Collections : [University of Michigan William L. Clements Library]

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Daniel Morgan collection, 1764-1951 (majority within 1764-1832)

63 items

The Daniel Morgan collection is made up of financial records, legal documents, correspondence, and other items related to General Daniel Morgan and to Willoughby Morgan, his son.

The Daniel Morgan collection is made up of 63 financial records, legal documents, correspondence, and other items related to General Daniel Morgan and to Willoughby Morgan, his son. The majority of the collection consists of accounts, bonds, promissory notes, and other documents pertaining to Daniel Morgan's financial affairs. Accounts and invoices record Morgan's purchases of clothing, wagon-related equipment and services, and other items. Some of the later items do not concern Morgan directly but have his legal endorsement. Also included are two outgoing letters by Morgan, a 9-page legal document about a lawsuit against Morgan, and a deposition that Morgan gave in a different dispute. Other items are a bond regarding Morgan's marriage to Abigail Curry (March 30, 1773) and Morgan's political address to the citizens of Allegheny County about politics and the militia (January 17, 1795). Three of the documents pertain to enslaved and free African Americans (November 6, 1773; June 13, 1789; and March 28, 1799). Later items mostly pertain to the estate of Willoughby Morgan, Daniel Morgan's son. James Graham wrote two letters to unknown recipients in 1847 and 1856 about his efforts to write Daniel Morgan's biography, which he subsequently published.

Printed items include a map of the surrender of Yorktown (undated), a newspaper article from a Winchester, Virginia, paper about the possible disinterment of Daniel Morgan's remains (August 18, 1951), and printed portraits of Daniel Morgan with manuscript and facsimile autographs.


David Baldwin papers, 1754-1870 (majority within 1790-1868)

212 items (0.5 linear feet)

This collection documents the activities of David Baldwin, a prominent Connecticut merchant, free mason, and Revolutionary War militia general, and his heirs, from 1790 to 1870. Included are legal documents relating to land sales, associated correspondence, and a short diary accounting a trip from Milwaukie to Chicago in 1836. Many of the later documents are letters and deeds related to his son, David Van Brooks Baldwin.

The David Baldwin papers contains correspondence, legal documents, financial records, and a diary, with the bulk of the material dating from just after the Revolutionary War through the 1820s.

The Correspondence series (26 items) contains four lengthy letters from Flora Jewett, David Baldwin's newly married daughter, from Galway New York (1807-1811). Topics range from furniture and housekeeping to details the loss of a child (April 14, 1808); consolation to Baldwin, who is seriously ill (February 1811); and business matters (Jan 3, 1812).

The bulk of the correspondence after Baldwin's death are business letters to Baldwin's son, David Van Brooks Baldwin, that deal with the sale of land and collections of debts.

The Document series consists largely of items documenting transfers of land and contracts for merchandizing, buying, selling, and vending. Included are a land deed transfer from Philo Norton to David Baldwin, 1794, and deeds of land purchased in Kentucky (1795) and Virginia in (1796); and a deed of gift for land in Connecticut to his son (1809). This series also contains official signed documents appointing Baldwin to Surveyor of Revenue and Assessors for Newton and Brookfield. Most post-1812 documents are deeds from Connecticut and New York concerning David Van Brooks Baldwin.

The Financial Records series contains items documenting payments of debts to David Baldwin and his descendants. Many of these items are brief (half a page or less) and some have descriptions of the loan.

The Financial Reports series holds records of the transactions of David Van Brooks Baldwin. Also included are receipts for purchased items such as hot air heaters, wood, coal, water, and local taxes.

The Diary series contains a 24-page notebook, that recounts a trip from Milwaukie to Chicago and the points in-between. Written by a descendent of David Baldwin in 1836 (possible David V. Baldwin), the journal mentions the Indians at Prarie-du-Chien:

"out of some 5000 Indians there are left only some 3 or 400, 200 remains lie unburied, the smallpox occasioned the mortality among them- the Indians steam the patient & plunge him into cold water..."

The Miscellaneous series holds a 1855 pay book and a 1856 exchange account book belonging to David Van Brooks Baldwin, a ticket to a Banquet for the Utica Continentals, various notes, and a folder of empty envelopes separated from the Correspondence series.


