Collections : [University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library]

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26.3 linear feet — 691 GB

Established as a separate unit of the university in 1946, the University of Michigan Museum of Art serves as a research and teaching facility for the university and surrounding communities. The record group documents the museum's exhibitions and installations of the permanent collection and complementary interpretive programming. Records include exhibition files; executive committee minutes and director's correspondence; photographs; publicity files; and material related to the Museum Practice Program.

The records of the University of Michigan Museum of Art document its exhibition program, administration and its educational function through the Museum Practice Program. The UMMA record group has been arranged into seven series: Exhibition Files, Executive Files, Photographs, Publicity, Museum Practice Program, Historical Background, and Docents. The records include correspondence, committee minutes, publicity material and photographs. Exhibit catalogs and other publications are described separately in the Museum of Art Publications finding aid.

Top 3 results in this collection — view all 5

Photographs, 1913-1998

Photographs (1913-1998; 0.3 linear ft.) document the museum's facilities, both exterior and interior; its staff; and a small number of events throughout its history. Portraits of docents can be found within the Docent series, as well as additional photographs of staff members in the early 1990s. If exhibition installations are identified they are within the Exhibition Files series. Otherwise they are included within this series, under 'Galleries,' which also contains installation shots of the permanent collection galleries. The series includes various media: black and white and color prints, 35mm slides, 35mm negatives and glass plate negatives.

The 1913 images of the galleries in Alumni Memorial Hall depict the Mum Show held in November of that year where pieces of the university's collection of sculpture were displayed in the building's apse with flowers. The photographs were taken by George R. Swain, university photographer from 1913 to 1947, and are identified in more detail by Swain in an index of his work. The six images are on glass plate negatives (one of which is cracked) but there are prints of two and all but one has been scanned.

54 linear feet

Records of University of Michigan office (and its predecessor administrative offices) responsible for external fund raising and development activities, including subject files of development officials Arthur Brandon, Lyle Nelson, and Michael Radock; staff files; and photographs.

The records of the Vice President for Development date from 1948 to the present and measure 39.5 linear feet. They reflect the basic concerns of the office for these four decades: preserving and improving the university's public image and planning major fundraising efforts. Unfortunately, both activities are incompletely documented. In the area of public relations the records tend to discuss how immediate problems will be dealt with, rather than overall conceptions of the university's image. The thought behind the innovative fundraising devices created or employed by the office is sometimes recorded through consultant reports, but in general is not well documented.

The manuscript records have been divided into two subgroups, one representing the records of the vice president (or senior staff person, for those years in which there was no vice presidency), the other containing records created by the development office. The Vice Presidents subgroup has been divided by the name of each person who has held the office: Arthur Brandon, Lyle Nelson, and Michael Radock. Researchers should note that since Nelson and Radock used their predecessor's files for some time before inaugurating their own records, the relationship between office tenure and file dates is not an exact one. The Development Office subgroup contains records of that office and its subsidiary units. Several accessions of Development Office records received in 1989 and 1990 have been grouped together as Development Office subgroup: 1989-1990 accessions.

19 linear feet

Records of various officers of the Michigan Conference of the National Organization for Women collected by one-time state presidents Margot Duley-Morrow and Alicia Perez-Banuet. Presidential files of Duley-Morrow, Nan Frost-Welmers, Shirley Monson, Lynn Hierholzer, Gloria Woods, and Alicia Perez-Banuet; files of state chapter developer Rhonda Drinan, and Macomb County chapter president Doris Little; contain correspondence, newsletters, clippings, mass mailings, agendas and minutes, photographs, and other materials concerning the formal and personal aspects of this feminist organization. Topics covered include the Equal Rights Amendment, the Project for Equal Education Rights, Women's Assembly III, and other issues pertaining to women's rights.

The Michigan NOW record group includes administrative records, files of individual presidents, newsletters from local chapters, records of the Michigan NOW PAC (Political Action Committee), and topical files of subjects of interests to the Michigan Conference such as the ERA, educational equity, and abortion rights.

The organization of the collection is rather artificial, both because the documents were in extremely poor order upon their accession and because there is only the broadest unity to the collection's components. The records have been grouped under the name of the individual most responsible either for their creation or for their accumulation and preservation. There were two individuals primarily responsible for these records coming to the Bentley Library. They were Margot Duley-Morrow (two-term president, 1981-1983) who donated records in 1984 and Alicia Perez-Banuet (president, 1997-1998) who donated materials in three major accessions.

