Collections : [University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library]

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Charles A. Sink Papers, 1900-1996

21 linear feet — 1 oversize folder — 2.22 GB

Republican member of the state house and the state senate; president of the University Musical Society. Legislative and campaign files, 1919-1935, detailing his election campaigns, his activities within the legislature, and his various responsibilities as a member of the Republican State Central Committee; general correspondence files, 1922-1960, largely pertaining to his work with the University Musical Society and other civic activities; topical files; family history and memoirs; diaries and appointment books; papers of wife Alva Gordon Sink; and visual materials.

Department of History (University of Michigan) student papers, 1930-1987

7 linear feet (263 papers)

Student papers, 1930-1987 prepared for classes in history at the University of Michigan (primarily Michigan history class taught by Lewis G. VanderVelde, but also including research papers for classes taught by Sidney Fine and others); topics concern Michigan social and political history; Michigan biography and bibliography; and local community history.

The student papers are organized alphabetically by author in two series, which are similar in date range and topics covered. Topics of papers concern Michigan social and political history; Michigan biography and bibliography; local community history and University of Michigan history. A topical index to the papers is available in the first box of the collection.


Emil Lorch Papers, 1891-2004 (majority within 1891-1963)

18 linear feet — 14 oversize folders

Professor of architecture at the University of Michigan; includes correspondence, professional organizational activities files, documentation, photographs, and architectural drawings accumulated during his work with the Michigan Historic Buildings Survey

The Emil Lorch papers are valuable for their documentation of the career of this important architectural educator and for that material about Michigan architecture and historic structures that Lorch accumulated in the course of his professional study and organizational involvement. The collection includes extensive correspondence with many of the country's leading architects, most notably members of the "Chicago School," and architectural educators, and manuscript and photographic documentation resulting from Lorch's involvement with the Michigan Historic Buildings Survey and various restoration projects, including Mackinac Island.


G. Mennen Williams papers, 1883-1988 (majority within 1958-1980)

843 linear feet — 42 oversize volumes — 147 audiotapes (3 3/4 - 7 1/2 ips; 5-10 inches; reel-to-reel tapes) — 46 audiocassettes — 30 phonograph records — 42.1 GB (online)

Governor of Michigan 1949 to 1960, under-secretary of state for African Affairs from 1961 to 1965, and Michigan Supreme Court justice from 1970 to 1986 and leader in state and national Democratic Party. Papers document his public career and aspects of his personal and family life and include correspondence, subject files, staff files, speeches, press releases and news clippings, photographs, sound recordings, films and videotapes.

The G. Mennen Williams Papers consist of official and personal files arranged into six subgroups: 1) Gubernatorial papers, 1949-1960 (681 linear ft.); 2) Non-gubernatorial papers, 1883-1948 and 1958-1988 (107 linear ft.); 3) Visual materials, ca. 1911-1988 (ca. 25 linear ft.); 4) sound recordings, 1950-ca. 1988 (5 linear ft.) Scrapbooks, 1948-1987 (43 vols.) and State Department Microfilm, 1961-1966 (23 reels).

As part of its own control system, the governor's office maintained a card index to the correspondents in many of the subgroups and series within the gubernatorial papers. This card file is located in the library's reading room. In addition, Nancy Williams and her staff compiled an extensive and detailed run of scrapbooks covering the Williams years. There is a separate inventory to these scrapbooks in a separately bound volume.

Strategy for Use of the Gubernatorial Papers: Although the Williams gubernatorial collection consists of hundreds of linear feet of material, the file arrangement created by the governor's staff is a fairly simple one to understand and to use.

The bulk of the collection falls within specific functional groupings, corresponding to the various activities and responsibilities that Williams performed as governor. Thus, if the researcher is uncertain of what portions of the collection might be relevant to his/her research, he/she is advised to think in terms of gubernatorial function. Does the proposed research concern the workings or area responsibility of a state board? If so, the Boards and Commissions series would be the most likely place in which to find material. The election of 1954? Then Democratic Party/Campaign Papers should be first choice. The passage of a specific piece of legislation? Here, Legislative Files is an obvious choice. The possible choices (called subgroups and series) that the researcher has are listed in the Organization of the Collection section. A description of the contents of each of these subgroups/series is provided below.

If, at first, unsuccessful in finding material on any given topic, the researcher might consider these additional strategies:

1. Refer to the Williams card index (located in the library's reading room). Sometimes, the name of an individual associated with a subject provides the easiest point of access into the collection. This file is arranged alphabetically and lists the dates of letters between an individual and the governor's office. This file only indexes the larger series and subgroups in the collection. It does not index the staff files, or parts of the Democratic Party/Campaign subgroup. Nevertheless it is an invaluable tool, and can uncover important material otherwise buried.

2. Refer to the various series of staff papers. Staff members were often closely involved in a specific subject areas (Jordan Popkin and aging, for example) and thus their files are frequently rich in source material.

3. If only partially successful in locating desired material, the researcher should think of an alternative subgroup or series. The governor's office, for a variety of reasons, often filed related material in different locations depending upon the source of a document. Thus, information relating to a strike might be filed both under the Labor Mediation Board in Boards and Commissions, and Strikes in General Subjects. Furthermore, if the strike influenced a specific piece of legislation, there could be material in the Legislative Files.


Irene Ellis Murphy papers, 1917-1984

3.2 linear feet — 502 MB

Birmingham, Michigan, businesswoman, Democratic Regent of the University of Michigan; contain materials relating to her life and interest in the Philippines, especially during the administration of Frank Murphy, during World War II, and during the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos; papers relating to her interest in University of Michigan history; and photographs.

The Irene Murphy collections has been arranged into the following series: Correspondence; Murphy family; University of Michigan Board of Regents; Philippines interests and activities; Other topics; Scrapbooks and clippings; Sound recording; and Photographs.


James H. Lincoln Papers, 1916-2001

8 linear feet

Detroit and Harbor Beach, Michigan, resident and Detroit city councilman and later Wayne County juvenile court judge. The collection documents his public career and his interest in family and local history.

The James H. Lincoln Papers document his role in public service and his active history in local, military and family history. The papers have been organized into four series: Biographical/Personal; Detroit Politics and City Council Activities; Probate Court, Juvenile Court Judge; Genealogy/Historical Research.


Lawrence A. Rubin papers, 1934-2011

2 linear feet

Writer, head of advertising agency, long-time executive director of the Mackinac Bridge Authority; correspondence, files relating to political advertising work in the 1930s, manuscripts of short stories and other writings, subject files relating to interests and activities.

The Lawrence A. Rubin papers document phases in the life of this author and public servant. A small collection of papers relating to his public relations work for Democratic candidates for governor in 1936 and 1940 (Frank Murphy and Murray D. Van Wagoner) was received in 1969. Additional papers came from David Rubin following his father's passing in 2010. Further additions are expected.

The collection is generally arranged chronologically with some periods in Rubin's career being more fully documented than others. There are some files relating to his public relations work for the Michigan State Highway Department prior to his World War II service. There is substantially less for his activities with the Mackinac Bridge Authority. Of importance here are copies of some of the financial instruments detailing the funding of the Bridge. Throughout his life Rubin was a writer of short stories and of journal articles about the building of the Bridge, his wartime experiences, and his affection for Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Many of these stories were written under the pseudonym of Massie Davis. These manuscripts and drafts are important because they show that Rubin always considered writing to be a part of his life.


Rebecca Shelley Papers, 1890-1984

21 linear feet — 1 oversize folder

Pacifist, participant in World War I peace movement and later peace activities, member of Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and Women Strike for Peace. Papers include Correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, periodicals, reports, photographs, and other materials relating to the International Congress of Women, 1915, the Ford Peace Ship, the American Neutral Conference Committee, the Emergency Peace Federation, and the People's Council of America.

The papers of Rebecca Shelley (1887-1984) were donated by Shelley in several accessions between 1964 and 1984. The papers make up twenty-one linear feet of materials and cover the years 1890-1984, though only a few photographs and printed items predate 1910. Her anti-war activism, legal battles, writing career, and courtships with Franz Willman and Felix Rathmer are all well-represented. In addition to her personal papers, there are groups of material belonging to Emily Balch, Richard Olsen, Felix Rathmer, Paul Shelly, and William A. Shelly.

Many peace organizations are also documented in these papers through flyers, pamphlets, periodicals, newsletters, and correspondence. These include the American Neutral Conference Committee, Emergency Peace Federation, People's Council of America, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Women Strike for Peace, and many others. As Shelley served as an officer in the Michigan Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) through the 1950s and 1960s, many of the organization's official papers came to be in her possession. Therefore, an effort was made to remove most of these official papers to the separate Michigan F.O.R. collection.

The collection is arranged in eleven series: Biographical; Newspaper Clippings; Correspondence; Topical Papers; Miscellaneous Papers; Papers Of Other Individuals; Printed; Periodicals; Diaries And Notebooks; Photographs; and Writings.


Stellanova Osborn papers, 1907-1988

40 linear feet

Wife of Chase S. Osborn, leader in the Atlantic Union Movement, and officer in the Atlantic Union Conference, the International Movement for Atlantic Union, and Federal Union, Inc. Correspondence, diaries and other materials concerning her professional interests, especially her work for world peace through international cooperation.

The Stella Osborn collection was received in multiple accessions. The bulk of the papers were received from her home in Georgia (1958) and her office in Washington D.C. (1972). These materials documenting her entire career were organized into seven series: Biographical; Correspondence; Personal and miscellaneous; Atlantic Union Committee and related; Business and Professional Women's Club; Sound recordings; and Index card files. An extremely active woman with many interests and causes, Stella Osborn continued to add to her papers with a later accession in 1983. Following her death, the executor of her estate and other friends added to the collection with materials which she had retained for whatever reason or which had been in storage. There is obviously some overlap in these later materials and the files received previously. The purpose of the Summary Contents List (see below) is to draw like materials together.

The 1992 accession was more fully described than the earlier papers. This accession includes biographical notes and clippings about Stella Osborn and Chase Osborn. There is, in addition, personal and organizational correspondence, financial and estate records (1970-1988), land deeds for the Osborn holdings in Georgia and Michigan, organizational material for the Federal Union and the Atlantic Union Committee, manuscripts of poetry, prose, and political essays (including some material by Chase Osborn), and Stella Osborn's diaries (1982-87). The collection includes childhood photographs of Stella Osborn and photographs of her parents and grandparents. Two copies of a videotape about the Osborn farm in Georgia, Possum Poke, are included here as well.

Much of this accession documents the last few years of Stella Osborn's life, after her move to a retirement home in Sault St. Marie Michigan, years during which she maintained an interest in people and world peace organizations, and in documenting her own and Chase Osborn's place in history. While the bulk of correspondence here is for 1982, 1983, and 1987, some earlier correspondence is included as well. Of interest to university historians is the topical correspondence file on Robert Frost's visit to Michigan. Stella Osborn's lifelong friendship with Yuki Otsuki is documented by their extensive correspondence, a series of letters beautifully written and presented that recall earlier days, including student life.

The collection contains some material of interest to researchers interested in Chase Osborn, including the series of land transfers and deeds which document Chase and Stella Osborn's extensive holdings in Georgia and Michigan, and their gifts of land to various charities and institutions. Also included is some Chase Osborn correspondence and copies of articles he wrote about his extensive travels in Africa. Chase Osborn's 1938 "Longfellow Birthday Book" contains the birth dates of his ancestors. Several letters from 1936 pertain to Chase Osborn's involvement in the movement to build the Mackinac Bridge.

Of special interest to researchers interested in Stella Osborn and her role in various world peace organizations are her unpublished autobiographical manuscripts and files. Also of interest are her diaries, where she continued to record her ideas about politics and her memories.

Summary Contents Lists
  1. Accessions, 1958 and 1971-1972 [boxes 1-27]
    • Biographical material [box 1]
    • Correspondence, 1916-1982 [boxes 1-13]
    • Personal and miscellaneous
      • Schedules, notes on telephone conversations, various writings [box 14]
      • Personal press releases [box 15]
      • Speeches [box 15]
      • Clippings [box 15]
      • Poetry [box 15]
      • Income tax files [box 15]
      • Diaries [box 16]
      • Student notebooks, account books, etc. (U-M and others) [box 16]
    • Atlantic Union Committee and related [boxes 17-24]
    • Business and Professional Women's Club activities [box 24]
    • Sound tapes [box 25]
    • Card files [boxes 25-27]
  2. 1983 Accession [boxes 28-34]
    • Biographical material [box 28]
    • Correspondence, 1918-1983 [boxes 28-31]
    • Organizations [box 31]
    • Topical file [boxes 31-32]
    • Writings (autobiography, poetry, prose) [box 32]
    • Diaries [box 33]
    • Visual materials [box 34]
  3. 1992 Accession [boxes 35-38]
    • Biographical and Autobiographical Material (including Chase Osborn) [box 35]
    • Correspondence, 1960-1987 [box 35]
    • Financial and Business Affairs, 1920-1985 [boxes 35-36]
    • Peace Organizations, 1970-1983 [box 36]
    • Manuscripts and Research Notes [box 36]
    • Chase Osborn materials, 1913-1949 [box 37]
    • Diaries, account books, day books, 1930-1987 [box 37-38]
    • Card Indices [box 38]

Walter Jarocki photographs, 1937, 1948, 1952-1959, 1970s-early 1980s

2265 negatives (in 3 boxes; number approximate) — 2 prints (in oversize folder)

Hamtramck, Michigan, commercial photographer who took photographs for the city during the administration of Mayor Albert J. Zak in the 1950s. Photonegatives, mostly dated between 1952 and 1958, of public work projects (such as laying of sidewalks), ceremonial functions (such as Christmas displays on city streets), and some political activities. The collection also includes views of the city, its downtown area, residential streets and alleyways behind residences. There are two photographs of Frank Murphy (approximately 1937) and Harry Truman (approximately 1948) visiting Hamtramck. Also a smaller group of photonegatives from the 1970s-early 1980s depicting activities of mayor Robert W. Kozaren, his office, and Hamtramck's daily life.

The Walter "Flash" Jarocki photograph collection includes photonegatives and two oversize photoprints and organized into three series: Walter "Flash" Jarocki, "Gordie," and Unknown photographer.