David Bradish orderly book, 1778-1786

1 volume

This orderly book was kept by Major David Bradish during the Revolutionary War, when he was stationed in Providence, Rhode Island, at the headquarters of General John Sullivan.

Major David Bradish was stationed in Providence, Rhode Island, at the headquarters of General John Sullivan, from August 16, 1778, to April 3, 1779. The orderly book (210 pages) contains general orders, brigade orders, regimental orders, reports of courts-martial, punishments apportioned to soldiers, extracts from acts of congress, and other entries. Of note is the entry from January 15, 1779, which records General Washington's court-marshalling of Major General Lee, Major General St. Clair, and Major General Schuyler. Lee was charged for disobedience of orders in not attacking the enemy, for misbehaving (retreat) in front of the enemy June 28th, [1778], and for disrespect of the Commander-in-Chief, June 28 and July 1, 1778. He was found guilty and relieved of command for 12 months. St. Clair was charged for neglect of duty, treachery, in-attention to progress of the enemy, and for shamefully abandoning Fort Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. He, however, was cleared of these charges, with honor. Schuyler was found not guilty of neglect of duty for not being at Fort Ticonderoga.

After the last orderly book entry, a number of pages are missing, following which are brief notes on loan payments from 1782-1786.


David Greene letterbook, 1777-1785

225 pages

The David Greene letterbook contain copies of the outgoing correspondence of an American loyalist and merchant from his wartime exile in Antigua and postwar residence in Connecticut. The letters record his business affairs, including the West Indies trade of his firm, Rose & Greene, as well as personal reflections on his experiences as a Loyalist exile.

David Greene's letterbook contains copies of Greene's outgoing business correspondence, almost evenly divided between his period as a Loyalist refugee in Antigua (ca.120 letters) and his stay in Norwich, Conn., awaiting permission to return to Boston (ca. 110 letters). The final twenty letters are written from Boston. The bulk of the letterbook consists of letters written by Greene, and are either unsigned, signed by Greene, or in a few cases, signed in the name of the firm, Rose & Greene. Most of the letters in the first half of the letterbook appear to be full text copies of letters sent, with most in the second half consisting only of brief excerpts or paraphrases.

Greene's business affairs form the core concern of the majority of letters in the letterbook. These letters include discussions of the usual round of commercial topics: the shipment of cargo to or from Antigua, East Florida, or Boston, the status of various markets, prices current, and shipping accidents. Greene occasionally records bills of lading, invoices, and insurance requirements, as well. The letters from Antigua (1777-1781) include an interesting account of an accident involving ships captained by John Callahan and William Blake and rumors of the scandalous activities of Richard Leake, a merchant indebted to Greene. In addition to his correspondence with the firm Lane, Son & Fraser, Greene corresponded with William Gardiner Greene, a Boston merchant living in Demerara, William Cowell from Grenada, William Priddie, and William Hubbard, a Loyalist merchant from Boston and old compatriot of Greene's, now conducting his affairs from New London, Conn. Greene's letters from Norwich (1781-1785) continue his correspondence with former partner and father-in-law John Rose as well as with Lane, Son & Fraser. Several letters from this period relate to a dispute over the misplacement of a debt payment to John Smith, Jr.

In Antigua, Greene was personally and financially absorbed with an interest in the course of the Revolutionary War in the West Indies. One of his letters discusses the activities of armed merchantmen capturing American ships and claiming them as prizes (p. 5, 13 February 1777), and several later letters record naval skirmishes between the French and English fleets, beginning in the Fall of 1778 (p. 99, 27 September 1778; p. 101, 21 October 1778; p. 107, 13 January 1779; p. 115, 12 November 1779; and p. 154, 29 June 1781). In a letter dated 29 June 1781 (p. 154), Greene comments on the British command. Several letters offer particular insight into the effect of the War on trade, both in Antigua and Connecticut. Letters dated 6 September 1777 (p. 63), 27 September 1779 (p. 113), and 18 August 1780 (p. 130) reveal the stagnation of commerce in the West Indies, and later letters from Norwich discuss the difficulties in exporting goods from America prior to the signing of a commercial treaty between Britain and America (see esp. p. 215, 30 March 1783; p. 216, 10 May 1783; p. 224, 16 July 1783; and p. 239, 11 December 1783).

Throughout the letterbook, Greene interweaves business matters with personal reflections on his experience as a Loyalist exile in Antigua or, later, as a former exile living in Norwich, not yet permitted to return home to Boston. Such reflections are quite common in the letters written to his friend and colleague, Thomas Fraser, but may be found in letters addressed to other individuals as well. Safely removed in Antigua, but still concerned, Greene often muses about the state of the War, yearning for a stable peace so that the can return home (see p. 106, 13 December 1778; and p. 132, 19 August 1780), worrying about the conditions of Loyalists who chose to remain in America during the War (p. 82, 17 December 1777; and p. 96, 30 July 1778), and, in one letter, offering his opinion of "his countrymen" (p. 112, 11 June 1779). Greene was displeased with the social climate on Antigua where, he felt, "every man seems to live... with a View to some other Place to which he hopes to remove at some future Period." (p. 125, 15 June 1780).

Once in Norwich, Greene quickly became frustrated at not being allowed immediately back into Boston and with the steps required to gain permission (p. 234, 20 October 1783; p. 241, 19 February 1784; and p. 243, 17 April 1784). Prior to the signing of the Peace of Paris, Greene notes that he felt restrained from speaking freely (p. 171, 12 February 1782), and thereafter, he carefully tracks the evolution of public sentiment with regard to Loyalist exiles (see esp. p. 234, 20 October 1783; p. 236, 5 November 1783; and p. 237, 22 November 1783).

Greene's letters to Thomas Fraser in particular demonstrate Greene's clever wit and a sensitivity to those to whom he is close (see esp. p. 214, 30 March 1783; and p. 216, 10 May 1783). Also of interest are two letters that refer to the treatment of and attitudes toward slaves shipped to the United States from the West Indies (p. 257, 30 October 1784; and p. 263, 7 January 1784).


David Hartley papers, 1783-1785

5 volumes

The David Hartley papers primarily contain contemporary copies of Hartley's incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris and various aspects of the United States-Great Britain trade relationship.

The David Hartley papers contain approximately 200 letters and documents bound into 5 volumes and spanning April 10, 1783-January 25, 1785. The materials are primarily contemporary copies of Hartley's incoming and outgoing correspondence related to various aspects of the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris, including international commerce, territory disputes, and the rights of American Loyalists. Nearly half of the correspondence is to or from Charles James Fox, who served as British secretary of state for foreign affairs from April to December 1783. Other frequent correspondents include Fox's successor, Lord Carmarthen, as well as Benjamin Franklin.

The collection opens with instructions from King George III for Hartley to go to Paris tp begin negotiations with the American plenipotentiaries and to conclude "a definitive Treaty of Peace" (Volume 1: pp. 1-2). Many of the earliest letters, primarily between Hartley and Fox, concern issues with wording and provide suggestions of potential revisions to several articles of the treaty. In one letter, Hartley proposed possible changes to Article I about the acknowledgement of the sovereignty of the United States and the relinquishment of British claims (Volume 1: p. 24). Fox responded with hope "that the 1st article was meant in a less extensive sense than the words of it seem to convey" (Volume 1: p. 55). Other letters focus particularly on Article V (Volume 1: p. 9) and mention proposals relating to Articles II through VII (Volume 2: pp. 54-56).

Additional letters in the collection refer more generally to the issues at stake in the negotiations. Of particular interest are the many discussions of international commerce and the policies regulating trade between North America, Europe, and the West Indies.

These include:
  • Fox's commentary on the importance of British exports to America: "the admission of our Manufactures into America is an object of great importance & equally productive of advantage to both Countries while on the other hand the Introduction of American Manufactures into Great Britain can be of no Service to either, & may be productive of innumerable frauds…" (Volume 1: pp. 3-6)
  • Fox's discussion of policies concerning American ships in British ports (Volume 1: pp. 45-47)
  • Hartley's comments on the strong American desire for trade with the British and the viability of the alliance between the Americans and French (Volume 1: 80-84)
  • Discussion of trade between North America and the West Indies by Hartley (Volume 2: p. 9)

The American perspective on commerce is also represented in the collection, in letters to Hartley by Benjamin Franklin, American plenipotentiary and Hartley's longtime friend. In a brief reflection entitled "Thoughts concerning the Sugar Colonies," Franklin stressed the burdensome expense of defending sugar-producing areas in the western hemisphere and recommended that "the Nations now possessing Sugar Colonies…give up their Claim to them, let them govern themselves and put them under the Protection of all the Powers of Europe as neutral Countries open to the Commerce of all" (Volume 2: pp. 63-64). In two other writings, Franklin argued against privateering, claiming that it damaged the countries that authorized it, and urging the British to ban the practice voluntarily (Volume 2: pp. 57-58; Volume 2: 61-62). Also included is an unattributed "Proposed Temporary Convention of Commerce" for September 1783 (Volume 4: pp. 32-33).

Letters in the collection also address questions of territory and of the status and entitlements of American Loyalists. In a particularly revealing letter to Fox, Hartley claimed of the Americans, "Canada has always been in their thoughts. I can shew you letters from Dr Franklin to me upon this subject before the French Treaty…." Hartley went on to state that the Americans "would give any thing" to acquire Canada and "make their own situation complete" (Volume 1: pp. 95-96). Several additional letters pertain to the grievances of those who suffered losses during the war on both sides of the conflict. These include a copy of a letter by Thomas Walker of Philadelphia, expressing indignation at the difficulty of reclaiming slaves taken by the British (Volume 2: pp. 75-76), as well as a letter from Franklin to Richard Oswald, advising against his requests for reparations to the American Loyalists. Franklin noted that British insistence upon redress would "recall to View" scenes that "must inflame instead of conciliating and tend to perpetuate an Enmity" (Volume 3: pp. 44-45).

Other letters and documents in the collection provide details concerning the progress of the treaty negotiations and the ratification process. These include an exchange of the ratifications of provisional articles (Volume 3: pp. 67-68), Hartley and Fox's agreement that no negotiation of any points between the British and Americans "should be conducted under the eye of a French Minister" (Volume 3: 69-72), and several letters concerning the place of the treaty signing. One of these Hartley wrote to Franklin, informing him that the signing would take place at the Hotel d'York and expressing hope that it would not be an "inconvenience" for him (Volume 3: p. 82). An additional item is a notification that the signed treaty had arrived in Paris from across the Atlantic, after delays caused by the severe winter in North America (Volume 4: p. 78).

Hartley wrote many of the later letters in the collection to Fox's successor, Francis Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds, who was styled "Lord Carmarthen" until 1789. Copies of some of Carmarthen's outgoing letters to Hartley are also present. A significant part of the correspondence relates to Hartley's return to England, requested by Carmarthen in August 1784 (Volume 5: p. 15), to which Hartley initially objected (Volume 5: p. 16-18). Of particular interest is a lengthy report by Hartley urging the British government to form a trade alliance with the United States and cautioning them against driving the Americans into a commercial pact with France. In this document, he also noted America's vast potential for wealth and the magnitude of the western territories (Volume 5: pp. 31-61). Along with the report, he enclosed a copy of a map by Thomas Jefferson showing Jefferson's preliminary thinking about the division of the newly acquired western lands.


David McKinney papers, 1776-1921 (majority within 1863-1865)

82 items

The David McKinney papers consist primarily of letters written by McKinney while serving as a quartermaster during the Civil War and include detailed descriptions of his work.

The bulk of the McKinney papers, 57 items, consists of letters written by David McKinney to his sister, Jeanette, and other siblings between June 25, 1863, and December 9, 1865, covering most of the period of his military service. As quartermaster, McKinney had little combat experience, though his descriptions of conditions during the siege of Vicksburg (13) and the battles of Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill (30) are detailed and colorful. He comments frequently and forthrightly about generals, generalship, and Copperheads and often alludes to the French presence in Mexico. McKinney's letters are perhaps most noteworthy for the interesting and unusual glimpse they offer into the workings of the Quartermaster's Department. Particularly in his letters from Mouth of White River (47-63), McKinney provides detailed discussions of his responsibilities and his brushes with the ubiquitous profiteers. In a later letter (66), he describes his personal role in the reconstruction of the South -- the hiring of a former Rebel colonel as a teamster.

The remainder of the collection, 24 items, consists of miscellaneous materials relating to various members of McKinney's family. Among these items are two Revolutionary-War-era letters (1, 2), a will from 1796 (3), and a series of five letters of recommendation written for David McKinney by his professors at Jefferson College (5). In the post-war period, three items relating to Abraham Smith McKinney's involvement with the Ingleside Plantation are noteworthy (70-72), as are three short letters written by David McKinney just prior to his death (78). Genealogical charts and material regarding the provenance of the papers are located in the last folder of the collection (82).

The most important of these family letters is one written in December, 1859, that includes a discussion of the role of Chambersburg, Pa., as headquarters for John Brown's forces prior to the raid on Harper's Ferry, and an account of the fate of some of the insurrectionists (11).


David Ross papers, 1771-1803

70 items

The David Ross papers contain financial documents and correspondence regarding the estate of Pennsylvania merchant Mark Freeman and the Revolutionary War-era tobacco business of Virginia planter David Ross, who handled Freeman's financial affairs after Freeman's departure for Europe in 1779.

The David Ross papers contain financial documents and correspondence regarding the estate of Pennsylvania merchant Mark Freeman and the Revolutionary War-era tobacco business of Virginia planter David Ross, who handled Freeman's financial affairs after the latter's departure for Europe in 1779.

Most early items are financial documents, such as accounts related to Mark Freeman's estate. These pertain to Freeman's purchases in the 1770s and to debts owed after his death. Also included is a power of attorney granting Mark Freeman, William Temple, and Robert Wilson, all of Middletown, Pennsylvania, the right to represent the estate of James Forbes, also of Middletown (May 4, 1776). Other financial records concern the firm Forbes & Patton's purchases of snuff, rolling paper, tobacco, and other goods.

Later items primarily pertain to David Ross, who took over Freeman's affairs in 1779. The collection contains a copy of an indenture allowing Ross to become Freeman's attorney (August 2, 1779) and records regarding Freeman's finances. These documents reflect the difficulties of conducting trade during the American Revolution. Ross traded indigo, tobacco, and other products throughout the war, often in the Caribbean, and repeatedly mentioned the complications presented by the war. In one item, Ross discussed the possible future of Kentucky (January 29, 1781).


Dering family papers, 1755-1896

0.5 linear feet

The Dering Family papers contain correspondence received by Thomas Dering, a New York State congressman, and other members of the Dering family. Several letters are from Nathaniel Ray Thomas (d. 1791), a Loyalist from Massachusetts, and his wife, Sarah Dering Thomas; these concern both personal and business matters. Also included are letters from Republican Congressman and Sag Harbor resident Ebenezer Sage.

The Dering Family papers contain 133 correspondence received by Thomas Dering and other members of the Dering family, as well as 1 book, 1 newspaper clipping, and 1 photograph. 20 letters are from Nathaniel Ray Thomas (d. 1791), a Loyalist from Marshfield, Massachusetts, to Thomas Dering at Boston. 16 of these are dated 1755, and discuss business dealings and family affairs. Thomas's wife, Sarah Dering Thomas, wrote approximately 10 letters to Thomas and 15 to her nephew Sylvester between 1755 and 1800. These concern family life, hardships suffered from maintaining loyalist sentiments during the American Revolution, her ongoing health issues, and difficulties encountered in Nova Scotia after the war. In a letter dated April 16, 1800, to Sylvester, she commented on British and French interference of U.S. shipping and trade.

The collection contains 50 letters from Ebenezer Sage to his friend Henry Dering in the period 1806-1815, from Sage’s time in Washington, DC. Sage described his experiences in Congress: committee meetings, legislative updates, foreign affairs, and the social scene in Washington, DC. In particular, he discussed the debate on the national bank, the war hawks in Congress, efforts to have gun boats defend Sag Harbor, reports of enemy fleets off the Potomac, and news of the American victory at New Orleans in 1815. One letter by Ebenezer Sage gives an account of a reception for First Lady Dolley Madison (February 21, 1810). Additional letters are from Sage's daughter, Frances Mary Sage, to her friend Frances Dering. The letters convey a strong friendship between the women and their desire to spend time together. A letter from November 28, 1813, contains a drawing of a bouquet by Frances Sage.

The Thomas and Dering families were friends with the influential Nova Scotia residents, John and Frances Wentworth. Several letters reference their visits in Nova Scotia, and a letter from Sarah Dering Thomas to Elizabeth Gardiner mentions Sir John Wentworth being appointed governor of Nova Scotia (1792). In one letter to Thomas Dering, dated January 6, 1784, Lady Frances Wentworth (in New York City), enclosed a newspaper announcement for her wedding in 1769. In this letter, she wrote about the difficulty of finding a ship to take her away from New York City during the British occupation. The Dering Family Papers also include a postcard of John Singleton Copley's portrait of Frances Wentworth from the Lenox Collection of the New York Public Library (enclosed in Wentworth’s 1784 letter).

This collection contains A Sketch of Dr. John Smith Sage of Sag Harbor, N.Y., a book by Anna Mulford, published in 1897 in Sag-Harbor by J.H. Hunt. The book includes a biographical account of John Sage, and mentions members of the Dering family. It also contains “some interesting letters of his father, Dr. Ebenezer Sage, written in the early part of the century, and other matters relating to Sag-Harbor.”


Dudley Woodbridge papers, 1773-1789 (majority within 1778-1789)

28 items

The Dudley Woodbridge papers contain incoming correspondence related to the Connecticut merchant's business affairs in the late 18th century.

The Dudley Woodbridge papers contain incoming correspondence related to the Connecticut merchant's business affairs in the late 18th century. Though the collection contains two items written by Dudley and Samuel Woodbridge, the majority of the material originated from the brothers' business partners, and reflects the many financial aspects of their business. Many of the letters refer to bills owed by or to the firm and to the transfer of money and one early letter provides a list of prices for various foodstuffs, including sugar, chocolate, and brandy, and notes that prices for "all the above Articles are rising" (December 12, 1778). Rum is mentioned most frequently, though sugar and flaxseed also recur often. Dudley undertook a voyage to the West Indies in the summer of 1788, during which time he continued to receive business-related letters. One writer nominated his son for a trial job with Woodbridge's firm (September 19, 1788). The correspondence from a network of traders throughout New England and New York reflects trade during and just after the Revolutionary War.


Dutilh & Wachsmuth collection, 1769-1833 (majority within 1781-1810)

0.75 linear feet

The Dutilh & Wachsmuth collection is made up of business correspondence, financial records, and documents related to the Philadelphia merchant company in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Many items concern George Louis Stockar, a Swiss merchant living in La Rochelle, France.

The Dutilh & Wachsmuth collection is made up of approximately 160 letters and documents, 250 financial records, and 12 printed items related to the Philadelphia merchant company in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Many items concern George Louis Stockar, a Swiss merchant living in La Rochelle, France.

The Correspondence and documents series contains approximately 160 items, including the incoming business correspondence of Dutilh & Wachsmuth. The firm frequently dealt with food and lumber, and traded with merchants in French port cities, such as Bordeaux and Marseille, and in Philadelphia. Correspondents occasionally reported on the wheat trade and sometimes commented on political events in France and Haiti. Within a group of 14 items related to Captain Jean Christopher Sicard is a chart concerning a shipment of cargo between Marseille and New York, transported by Captain Sicard and signed on May 28, 1793. A group of approximately 10 items dating from 1781 to 1785 relate to George Louis Stockar, and include papers about his establishment of a business in La Rochelle, France. One letter, dated May 27, 1790, is written in German by M. Lang to John Godfried Wachsmuth, detailing a trip from Philadelphia to Fort Pitt. Lang notes the death of a pet dog, being injured by a captive bear, conflict with German settlers, and being persuaded by a wealthy family travelling with slaves to serve as their guide and protector against Native American attacks as they descended to Kentucky.

The Financial papers consist of approximately 250 items, such as account books, loose accounts, receipts, and other types of financial records, mostly related to the Dutilh & Wachsmuth firm's financial affairs. Some of the accounts pertain to John Dutilh's personal finances.

Among the collection's 12 Printed Items are a declaration by King Louis XVI, issued on June 20, 1784, to the citizens of the Canton of Schaffhausen, and a public letter to the citizens of the Pays-Bas region (May 26, 1795).