52 linear feet (in 83 boxes)

William Albright--organist, composer, and University of Michigan faculty member--was born in Indiana in 1944 and died in 1998. Albright earned three music composition degrees from the University of Michigan before becoming a member of the composition faculty at the U. of M. School of Music. Albright is probably best known for his piano and organ performance. He helped to bring about a revival of ragtime, and sought inclusion of ragtime and other types of popular music in many of his compositions. He composed for many single instruments--especially the organ--and ensembles, and for orchestra. He also composed hymns, and was the music director for the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He studied composition with Ross Lee Finney, George Rochberg, and Olivier Messiaen, among others, at Michigan and at summer workshops, and organ with Marilyn Mason. The collection includes biographical materials, correspondence, programs, professional files, University of Michigan School of Music files, and scores and recordings of William Albright works (including notes, sketches, and manuscripts) and works by his friends, students, and teachers.

The William Hugh Albright Papers consist of 77 boxes of musical scores, recordings, and textual documents such as correspondence and lecture notes. Albright's extensive collection of scores and recordings by his friends, students, and mentors is also included. His own works are represented by recordings, original handwritten scores and published versions, and by penciled notes and sketches. The William Hugh Albright Papers are divided into ten series: Photographs, Biographical Materials, Correspondence, Programs, Professional Files, School of Music, The Magic City, Scores, Recordings, and Videocassettes.

5 linear feet — 1.3 TB (online)

Enid H. Galler, owner and founder of Voice Treasures, conducted and recorded oral histories of local Ann Arbor persons, primarily faculty members of the University of Michigan. This collection contains audiocassettes and digital materials of recordings, including interviews and talks, done by Galler as well as supplemental materials including transcripts.

The Galler papers date from 1987 through 2007. They are arranged by project and/ or school. Within each series, materials are arranged alphabetically by name of the interviewee. Materials for interviewees may include Interviews, Transcripts, and/or Supplemental materials. Interviews are the audio recordings of the interviews themselves, and may consist of several audiocassettes or digital materials. Transcript folders include typed transcripts of interviews and may also include an index of subjects discussed during the interview. Supplemental materials folders may contain correspondence, notes, interview questions, newspaper clippings, pictures, and other miscellaneous materials related to the interview.

1 result in this collection

104 linear feet — 5 oversize volumes — 1.36 GB (online)

Republican congressman form Michigan's Eighth District, 1952-1960, candidate for U.S. Senate, 1960; member U.S. Foreign Service, 1942-1950, delegate to 1962 state constitutional convention; University of Michigan regent and philanthropist. Papers include diaries, correspondence photographs and other material his political career and other varied interests.

The Alvin M. Bentley collection includes correspondence, speeches, subject files, and other materials relating to his political career and public service activities. Included are his files while serving as a member of Congress and as a delegate to Michigan's Constitutional Convention in 1961-1962, his campaign files from his race for the U.S. Senate in 1960 and his bid to be elected Congressman-at-large in 1962. Other series in the collection relate to his interest in issues of education, particularly higher education, as reflected in his service on the Citizen's Committee on Higher Education, his campaign for the State Board of Education and his tenure as a member of the University of Michigan Board of Regents. Of value in documenting the various phases of Bentley's career are series of diaries and journals, scrapbooks and clipping files, and photographs.

1 result in this collection

2500 films and videotapes (approximate)

The television production studio and media services unit of the University of Michigan, commonly referred to as "Michigan Media." It was formed in 1978 through the merger of the university Television Center and the university Audio-Visual Education Center. The Television Center began producing educational programs for broadcast on commercial and public stations in 1950. The Audio-Visual Education Center produced films for the university and operated a film distribution library. The Media Resources Center closed in 1986. The collection consists of documentary type film and video and film and video of television programs produced by the Media Resources Center and its predecessors.

The University of Michigan Media Resources Center Films and Videotapes collection consists of "archives" film footage produced or collected by the Center and television programs and films produced by the Center. The "archives" films are divide into three series; Archives Film (Series AF), Film File (Series AF) and Audio-Visual Education Center Film File Series AVEC Film File. The television programs are organized based on the

Archives Films

The "archival films": consist of documentary style, 16mm film footage of a variety of University of Michigan events, buildings, and personalities. The series originated in 1959 when the Television Center began a project to create a "university film archives." Some of this footage was shot for the purpose of being incorporated into television programs, but much of the filming was done simply to create a film record of the university. Filming was done on a regular basis through about 1972. After that date the Michigan Media collection includes comparatively few "archival" films.

