Collections : [University of Michigan William L. Clements Library]

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Abbott and Amos Lawrence collection, 1831-1885

36 items

This collection is made up of letters by Amos Lawrence (1786-1852), his son Amos Adams Lawrence (1814-1886), and his brother Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855). They discussed financial and business matters, politics, and personal news.

This collection is made up of letters by Amos Lawrence (1786-1852), his son Amos Adams Lawrence (1814-1886), and his brother Abbott Lawrence (1792-1855). One engraved portrait of Abbott Lawrence and a letter by S. K. Lothrop acknowledging the death of Abbott Lawrence completes the collection. The Lawrences addressed subjects such as Henry Clay, the National Republican Party, education and schools, cotton mills, and national finance. Later items pertain to Amos Adams Lawrence's business affairs, including the construction of railroads in Massachusetts. A printed obituary for the elder Amos Lawrence is pasted into one letter (January 6, 1836). For more information on each item, see the Detailed Box and Folder Listing.


Abraham Bell papers, 1812-1901 (majority within 1830-1854)

1.5 linear feet

The Abraham Bell papers contain correspondence and financial documents related to Abraham Bell & Co., an early 19th-century New York City shipping firm owned by Abraham Bell.

The Abraham Bell papers contain correspondence and financial documents related to Abraham Bell & Co., an early 19th-century New York City shipping firm owned by Abraham Bell. The majority of material in the Correspondence series is addressed to either Abraham Bell or to his company, and relates to various business affairs, often concerning payment or delivery of goods. Many of the letters originated from European firms, including a letter from Collman, Lambert & Co. in Liverpool, written on stationery that includes a printed list of current prices for cotton and related goods (February 8, 1837).

The Receipts and financial papers series consists of non-correspondence items related to the operation of Abraham Bell & Co. throughout the early and mid-1800s. These include records of payment and lists of cargo carried aboard Bell's ships, as well as several documents relating to loads of street manure in 1839. Several early items within this series pertain to the ship Josephine.

Fifteen Account and receipt books provide information about Bell's financial endeavors throughout the period in explicit detail, covering the years 1840-1868. A letter book contains copies of letters written by Abraham Bell between October 16, 1833, and August 15, 1834.

Miscellaneous items in the collection include an indenture for land in New Jersey belonging to the Budd family (December 25, 1812), and a record of fiscal accounts between Abraham Bell & Co. and [Malionson] Bell & Co. (June 30, 1836).


Abraham Lincoln collection, 1845-1902 (majority within 1856-1865)

26 items

The Abraham Lincoln collection contains 15 letters and documents written by Lincoln and 11 letters concerning Lincoln or the Lincoln family.

The Abraham Lincoln collection contains 26 items by or pertaining to Abraham Lincoln, and spanning [ca. 1845] to 1865, with the bulk of materials concentrated in the years 1856 to 1865. See the "Detailed Box and Folder Listing" for an inventory of the items.


Achsa White Sprague diary and Lloyd N. Josselyn account book, 1855-1908

1 volume

Spiritualist medium and writer Achsa W. Sprague maintained this diary between 1855 and 1857 while touring on a lecture circuit around Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and New York. She recorded her daily experiences, travels, and work lecturing and conducting medium trances. The latter portion of the volume was used by Lloyd N. Josselyn as an account book between 1880 and 1908, likely while farming in the Plymouth, Vermont, area.

Spiritualist medium and writer Achsa W. Sprague maintained this diary between 1855 and 1857 while touring on a lecture circuit around Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and New York. She recorded her daily experiences, travels, and work lecturing and conducting medium trances.

Sprague began writing in Hartford, Connecticut, with commentary about her decision to keep the diary and brief reflections about being healed by "Spirit Agency" and taking up the work of "a Public Speaking Medium" (pages 1-2). She referenced her former confinement due to poor health several times in the volume (pages 8-9; 59; 76-77; 128). Sprague expressed gratitude about spirits' intervention and her ability to convene with them. For example, she wrote, "This is the most beautiful part of my mediumship, that which others do not see, that which is never spoken, but which is felt in every fibre of my soul giving a richness to life which it never had before, & a tinge of Heaven to light my path where all before was dim & shadowy. A blessing to me physically, mentally, morally, intellectually & spiritually have been these Spirits Manifestations." (pages 14-15).

