Book" contains around 208 pages of admittance records for the New Orleans Charity Hospital's lunatic asylum, compiled from July 31, 1841-December 16, 1848. Each entry spans 2 pages and contains the patient's name, place of nativity and most recent residence, length of residence in New Orleans, age, and marital status, as well as information about their illness and the date of their death, discharge, or abscondence; some patients were transferred from the Lunatic Asylum to the Charity Hospital. Many patients originated from other countries, often in Europe, and some are identified as slaves. Frequent ailments included delirium tremens, general insanity, and epilepsy. Some records contain a proposed cause of the patient's disease, such as "liquor." In 1847, the hospital admitted a large number of children with infectious diseases; some of the children's mothers occupied the hospital's numbered wards. Clerks recorded monthly and yearly reports regarding the numbers of patients the hospital had admitted, the number who had been discharged, and the number who had died.


Daniel Grosvenor letters, 1819-1848 (majority within 1819-1833)

19 items

This collection contains 17 letters that former Congregational minister Daniel Grosvenor of Petersham, Massachusetts, wrote to his son, Reverend Moses Gill Grosvenor, and to a relation, Payson Grosvenor, between 1819 and 1833. He provided local news, shared advice, and commented on his religious views. Also included is a descriptive travel letter by "Lansingh" from Darien, Georgia (1838), and a satirical essay by Charles J. Wood entitled "Portrait of an Alarmist" (1848).

This collection contains 17 letters that former Congregational minister Daniel Grosvenor wrote to his son, Reverend Moses Gill Grosvenor (16 letters), and to a relation, Payson Grosvenor (1 letter), between 1819 and 1833. Also included is a travel letter by "Lansingh" from Darien, Georgia (1838), and a satirical essay by Charles J. Wood entitled "Portrait of an Alarmist" (1848).

Grosvenor frequently commented on the health of family members and on the affairs of acquaintances in Petersham, Massachusetts. His reports often concerned illnesses and deaths, and he sometimes mentioned his attendance at funerals. Grosvenor wrote about religious topics, such as devotion to God, and gave news of the local church. He reflected on his advanced age, discussed the effects of his children leaving his household, and anticipated his own death. Daniel and his wife Deborah jointly wrote a portion of the later letters. Grosvenor's final letter, addressed to Payson Grosvenor, "Eunice," and "Sarah," concerns his brother's death. Two of Grosvenor's letters include additional copied correspondence: a letter from Alvan Whitmore, who discussed commerce around New Orleans, Louisiana (September 19, 1818, copied in Grosvenor's letter of January 27, 1819), and a letter from D. H. G. Newton to Moses Gill Grosvenor, his uncle.

The final items in the collection are a descriptive travel letter by "Lansingh" to Miss Angelina Warden, from Darien, Georgia (April 19, 1838), and a 3-page essay attributed to Charles J. Wood entitled "Portrait of an Alarmist" (February 1848). The satirical piece criticizes a noted "alarmist" and his opinions on the Irish and Catholics, and the possibility that arguments over slavery might dissolve the union.


Divie and Joanna Bethune collection, 1796-1853

23 volumes and 60 items

The Divie and Joanna Bethune collection contains correspondence, religious diaries, and an autobiography pertaining to the New York couple.

The Divie and Joanna Bethune collection contains correspondence, religious diaries, and an autobiography pertaining to the New York couple.

The Correspondence series is made up of 59 incoming letters to Divie and Joanna Bethune, which primarily relate to Divie's business interests, and 1 letter by Joanna Bethune to George Duffield (February 9, 1837). Arthur Dalton of New Orleans, Louisiana, wrote the bulk of the early correspondence, discussing the local tobacco trade and ships' movements near the city. Divie Bethune & Co. received letters from Thomas Masters about financial affairs in Liverpool and London, England. Personal letters include letters between members of the Bethune family, such as a letter from Joanna Bethune to her daughter Isabella, which alludes to the possibility of Canadian annexation (January 6, 1850).

The 22-volume Diaries series comprises the bulk of the collection, and contains material written by both Divie and Joanna Bethune. Divie Bethune filled the first 17 volumes with devotional prayers, religious poetry, hymns, and occasional daily diary entries. Each of these volumes has an identical inscription. Joanna Bethune kept 6 diaries after her husband's death, in which she reflected upon her emotions and wrote about her charity work and religious life.

Joanna Bethune's Autobiography, written in 1814, concerns her early life, emphasizing her religious conversion and religious convictions.


Durant-Hornor correspondence, 1848-1850

1 volume

The Durant-Hornor correspondence consists of manuscript letters between attorneys Thomas J. Durant of Washington, D.C., and Charles W. Hornor of New Orleans, Louisiana, bound into a single volume. The legal partners discussed court cases, finances, and current events between 1848 and 1850.

The Durant-Hornor correspondence (1 volume) consists of over 300 manuscript letters, between attorneys Thomas J. Durant of Washington, D.C., and Charles W. Hornor of New Orleans, Louisiana, dated July 11, 1848-October 21, 1850. The legal partners discussed court cases and other legal affairs, as well as their finances and local news. Durant occasionally described travel in the southern and middle Atlantic states. Many of the letters refer to local and national affairs, such as migrants passing through New Orleans on their way to California, disagreements over the future of slavery in California, the death of Zachary Taylor and the appointment of a new Cabinet, and Cuban political struggles. Some of the letters pertain to family news and health. The first 2 pages contain information about Durant and Hornor, the letters in the volume, and the book's provenance.


Ely family correspondence, 1831-1853 (majority within 1836-1849)

43 items

This collection is made up of personal letters between members of the Ely family of Huntington, Connecticut, written primarily in the late 1830s and 1840s. Louisa M. Ely received letters from her brother David Henry, in Athens, Georgia, and her sister Harriet, who wrote from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.

This collection is made up of personal letters between members of the Ely family of Huntington, Connecticut, including many addressed to Elisha Ely, Eloise Ely, and their daughter Louisa. Early items include letters from relatives in New York City, including one from Louisa about her journey from Connecticut to New York and her experiences teaching school (December 25, 1833). In 1836 and 1837, Louisa Ely received letters from her brother David, who lived in New Haven, Connecticut, and from her uncle, Harry Curtis. Harry described a visit to Niagara Falls in his letter of November 13, 1837, and later discussed his life in New Orleans, Louisiana. David Ely wrote about his life in Athens, Georgia, in 1838 and 1839, and John M. Ely wrote from Wilmington, North Carolina, in December 1840 and December 1841. Harriet Ely sent six letters to her sister from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in the late 1840s; her letter of March 9, 1849, includes a description of Mary Lyon's funeral.


Fish family papers, 1847-1933

1.25 linear feet

The Fish Family papers contain the personal letters of Harry S. Fish of Williamson, New York, and his children who, over the course of the 19th century, scattered throughout the United States, fought in the Civil War, and suffered sickness and poverty during the postwar period. Also present are letters to J. Clifford Robinson from his mother and sister, and letters written annually from Franc Edith Aldrich Arnold to her friend Maud Bradley Robinson, from 1887 to 1933.

The Fish family papers (417 items) contain the personal letters and writings of a family from Williamson, New York, whose members, over the course of the 19th century, scattered throughout the United States, fought in the Civil War, and suffered though sickness and poverty during the postwar period. The bulk of the letters (336 in all) concern Harry S. Fish and his children: Dan, Carlton, Selby, and Julia Fish. Also present are letters to J. Clifford Robinson from his mother and sister, and 47 letters written annually from Franc Edith Aldrich Arnold to her friend Maud Bradley Robinson, spanning 1887 to 1933. The collection also contains 25 calling cards, 9 social invitations, 2 documents, 1 essay, 13 miscellaneous items, and one lock of hair.

Correspondence series :

The Fish family letters subseries (336 items) largely document the lives of Dan, Carlton, Selby, and Julia Fish. Throughout, the siblings discuss their deep animosity toward their father. The first four letters (1847-1850) are between Wright R. Fish, in Poughkeepsie, New York, and his father Isaac Fish, in Williamson, New York. Letters written during the Civil War-era include 18 letters from Carlton, 27 from Selby, 14 from Daniel, 9 from Judson Rice (all addressed to Julia), and 49 letters from Julia to Carlton (with 3 additional, post-war letters). These include descriptions of the Peninsular Campaign (Yorktown and the Seven Days Battles, particularly Gaines's Mills) by Selby, and Judson Rice's account of 1st Winchester. Both Selby and Carlton commented on their regiment’s occasional ill discipline and low morale. Selby described his experience in army hospitals and sometimes reflected on death, war, and the hard life of a soldier.

Dan’s letters, written mostly from California and Oregon, provide commentary on the life of an itinerant (and sometimes vagrant) traveler in the gold fields of the Far West. Julia described local events and family news, frequently discussing family strife. She occasionally discussed the politics and society in Williamson. In a particularly notable incident onJuly 17, 1864, Julia consulted a psychic to diagnose Carlton’s mysterious illness, which appeared during the siege of Yorktown in May 1862. Many Civil War era letters contain illustrated letterheads.

The collection contains material concerning southern perspectives of the Reconstruction and post-Reconstruction eras, including 59 letters written to Julia Fish by Selby Fish and/or his wife, Josephine, from New Orleans (1864-1871); 7 letters from Selby to Carlton (1867-1869); and letters from Carlton to Julia: 7 written from Grant City, Missouri, (1868-1869); 27 from New Orleans, Louisiana (1869-1883); and 3 from San Antonio, Texas (1883). Of note are two letters written by Carlton from Grant City, Missouri, in which he described the surge of population in a "back woods" town in northwestern Missouri, as post-war westward expansion peaked (October 18, 1868 and October 24, 1869). Also of interest are Carlton’s accounts of his struggles with poverty and unemployment (November 8, 1889), and Dan’s report on joining the Good Templars in 1867; he described a wild ceremony that featured riding a goat backwards and climbing a greased pole with bare feet.

The J. Clifford Robinson letters consist of 63 letters and postcards, written to J. Clifford Robinson by his mother and sister Gertrude in 1895 and 1896. These offer a perspective on an intensely close mother-son relationship in the 1890's, and contain many remarks of motherly advice.

The Fish family letters subseries ends with 13 condolence letters addressed to Maud Bradley, comforting her on the death of her mother, Julia Fish Bradley, in 1905.

The Arnold-Robinson letters subseries contains 47 letters written annually, on New Year's Day, by Franc Edith Aldrich Arnold to Maud Bradley Robinson, reflecting on the events of the year, and reminiscing about their childhood together in Pultneyville, New York (1887-1933). These letters were written every year from 1887-1933, from their teenage years through retirement. In these, Arnold discussed her concerns about remaining unmarried, her inability to have children, and her desire to adopt a child.

The Ephemera, Photographs, and Miscellaneous series (55 items) is comprised of 5 items of ephemera concerning Julia Fish Bradley and her relatives; 25 calling cards from friends of Julia Fish Bradley; 9 invitations to parties and balls addressed to J. Clifford Robinson, (1890's); 13 miscellaneous writing fragments; and 3 cartes-de-visite of Selby Fish (c. 1869), Joseph E. Johnston (c.1863), and Nathaniel Lyon (c.1861).


Gideon Bingham letters, 1840-1849

12 items

This collection is made up of 6 letters that Gideon Bingham wrote to his brother Waldo between 1840 and 1847. Bingham described life at Yale College and in Richmond, Virginia; Washington, D.C.; and New Orleans, Louisiana. He discussed his job prospects, Southern customs, work as a traveling bookseller, and political issues (such as the proposed annexation of Texas).

This collection is made up of letters that Gideon Bingham wrote to members of his family between 1840 and 1849. In his letter of March 15, 1840, Bingham told his brother about a domestic altercation that he and a companion had witnessed; he also mentioned his studies, other students' increasing political awareness prior to the 1840 presidential election, and his resolution to oppose all political candidates who supported the right to slavery. From January 1844-May 1847, Bingham wrote from Richmond, Virginia (January 26, 1844, and February 15, 1845); Petersburg, Virginia (February 23, 1845); Washington, D.C. (January 10, 1845); Pittsburgh (November 25, 1845); Natchez, Mississippi (May 31, 1846); New Orleans, Louisiana (May 2, 1847); and Cincinnati, Ohio (September 30, 1849).

He often described the areas he was travelling through and referred to Southern social customs, such as the treatment of African Americans in Richmond and the city's fondness for public military displays. He noted African American musicians playing at a Washington Day parade in Petersburg, Virginia (February 23, 1845). He called New Orleans "a perfect babel of tongues & such a diversity of color & complexion you would look in vain for any where else," and he commented on burial practices in the city (May 31, 1846). His letters also pertain to political issues, such as local opinions regarding the proposed annexation of Texas. He also wrote about a judge who gambled on the 1844 presidential election (February 23, 1845) and matters relating to the United States War with Mexico (May 24, 1847). While living in the South, Bingham worked as a bookseller, often collaborating with "Mr. King." He commented on his business practices, calling on doctors and lawyers, occasionally the titles he was selling, and his observations while travelling. Bingham described a journey from Connecticut to Washington, D.C., and his sightseeing activities in the national capital, particularly with regard to paintings and sculpture. He also described a steam boat accident on the Mississippi River (May 31, 1846). In an undated letter, Bingham discussed his work presiding over a school in Orange County, New York.


Griffin family papers, 1799-1942 (majority within 1835-1868)

47 items

The Griffin family papers contain the letters of a family from Sempronius, New York, and are comprised primarily of correspondence from Lavalette and Reynolds Griffin while serving with the 75th New York Volunteers during the Civil War.

The Griffin family papers contain the letters of the Griffin Family of Sempronius, New York, and are comprised primarily of correspondence from Lavalette and Reynolds Griffin while serving with the 75th New York Volunteers during the Civil War. The collection is composed of 20 letters, 4 miscellaneous compositions, 2 newspaper clippings, and 16 photographs and negatives.

The Correspondence series contains 20 letters, four of which date before the war. The earliest letter is from a group of men, including Daniel Griffin, to their landlord requesting that their credit be extended, because of a bad harvest (1799). The next two are between Adnah H. Griffin and Ephraim, Louisa and Jane Griffin, and concern family issues (1835). Gideon Wales (resident of Pike Pond, [New Hampshire]) wrote a letter to Jennie L. McConnell, in which he discussed many of his relative's struggles with mental illness.

The Civil War letters are from brothers Lavalette and Reynolds Griffin and are primarily addressed to their parents, Adnah H. Griffin and Jane Reynolds Griffin, and their sisters Loretta and Jennie Griffith. The letters were written from several camps in Virginia and Louisiana, and from on board the ship Daniel Webster. The bulk of the letters are in a 103-page letterbook dated October 1861-March 1863. These letters were likely copied by a relative around 1900. Both brothers were competent writers and discussed typical soldier gripes regarding food, pay, bad officers, and the boredom of the army. In a letter from December 30, 1862, Lavalette wrote: "If you want to fix a man so that he does not know anything in this world, nor care a d__m for the next, just put him to soldiering, and keep him shut up in camp for one year."

Seven separate Civil War letters are from Lavalette Griffin, dated April 1862-February 1865, and addressed to his father and sister Loretta ("Rett"). In these, he wrote favorably of the New York Soldiers' Depot, which he found well managed with many amenities for the troops. In an April 1864 letter, he recounted a trip to the capital while stationed at Camp Distribution, Virginia. In the next letter, he spoke highly of General Grant: "One thing is in our favor Since General Grant has assumed command there is not so many shoulder straps lying round Washington and there papers are examined as closely as the meanest private -- There is scarcely a day that there is not some dismissals and there aught to be more[.]" Even after the loss of his brother and his own illnesses, Lavalette found a way to keep his good humor through the war.

The lone post-war letter (1868) is an interesting item from Jennie Griffin to her brother-in-law Silas McConnell, in which she complained about the difference between salaries for male and female teachers in New York.

The Miscellaneous series has 13 items, which include two newspaper clippings; 4 pages of family birth records (1780-1878) from the family Bible; two journals by Mary Jane Wilson, which are entitled Compositions Written by Mary Jane Wilson During the Summer of 1861, A present to her Teacher Jennie Griffin (14 pages), and The Scholar's Casket, A Journal of Councils and Companion for the Young, January 1862, containing amateur essays such as Being Honest, Fault Finding, and Courage; two essays entitled On the Death of Lois Jane Griffin and On the Death of Polly Griffin, Written for her Mother (3 pages); and a receipt for groceries from Syracuse, New York, 1915.

This collection contains 11 photographs and modern prints of 5 negatives of the Griffin family. The original photographs are located in the Clements Library Graphics Division.


James B. Price papers, 1818-1848 (majority within 1818-1830)

39 items

The Price papers consists of 39 letters written by James B. Price and/or his wife, Ellen, to James' sister, Elizabeth Price in Philadelphia. The letters are about personal matters, Price's medical practice, and his impressions of New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Price papers consist of 39 letters written by James B. Price and/or his wife, Ellen, to James' sister, Elizabeth Price in Philadelphia. The earliest letters in the collection focus on James' personal life and suggest a critical interest on his and Elizabeth's part in contemporary literature. These letters contain scattered some information on medical matters, such as mention of the yellow fever epidemic of 1819 and the decision of the Philadelphia Board of Health to evacuate a portion of the population to safer grounds in New Jersey.

Price's letters from New Orleans provide excellent descriptions of the scenery and population of Louisiana. His contempt for New Orleans and mistrust for the "Creole" and "French" populations are vividly expressed. These letters are also of interest in drawing a strong, non-technical portrait of medical care and the effect of disease on the population of the New Orleans area in the 1820s. Ellen's letters focus on family and personal matters.

Among the more noteworthy letters in the collection are one concerning the Hicksite schism (1827 July). Although Price had ceased as a practicing Quaker, his sympathies remained with the Friends. In a letter dated September 28th, 1828, Price discussed his attitudes toward slavery which, if not actually pro-slavery, at least view the institution as largely benevolent, because, he felt, slaves were taken care of and not forced to work as hard as many whites.


Joseph Story papers, 1794-1851

2 linear feet

The Joseph Story papers contain the incoming letters of Joseph Story, a Massachusetts state representative, United States Supreme Court justice, and Harvard Law School professor. The papers deal with a wide range of political and legal issues concerning Massachusetts and the United States in the first half of the 19th century.

The Joseph Story papers (685 items) consist of the incoming letters of Joseph Story, a Massachusetts state representative, United States Supreme Court justice, and Harvard Law School professor. The collection contains 672 letters, 7 financial bills, and five printed items. Included are nine letters written by Story, and four by wife Mary Story. The rest were all addressed to Joseph Story, with the exception of two that were addressed to his daughter Sarah Wetmore Story and 15 written to his son William Wetmore Story. Forty-three items are undated. The papers deal with a wide range of national and state political issues and legal matters.

The collection covers the years 1794-1806, 1819-1825, and 1839-1843, with only a few items representing the remaining years. Included are letters from United States representatives related to congressional news; letters from prominent lawyers, judges, and jurors concerning legal matters and cases; and letters concerning Harvard Law School.

In addition to the letters are three drafts of Story's Supreme Court decisions:
  • October 1833: Antoine F. Picquet v. Charles P. Curtis, administrator of James Swan
  • October 1843: Augustus H. Fiske v. Lyman Hunt
  • October 1843: Bankruptcy case against B____.

The 1794-1806 letters document Story's early days as a Massachusetts lawyer and the beginning of his career as a state representative. Of particular interest are 10 letters from Samuel Sewall, a Massachusetts representative and later Supreme Court chief justice, under whom Story studied law. These mainly deal with Sewall's law office in Salem, Massachusetts, but also contain advice to Story on his reading of the law. Also of note are 14 letters from Jacob Crowninshield, a congress member and later secretary of the navy, concerning legislation affecting Massachusetts, policies regarding the fishing industry, and the presidential election of 1804. Prominent Boston lawyer James Sullivan contributed five letters related to various legal matters of the day.

The 1819-1825 letters document Story's activities as overseer of Harvard University and Supreme Court justice, during which time he split his residency between Salem and Washington D.C. Of special interest are 18 letters from Massachusetts congress member John Davis, in which he discussed international maritime law. Other notable contributors include Simon Greenlead (12 items), who discussed court decisions in Maine; Isaac Parker (6 items), who wrote about legal cases in Boston; Bushrod Washington (4 items), who reported on his legal cases before the Philadelphia circuit court; and Henry Wheaton (10 items), who shared judicial matters about New York. Also of note are letters from 1825 that relate to the need for altering instructional methods at Harvard, and a controversial election of members to the Corporation of Harvard College.