The subject matter of the archival films falls into several broad categories:

  1. Series AF -- Archives Films and Series FF -- Film File
    • Ceremonial - including footage of awards ceremonies, inaugurations, graduations, building groundbreakings and dedications
    • Campus scenes - buildings and construction sites, students on the Diag, and general activity on campus
    • Athletic events and marching band performances
    • Student activities -- including protests, fraternity/sorority activities, homecoming, course registration, and social events.
    • Faculty and administrator interviews
    • Visiting dignitaries and participants in special programs and conferences on campus.
    • Films collected by the Television Center - these include several films from the 1920s and 1930s
  2. Series AVEC Film File
    • Original footage shot for use in Audio-Visual Education Center films

Films in the three archival series range from a few minutes to more than an hour in length. The films may be negatives, original positives, or work prints. Some are identified as "trims," i.e. original footage edited out of finished productions. The work prints have often been cut and spliced and portions may be missing. Several titles were originally recorded on either two- or one-videotape reels or directly on 3/4-inch videotape cassette.

The early films, ca 1953-ca.1963, are generally black and white. After 1963 color film is more common. Many of the films, especially, from the early years, are silent. For some of these there are accompanying 16mm magnetic sound tracks or 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audio tapes.

The film description part of the finding aid is arranged by series film number or titles. Film numbers were assigned by the Television Center in an approximate chronological order. The description of individual films is based on a card File created by the Television Center and on a viewing of each film by Bentley staff.

The descriptive record for each film includes the film number; title; date; a brief summary of the content of the film; a listing of significant persons appearing in the film; and technical information on the color, sound, polarity, and length of the film.

The films are stored in canisters, usually on a core rather than a reel. A film number generally refers to an individual film title. There is sometimes more than one film number in a canister and occasionally more than one film number on a single reel or core. Alternate versions of a title are indicated by a lower case letter.

The Television Center gave the films titles which are more or less descriptive. These titles have been retained except for a few instances in which a more descriptive title was assigned or in which a uniform title was created for all parts of a multi-reel film. The individual reels of multi-part titles are designated by a lower case letter, e.g. 98a, 98b, 98c. For some titles the may be more than one film, possibly a negative, positive, work print, or other version. A few tittles have been digitized and are available on DVD and streaming files.

The listing for each film or program in includes a Title, date of production, and abstract/summary of the content of the film and ,when available, the names of persons or organizations featured in the film. University of Michigan faculty and staff are identified by departmental or administrative affiliation (e.g. Peter Gosling, UM-Geog. A list of abbreviations used is included in the Additional Descriptive Data Section of this finding aid.) Technical information for the films is provided in the format: Original: 16mm film, pos, b/w, sil, 343, 00:09:35. The order of the information is:

  1. Format -- film / videotape / magnetic sound track
  2. Polarity -- neg (negative) /. Pos (positive) / wp (work print)
  3. Color -- b/w or color
  4. Sound -- silent / sound / sof (sound on film)/ at (accompanying 1/4-inch audiotape)
  5. Length -- expressed in feet (footage value is sometimes an estimate)
  6. Running time -- in the form 01:33:25 (hours:minutes:seconds)
  7. (in cases where there are several versions of a title, there may be multiple values for each category)

Television Programs and AVEC Films

The Television Programs consist of 16mm kinescope films and two-inch and 1-inch videotapes of programs produced by the Center for distribution to commercial and educational television stations. The collection represents only a portion of the television programs produced by the Center. There were no extant copies of some programs when the library acquired the collection.

The films and videotapes in the Michigan Media collection were appraised and only a portion have been selected for permanent retention by the Bentley Historical Library. A number of appraisal criteria were used in determining which television programs and films were retained:

  1. subject matter relating to the University of Michigan;
  2. subject matter relating to the state of Michigan;
  3. subject matter of general, national interest;
  4. participation of prominent UM faculty or staff;
  5. participation of prominent Michigan personalities;
  6. participation of persons of national or international significance;
  7. programs marking significant technical or artistic developments at Michigan Media;
  8. award winning programs.

The television programs are organized by series created by the Center. The series for the most part reflect different type of programming the Center produced, from the earliest "telecourses" to the independent programs produced under the title "Understanding Our World". to the multi-part programs that were the core of the "University of Michigan Television Hour. See the History section for details on the different series.

The description for individual programs includes the title and date of the program, a unique id number, and an abstract of the content of the program with listing of the host and guests on the program. A program may exist in one or more formats: kinescope negative, kinescope positive and 1-inch or 2-inch videotape. Technical information for each program is recorded in the format16mm kinescope film, neg. #511, Pos. #665, 2-inch video #458. (the negative number was treated as a production and for some programs recorded originally on videotape a negative was not actually produced). The television programs were generally either twelve, fifteen or thirty minutes in length Most are black and white and all have sound.

In 2009 a selection of television programs and films and tapes were digitized. for each tape or film selected a preservation Beta SP tape was made as well as a DVD use copy and a streaming file (mpeg4 and Flash). For some films a high resolution digital copy was made as well (mpeg2). The finding aid lists the original format(s) and the derivative formats for the digitized items.