Throughout the diary, Sprague noted the locations of her lectures, attendance, and the crowd's reception. She visited major cities, such as Hartford, Boston, Troy, and Philadelphia, but principally travelled between mid-sized and smaller locales. Occasionally Sprague remarked on the influence of the spirit upon her during her public meetings (pages 6-7). She attended smaller events, too, like a gathering of some twenty people, including Samuel Colt and William H. Burleigh, who met at 11:30 p.m. (page 11), or a private examination of Gerrit Smith's wife (page 14). She noted meeting one-on-one with other mediums to manifest spirits together (page 16) and included thoughts on other "Public Mediums" (page 23).

While touring, Sprague noted anti-Spiritualist lecturers and sentiments (pages 67-66; 83; 116; 149-50; 168-169), but she also wrote of preachers from Christian denominations who were open to Spiritualism or invited her to join them in their churches (page 145). Sprague recorded logistical details of her work, such as travel, housing, and securing sites for her lectures.

Sprague commented on social and professional visits with individuals active in Spiritualist circles, including Sementha Mettler (page 4); Lottie Beebe, a woman who "is said while under the Influence to give beautiful specimens of poetry & sometimes has other manifestations" (page 11); and "Sleeping Lucy" Cooke (page 54), among others. She described other mediums' techniques, like Mettler's "psychometriz[ation]," where she read people's characters based on their handwriting (page 17), or a detailed description of a "physical manifestation" (pages 109-111). Sprague referenced other mediums who used spirit influence to produce poetry, paintings, and drawings (pages 87; 107-108; 162), and she attended a Spiritualist convention at South Royalton, Vermont (pages 146-147).

At times her entries provide insight into some of her critiques about Spiritualism. She referred several times to her support for "practical Spiritualism" (page 79), and she took issue with "the thoroughly scientific or business men who become believers & advocates of this Philosophy; with all their knowledge, make not half as good actors, either as Lecturers or as practical doers, as many who have been less known in the world" (page 23). In another entry she rejected arguments connecting Spiritualism and Free Love (page 100).

Sprague wrote about being invited to funerals (pages 33-36; 114-115), attending to the dying (pages 85-86; 154-155), and speaking with the bereaved (pages 72-73). She also reflected on the death of her own family members and her belief in their role as Guardian Angels (pages 62-63). She recorded her feelings about the impact her mediumship could effect on those facing death and grief, writing, "I have been with the wretched & suffering, but I have tried to sooth their agony, I have heard many a tale of a broken heart, but I have striven to bind them, & give them the balm of consolation, I have stood by the bedside of the dying, & have watched when the breath went out & left even the forms I loved so well cold, still & silent, but I knew they did not die, that they only bloomed for a higher Sphere..." (page 158)

Several passages reflect her authorship, such as working on an article for the New England Spiritualist, decisions to write under a pen-name for a local Vermont newspaper, noticing some of her pieces were being reprinted, meeting with individuals active in Spiritualist publishing networks, and other mentions of publication (pages 53-55; 64; 74; 87; 92-93; 98-99; 102; 106; 140). Periodically, Sprague noted texts she was reading, both works of literature and those relating to Spiritualism, and she was particularly delighted while staying with a family who appreciated reading "Shelley, Tennyson, Lowell &c... But now that the weather is pleasant again I find that I am public property, & shall be obliged in a great degree to bid good bye to the quiet happiness of listening to the poets & enter into the realities of life. Well it is right to mingle in lifes realities. I Thank God for the beautiful inspirations I have listened to, but more still, for the beautiful inspirations that come to me at morn, at noon, at night from unsung poets & philosophers, even the Angel Messengers He sends. And more, still more, that it is given me to mingle with the realities of life & give them forth to the suffering children of humanity. And as far as my imperfect nature will allow me, to carry the teachings out in my own every day life, & bring them into its practicalities" (page 174). Throughout the diary she wrote introspectively about being of service, using her time profitably, and living up to her higher purpose.

Sprague's interest in social reform is also documented in the volume, in visits to the Hartford "Asylum for educating the Deaf & Dumb" (page 3), concern for the poor (pages 18-21; 49; 55; 79; 119; 140; 162; 164-7; 169-70), women's rights (pages 37-39), and prisons (pages 104-105; 170-1; 176-8). She met Lucretia Mott at a women's antislavery meeting (page 175).