The Story papers contain only 27 items that date from 1826 to 1838. Of these, six are from French jurist Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix containing requests for Story to contribute to his journal Revue du droit français et étranger.

The 1839-1842 letters document the end of Story's career as an active justice, scholar, and law professor. Story received letters from prominent lawyers and judges from Portland, Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Story also received requests for speeches and was given honors from scholarly institutions throughout New England.

Other prominent contributors include:
  • John C. Calhoun (1 item)
  • Henry A.S. Dearborn (9 items)
  • William Fettyplace (7 items)
  • Joseph Hopkinson (5 items)
  • Susan Ledyard (12 items)
  • Francis Lieber (10 items)
  • Jeremiah Mason (10 items)
  • Theron Metcalf (5 items)
  • Richard Peters (15 items)
  • John Pickering (8 items)
  • John Pitman (20 items)
  • William Prescott (5 items)
  • Jared Sparks (5 items)
  • Charles Sumner (8 items)
  • George Ticknor (10 items)
  • Bushrod Washington (4 items)
  • Daniel Webster (3 items)
  • Stephen White (16 items)
  • Nathaniel Williams (15 items)
Items of note include:
  • September 12, 1796: Leonard Woods to Story concerning religion and containing maxims on happiness
  • February 12, 1799: Samuel Sewall to Story concerning advice for reading law
  • January 15, 1800: Samuel Sewall to Story concerning the death of George Washington
  • April 3, 1800: Sewall to Story concerning advice for reading law
  • February 13, 1804: Jacob Crowninshield to Story concerning the Louisiana Purchase
  • February 26, 1804: Jacob Crowninshield to Story concerning the presidential and vice-presidential elections of 1804
  • March 23, 1804: Jacob Crowninshield to Story concerning the sinking of the Ship Philadelphia off the coast of Tripoli and the Barbary conflict
  • November 3, 1804: James Sullivan to Story concerning probate court decisions from 1776-1779
  • January 28, 1806: Jacob Crowninshield to Story concerning Napoleon's victories in Europe
  • April 13, 1819: Henry Wheaton to Story concerning an "Ann Act to protect Banks against embezzlement by their agents, Clerks, or servants, and for other purposes."
  • January 15, 1821: Elizabeth H. Walker to Story concerning arguments against slavery in congress
  • July 9, 1821: Henry Dearborn to Story concerning a military officer's trial before a Boston circuit court
  • August 25, 1821: Theodore Lyman to Story concerning the constitutionality of new laws concerning slaves and abolition in Massachusetts
  • December 10, 1821: Elijah Paine to Story concerning the selection of a president of Dartmouth College
  • June 1, 1822: Benjamin Livingston to Story concerning William Johnson's Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathaniel Greene
  • June 11, 1822: Francis Scott Keys to Story, concerning Ralph Randolph Gurley and the American Colonization Society
  • August 15, 1822: Ralph Randolph Gurley to Story concerning American Colonization Society and the "African cause"
  • February 23, 1823: Sarah Dunlap to Story requesting help with her son will soon disgrace her family by marrying a divorced wife and profligate actress
  • August 22, 1823: William J. Spooner to Story concerning Phi Beta Kappa
  • December 7, 1823: John Mason to Story concerning the national debt and the Monroe Doctrine
  • June 5, 1825: Massachusetts Governor John Davis to Story concerning the Corporation of Harvard College
  • July 7 and October 24, 1825: Justice Smith Thompson to Story providing legal summaries of important cases appearing before Story
  • August 20, 1828: Joseph Hopkinson to Story regarding thoughts on the presidential election between Jackson and Adams and on becoming a federal judge
  • March 18, 1839: Charles Sumner to Story concerning Lord Brougham gifting Sumner his wig
  • August 26, 1839: Charles P. Curtis to Story, proposing the appointment of Edward G. Loring as a master in chancery of the United States Circuit Court.
  • January 7, 1842: H.G.V. Colby to William Wetmore Story concerning Colby's remarks in the case of Sampson vs. Stoddard
  • March 19 and May 13, 1842: Alexander Maxwell & Son of London to Story concerning a bill for books
  • June 7, 1842: Artist Augustin Edouard to Story concerning making a "silhouette likeness" of Story
  • December 31, 1845: Harriet Martineau to Sarah Wetmore Story, concerning Joseph Story's death