Top 3 results in this collection — view all 4

Alumni Association Film, 1920s-1930s

(The following films were produced or collected by or for the University of Michigan Alumni Association during the 1920s and 1930s. They document a variety of university events, buildings, and personalities. The films have been cut up and spliced. They are mostly b/w but there are sections of color film. Some of this footage was used in the films "We Came to Ann Arbor" and "Women Students at the University of Michigan in the 1930s." Nine small films were compiled onto two reels and transferred to Beta SP tape by Allied Films, in 1997. The digital files made from the Beta tapes by SceneSavers, 2009) Listed below are the two compiled reels, followed by descriptions of the original small reels.)

45 linear feet — 18.3 MB (online)

University of Michigan student newspaper. Records include biographical information about University of Michigan faculty, staff, and administrators, including news clippings, news releases, and curriculum vitae; and negatives and contact prints of images of University buildings, student and staff activities, athletic events, and life in Ann Arbor, Michigan; and portraits of faculty, staff, and administrators.

This record group consists primarily of visual materials created by the photographic staff of The Michigan Daily. The photographs cover the full spectrum of activities on campus -- classroom scenes, staff and faculty portraits, academic ceremonies, student protests, athletics, student life, speakers and musical performers, as well as some Ann Arbor scenes and events and occasional events of state and national significance. To date, no administrative records have been donated to the Bentley Historical Library. The records were received in several accessions. The organization of the records in part reflects these multiple accessions with several distinct runs of negatives and prints (though there may be some overlap in years.

1000 linear feet (at Bentley Historical Library; approximate) — 700 linear feet (at Michigan State Archives; approximate)

Republican governor of Michigan, 1969-1982. Papers include governor's office correspondence, administrative and subject files, staff files, materials relating to his campaigns for governor and Republican Party affairs, and a limited amount of photographs and sound recordings.

The William G. Milliken Papers is the most important source available for the study of Michigan's state government from 1969-1982. The collection currently measures 1478 linear feet and includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, agenda and minutes, briefing books, press releases and public statements, legal briefs and decisions, legislative bills and bill analyses, clippings, and printed works that pertain to Milliken's years as governor. Half of the papers arrived at the Bentley Historical Library in December 1982, from State Record Center retirement. Another portion came directly from the Capitol Complex at the end of Milliken's term. Several hundred feet arrived in 1983 from the governor's Traverse City office. Smaller accessions related to politics and political appointments were received in the late 1980s.

Materials in the collection concern the official conduct of state government including the governor's role in legislative activity; the interface of state-federal jurisdictions; and the administration of the executive office, departments, commissions, and regional offices. The papers provide a rich resource for the study of executive response to concerns such as economic development, hazardous wastes, civil rights and affirmative action, labor, energy, minority populations, education, urban development, sex discrimination, and regional issues. As the governor remained active in the Republican party and sought election three times, the collection also includes materials on political matters. Files created by Milliken while Lieutenant Governor appear as well.

225 linear feet (in 227 boxes) — 1 oversize folder — 7 oversize items — 260 GB

Granholm was the Democratic governor of Michigan from 2003 to 2010. Records are primarily arranged by office of origin and staff member and document Granholm's service as governor. The series in the collection are: Transition 2002, Legal Division, Policy Division, Executive Office, Communications Division, Economic Recovery Office, Northern Michigan Office, Other Executive Divisions, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Office of the First Gentleman, Archived Websites, and Memorabilia. The collection includes paper, digital materials, and audio-visual materials. Extensively documented topics include economic diversification, renewable energy, environmental issues, education, Michigan's response to the 2008 financial crisis, the Governor's Hearing on the Removal of Kwame Kilpatrick from the office of Mayor of Detroit, and Michigan soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Jennifer Granholm papers document the activities, policies, and accomplishments of the executive branch of Michigan's state government from 2003 to 2010. The collection consists of twelve series and is primarily arranged according to office of origin. The series are: Transition 2002, Legal Division, Policy Division, Executive Office, Communications Division, Economic Recovery Office, Northern Michigan Office, Other Executive Divisions, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Office of the First Gentleman, Archived Websites, and Memorabilia. While the collection documents the full range of Governor Granholm's activities, it is especially strong in documenting the governor's efforts in the areas of economic diversification, renewable energy, education, and Michigan's response to the 2008 financial crisis. Also of note are the documents pertaining to the Governor's Hearing on the Removal of Kwame Kilpatrick from the office of Mayor of Detroit, the Legal Division files on the state's interactions with Michigan's Native American tribes, the administration's work on behalf of the University of Michigan in the Gratz and Grutter affirmative action lawsuits, the administration's response to Proposal 2, and dossiers kept on each Michigan soldier killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan.