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Eighteenth-century commonplace book, 1732-[1762]

1 volume

This volume (234 pages) contains copied passages from histories, magazines, philosophical treatises, and other sources, dated from 1732 to the mid-1760s.

This volume (234 pages) contains copied passages from histories, magazines, philosophical treatises, and other sources from the mid-18th century.

The copied excerpts, written in a dense, consistent hand, are dated from 1732 to the mid-1760s, and most are attributed to their authors or other sources of origin, such as the Gentleman's Magazine of London, England. The creator if the commonplace book compiled information on subjects such as religion, history, philosophy, linguistics, medicine, and science, and often quoted specific articles, sermons, and treatises at length. The historical sections focus on English history, and the religious items occasionally incorporate words and lines in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Much of the religious material pertains to specific biblical stories. The book has a partial subject index, created by the compiler. John H. Treadwell later owned the volume, which holds his bookplate.


Excise Tax Income Book, 1700-1774

1 volume

This volume records annual excise duties collected by the British government between 1700 and 1774. The excise tax income book records the net excise income for every year during this period, as well as income for individual goods or products for every year starting with 1745.

This 18-page volume, entitled "Gross and Net Produce of Excise from 1700 to 1774," provides the annual amount of excise duties collected by the British government between 1700 and 1774. From 1700 to 1744, the book records the total annual gross and net income earned from excise taxes, as well as management costs accrued from salaries and other taxes. Between 1745 and 1774, the volume also documents the amount of excise paid on individual goods and services, including malt, candles, hops, "sope," paper, "callicoes &c.," wire, starch, hides, plate, coffee, tea, chocolate, "licences," glass, and coaches. After 1755, the "plate" category was sometimes broken down into "plate licences" and "plate duty." "Cyder" was included after 1765. This volume bears the bookplate of James Brindley.


Marblehead (Mass.) legal and financial documents, 1730-1812

27 items

This collection is made up of 27 legal documents and financial records pertaining to residents of Marblehead, Massachusetts, between 1730 and 1812.

This collection is made up of 27 partially printed legal documents and financial records pertaining to residents of Marblehead, Massachusetts, between 1730 and 1812. Sixteen items are statements of monthly and annual taxes that individual Marblehead residents owed between 1780 and 1812; most are addressed to Benjamin Lancey (or Lansey). The remaining items pertain to financial agreements, real property ownership and sales, and shipping. Two indentures concern the division of large residential buildings and provide detailed information about the rooms and passages belonging to each owner. One financial document relates to the town's fishing industry, and two relate to the schooner Sally: a bill of sale and an insurance policy.

Additional legal documents include an appointment of guardianship and a plaintiff's bill for legal costs incurred during a case in the Circuit Court of Common Pleas for the Middle Circuit.


New Jersey Court Cases, 1739-1753

1 volume

The New Jersey Court Cases volume (140 pages) contains manuscript copies of legal documents related to cases heard by New Jersey courts in the mid-18th century. Cases represent a variety of legal issues, including debt, marriage age, land ownership, and criminal activity.

The New Jersey Court Cases volume (140 pages) contains manuscript copies of legal documents related to cases heard by New Jersey courts in the mid-18th century. Cases represent a variety of legal issues, including debt, marriage age, land ownership, and criminal activity.

The volume, entitled "Entries. Vol. iv," pertains to cases representing a variety of legal disputes, most often between two parties. Most of the copied documents are recapitulations of cases argued before various state courts and indentures. Several examples copied from Giles Jacob's The Compleat Attorney's Practice are also present.

Cases of Note
  • Schooley v. Woodward, regarding a violation of "an Act to Prevent Clandestine Marriages," which stated that "no License should be Given to Marry any Person under the Age of twenty one years untill such person shou'd have had the Consent of his or her Parent or parents Guardian or Guardians or person or persons under whose care and Government he or she shou'd be Signifyed by a Certificate in Writing..." (p. 18).
  • Morris v. Tucker, regarding slander: "Nevertheless the said Samuel Tucker Jr. not being ignorant thereof [that Morris was a good citizen &c] but continuing and Maliciously intending the good name Credit and Reputation of him the said William Morris Jr. to ruin and destroy and to brand him the said William with the infamous Character of a Thief, and also to bring him the said William in peril and danger of the Loss of his Life and the Forfeiture of all his Lands and Tenements Goods and Chattels" (p. 115).
  • Black v. Lippincott, which charged that Lippincott "did break and Enter and his Herbage and Grass to the value of Ten pounds there lately growing by walking with his feet did tread down and consume and the Trees of him the said Samuel [Black] to wit Ten Hickery Trees of the value of Ten pounds, five black Oak Trees of the value of Five pounds...did cut down and carry away and other Harms to him" (p. 122).