Descriptions of daily life include commentary on weather and nature as well as her health and that of her family, revealing Sprague's interest in various medicinal practices such as magnetism (pages 4 and 162) and healing mediums (pages 28 and 160). While at home with her parents in Vermont, she wrote of social visits, her parents' living situation, and local requests for her to speak, including at a wedding where "A song through me from the Spirit Land concluded the services" (page 43). While on her lecture circuit, she also commented on cities she visited. For example, in Hartford she visited the "Charter Oak" and Lydia H. Sigourney's former residence (pages 4-6); in Salem, Massachusetts, she commented on how the history of the witch trials was handled in the community (page 121). She wrote of meeting a Shaker woman in Cambridge, Massachusetts, (page 122) and seeing Edwin Forrest perform in Providence (page 173). While in Philadelphia, she toured local landmarks, attended Quaker meetings and Catholic services, and visited the Academy of Fine Arts with Samuel Sartain (135). After trying to see Benjamin Franklin's burial spot, she lamented the high walls surrounding it and concluded, "There is too great a tendency in the human mind to seek the grave of the mighty dead & follow them no further" (page 138).

The diary bears pencil marks of a later hand, possibly that of Leonard Twynham indicating passages for publication. The latter portion of the volume was used by Lloyd N. Josselyn as an account book between 1880 and 1908, likely while farming in the Plymouth, Vermont, area. He documented expenditures mostly for household goods and clothing, animal care, foodstuffs, agricultural labor, taxes, digging graves and purchase of headstone, house and vehicle upkeep, etc.


Adlai Stevenson collection, 1860-1962

10 items

This collection is made up of ten items, mostly correspondence, written by or about Adlai Ewing Stevenson (1835-1914) and Adlai Ewing Stevenson II (1900-1965).

This collection is made up of ten items, mostly correspondence, written by or about Adlai Ewing Stevenson (1835-1914) and Adlai Ewing Stevenson II (1900-1965).

Visual material includes one press photograph by Ed Walston of Adlai Ewing Stevenson II with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and one woodblock print of Adlai E. Stevenson II by Jacob Steinhardt.

Please see the box and folder listing below for more details about each item in the collection.


African American and African Diaspora collection, 1729-1970 (majority within 1781-1865)

0.75 linear feet

The African American and African Diaspora Collection is comprised largely of individual letters, documents, and other manuscript items relating to slavery, abolition movements, and aspects of African American life, largely dating between 1781 and 1865.

The African American and African Diaspora Collection is comprised largely of individual letters, documents, and other manuscript items relating to slavery, abolition movements, and aspects of African American life, largely dating between 1781 and 1865. Topics addressed in the letters and documents include the experiences and work of enslaved persons in the North and South; the buying and selling of enslaved men, women, and children; participation in the French and Indian War, American Revolution, and Civil War of African descended persons; abolitionists and abolition societies; the American Colonization Society; the lives of formerly enslaved persons; African American education; and many other subjects. For details on each document, see the inventory located under "Detailed Box and Folder Listing"


Albert Davis papers, 1861-1874 (majority within 1861-1864)

0.25 linear feet

The Albert Davis papers contain letters written by Civil War soldier Albert Davis, of the 15th Massachusetts Regiment, Co. G. Davis described his regiment's roles in the battles of Ball’s Bluff, White Oak Swamp, Gettysburg, Bristoe Station, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg.

The Albert Davis papers consist of 97 letters written by Civil War soldier Albert Davis of the 15th Massachusetts Regiment, Co. G, 3 letters written by his friends and family, one allotment receipt, his military discharge papers, and a photo of Albert Davis.

Albert Davis wrote letters while stationed with the Union army in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, between August 1861 and June 1864. Of the letters, Davis sent 83 to his widowed mother and 14 to his teenage sister, Angeline, both living in Upton, Massachusetts. The collection also holds one letter from Albert's mother to his sister (June 30, 1864), a letter from R. W. Ellis to Angeline Leland Davis (March 5, 1864), and a letter from W. I. Scandlin to Albert Davis (July 2, 1874).

Albert's letters document his participation as a soldier in the 15th Massachusetts Regiment from the beginning of the regiment’s formation in July 1861, until its dissolution after the battle of Petersburg (June 22, 1864), when all but eight men and one officer were killed or captured. In the early letters, Davis described his initial training near Worcester, Massachusetts. At first, he enjoyed soldiering, and sent home souvenirs: a piece of wood from the Harper's Ferry Bridge (October 6, 1861), and a piece of cotton from the breastworks at Yorktown (May 24, 1862). He wrote of snowballing a barge while on picket duty (January 4, 1862), and of picking wild blackberries during the fighting at Malvern Hills (August 2, 1862). Upon seeing the Monitor anchored among other boats at Hampton, Virginia, he wrote "it dont look as though it could take a Canal boat" (April 2, 1862). Many of his letters mentioned food, either what he was eating or what he would like to receive from home (cheese, tea, molasses, catsup, preserves, baked goods, chocolate, and checkerberry extract). On August 2, 1862, he sent a recipe for pudding made from hardtack. By December 1863, his feelings about soldiering had changed and he became determined not to reenlist. He was irritated by the "bounty men" who fought for money rather than patriotism (March 9, 1863; August 6, 1863). He witnessed several military executions (September 4, 1863; April 26, 1864). Davis also described his six months spent in hospitals and convalescent camps, and his part in the battles of Antietam, Cold Harbor, Gettysburg, and Bristoe Station.

His letters describing the Battle of Gettysburg are of particular interest not just for their accounts of the battle (July 4, 17, and 27, 1863), but also for his corrections of inaccuracies in the newspaper coverage of the battle (August 13 and 21, 1863). On May 14, 1864, Davis wrote from "mud hole near Spotsylvania Court House" and stated that the battle was "the hardest fight of the War." A few weeks later, on June 6, 1864, he wrote from the battlefield at Cold Harbor that "we are about sick of making Charges [--] we are not successful in one half of them and the loss on the retreat is great...there is some wounded men that are a lying between the lines that have laid there for three days and have not had a bit of care perhaps not a drop of water."

Davis occasionally used Union stationery that included printed color images:
  • October 22, 1861
  • October 29, 1861
  • November 6, 1861
  • November 16, 1861
  • November 17, 1861
  • November 26, 1861
  • May 6, 1862
  • November 2, [1862]

Albert G. Martin papers, 1863-1884

11 items

Albert Martin, a Canadian citizen, enlisted in the 16th New York Cavalry at the age of 18. His letters home during the Civil War describe skirmishes with Mosby's Rangers and the frequent desertions from his regiment, as well as his stay in Belle Island Prison.

Albert Martin's letters provide an interesting point of view on the Civil War. The anguish expressed in the first three of his letters is particularly moving, as he attempted to come to grips with the feeling that he had abandoned his mother and to console her and let her know that he intended to behave as a moral man. While in the service, Martin provides two very good, though brief, descriptions of scrapes with Mosby's Rangers, and his reactions to the desertions in his regiment and his thoughts on the war are of interest because they represent the views of a Canadian citizen, rather than a native New Yorker. Finally, the single letter written from Belle Isle stands in stark contrast to the miserable impressions of the prison found in other Union soldiers' letters: "I cant complain of the useage for we get used vary well here all is a fellow cant run about as much is if he was in his own Lines" (1863 November 6).


Albert Morrison collection, 1841-1886

50 items

This collection is made up of letters, financial records, and documents related to Albert Morrison, a physician who practiced in Windsor, Connecticut, in the mid-19th century. The collection includes letters between members of the Morrison family and letters pertaining to Morrison's medical practice.

This collection contains 50 letters, financial records, and documents related to Albert Morrison, a physician who practiced in Windsor, Connecticut, in the mid-19th century. The collection includes letters between members of the Morrison family and letters pertaining to Morrison's medical practice.

Two manuscript documents certify Morrison's completion of a chirography course at Easthampton Writing Academy (June 1, 1841) and his successful examination at a "common school" in East Hartford, Connecticut (December 1, 1843). He received a letter from J. P. Leonard regarding a fine for his delinquency from a military regiment (July 5, 1842). Several items from the 1840s concern Morrison's education and early medical practice, including a note about the cost of attending lectures at the Berkshire Medical Institution (October 3, 1846) and 2 letters from J. W. Boynton of South Coventry, Connecticut, about the possibility of Morrison establishing a medical practice there (January 15, 1847, and January 22, 1847).

Morrison's personal correspondence includes letters between his siblings Clarissa ("Clara"), Maria, Charles, and John, as well as letters to and from his wife, Harriet E. Bartholomew. In a letter to his brother John, who had moved west, Morrison shared his opinion that New York City had become corrupt (March 20, 1863). Letters from M. L. Fisse (February 13, 1860) and Charles F. Sumner (April 8, 1861) mention the Connecticut Democratic Party convention and local politics. Four late letters pertain to John Morrison's life in Eureka, Nevada, and Hillsboro, New Mexico, in 1873 and in the mid-1880s. In the final letter, I. P. Fenton described a visit to a psychic medium who claimed to receive a communication from John Morrison via "slate writing" (July 1886). Other items include receipts, an insurance document, and a photograph and facsimile signature of Robert Morrison.


Alexander C. and Charles W. Christopher papers, 1863-1888 (majority within 1876-1886)

30 items

This collection includes the correspondence of Alexander C. Christopher, who enlisted in the 6th Ohio Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, and his son Charles W. Christopher, an officer in the U.S. Navy, who was on sick leave in the Hawaiian Islands from 1875 to 1878. It contains two letters received by Alexander in 1863 from his commander, 9 letters from Charles to Alexander while he was in Hawaii and California, 5 other letters received by Charles, as well as 10 letters and 3 legal documents related to Charles Christopher's estate.

This collection includes two letters received by Alexander Christopher in 1863, nine letters from Charles to Alexander Christopher, 1875-1883, five letters received by Charles Christopher, 1868-1878, and 10 letters and three legal documents related to Charles Christopher's estate, 1884-1888.

Alexander C. Christopher received two letters from a friend, Nicholas Longworth Anderson, on January 31 and November 28, 1863. Nicholas Longworth Anderson was the commander of the 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry regiment. The first letter discussed Nicholas Anderson's injuries, for which he received a surgeon's certificate, and mentioned a visit from Alexander's wife and daughter, "little Belle." The second letter included a memoriam for Major Graves, "a most gallant soldier and a most estimable gentleman." Anderson also wrote of his hope that the regiment would be disbanded soon, and said that he had received an anonymous letter accusing him of cowardice for remaining at home to heal from his wounds, signed by "One who pays your salary."

Charles W. Christopher's correspondence includes two letters of introduction written for him by naval officers, John Woolley and Louis Eugene Yorke; nine letters to his father, Alexander C. Christopher; and three letters received from friends, J. A. Hassinger and J. R. Carmody. In his letters to his father, he described his activities in Hawaii while convalescing from unspecified lung and throat ailments. He resided with Owen Holt, a rancher in Hawaii. Daily activities included assisting with cattle roundups, hunting for game in the mountains, reading, and going to town. In several letters, he was concerned about a lack of funds and anxious to draw his pay so that he could send money home to his father, who was apparently in financial difficulties as well.

In one letter from Waialua, Oahu, Charles described the funeral arrangements for a Chinese man who had died of an aneurism. "Mr. Holt has several Chinamen at work, but today, all except two were absent, on account of the funeral of one of their nation, Ah Kee by name. He had a small patch of cane, and came to see Mr. Holt on Thursday last about procuring some oxen for carting his cane to the mill…I believe they place a pig and a chicken by the grave, and afterwards eat them, and hold a species of high carnival" (1876 December 2).

He also shared his thoughts on naval work: "Seamanship and Gunnery are life studies. The former requires experience as well as theory, and the latter is so varied in its applications, and so constantly changing as to the instruments employed that no one man can be considered perfect in the branch. Like many other things in this world, the more insight one gets, the less does one know, unless some particular branch of the study is made a specialty" (1876 December 2).

In a later letter to his father from Harbin Springs, California, Charles described the scenery and mineral springs in the area (1883 December 2). By that time, he had lost much of his sight and had difficulty walking. After Charles W. Christopher's death in 1884, his father wrote to the Treasury Department to file a claim for "arrears of pay and mileage" due to the late Lieutenant Christopher. Between 1884 and 1886, he received five letters in response. Beginning in 1886, he also corresponded with a lawyer, John Paul Jones, regarding the case.

The Charles W. Christopher materials were formerly part of the Hawaiian Islands collection at the Clements Library.