Philadelphia (Pa.) Mayors collection, 1705-1976

52 items

This collection contains letters, legal documents, receipts, and printed images related to mayors of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1705-1976. The content pertains to Philadelphia commerce and politics, as well as to mayors' personal affairs.

This collection contains 52 individual letters, legal documents, receipts, and printed images related to 25 mayors of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The content pertains to Philadelphia commerce and politics, as well as to mayors' personal affairs.

Notable items include the following:
  • Four 18th-century documents, bearing the Philadelphia city seal and ordering the sheriff to assemble 24-person juries. Joseph Willcox (March 13, 1705), Nathan Stanbury (December 18, 1706), Richard Hill (June 17, 1715), and Thomas Lawrence (December 18, 1764)
  • A letter from John Inskeep to the Common Council, discussing administrative issues and forwarding "a copy of a letter…from Thomas Howell at New York containing propositions to furnish the Corporation of this city with three engines of a peculiar kind which he imported from England for the Corporation of New York" (December 4, 1800)
  • A partially printed order to apprehend Francis Barrett for being "an idle drunk or vagrant following no legal visible means for a support," signed by Robert Wharton (November 16, 1815)
  • A letter to Joseph Watson from Benneville Keim, president of the Farmer's Bank of Reading, regarding counterfeiting issues (May 16, 1827)
  • A letter from John M. Scott respecting his fire insurance policy and investments (July 11, 1827)
  • A letter of recommendation for "William Magill, late proprietor and Editor of the 'Daily Keystone,' for a Situation in the Customs. He has been an efficient co. laborer in the Democratic ranks, battled faithfully and long to maintain the continued supremacy of the Party, and is in our opinion highly entitled to a position commensurate with his services and merits," signed by Richard Vaux and others (November 1846)
  • Appointment of Addison B. Burk as Philadelphia's official delegate to the 1911 National Rivers and Harbors Congress, by John E. Reyburn (November 10, 1911)
  • 11 partially printed receipts from the Department of Receiver of Taxes for "city and school taxes" paid by Margaret B. Stewart, George F. Caldwell, and Elsie M. Caldwell (1919-1929)
  • Brief notes from 20th-century mayors responding to requests for autographs

Samuel Lightfoot surveyor's journal, 1739-1788 (majority within 1739-1743, 1753-1757, 1786-1788)

1 volume

This journal contains Samuel Lightfoot's notes about surveys he conducted in southeastern Pennsylvania in the mid-18th century. An account book, dated primarily in the 1780s, is laid into the volume.

This journal (around 200 pages) contains Samuel Lightfoot's notes about surveys he conducted in southeastern Pennsylvania in the mid-18th century. An account book (30 pages), dated primarily in the late 1780s, is laid into the volume.

Samuel Lightfoot recorded information about surveys he conducted in Berks, Chester, Lancaster, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania, from June 8, 1739-December 2, 1757. A 73-page section covering September 1743-March 1753 is missing. Lightfoot made detailed notes about his work, including the names of his customers and property owners and the boundaries of surveyed tracts.

The first 2 pages of the small account book pertain to "Outstanding Debts Due To Samuel Lightfoot," with a list of names and monetary amounts. The remaining 28 pages concern an anonymous author's personal finances from June 3, 1786-September 13, 1788. The accounts consist of brief notes about individual transactions, which often involved farm labor, such as haying or threshing, and the sale of potatoes. At least one laborer was a woman. A memorandum on the back of the volume concerns the sale of a tract of land by David Davis to George Davis. The account book also has a note laid inside it, indicating the extent of a lot of land owned by Thomas Lloyd.


William Potts student notebook, 1720-1819 (majority within 1720)

1 volume

This student notebook contains Latin-language treatises on logic, metaphysics, and related subjects, composed around 1720. The book also includes a few pages of sermon notes, an example of a Porphyrian Tree, and additional notes by later owners.

The bulk of this volume is comprised of Latin-language treatises about logic, metaphysics, and related concepts, written or copied around 1720. Each section is broken into multiple chapters, some with appendices. The volume also includes small groups of shorter writings in Latin and an example of the Porphyrian Tree. The Latin writings are infrequently interrupted by additional entries, such as a few pages of English-language notes from an August 1761 sermon based on a verse from 2nd Corinthians. Notations throughout the volume refer to William Potts, Georgius M. Conchie, George Potts, and William McCauly (with several variations on the spelling of the surname).