Collections : [University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library]

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Emil Lorch Papers, 1891-2004 (majority within 1891-1963)

18 linear feet — 14 oversize folders

Professor of architecture at the University of Michigan; includes correspondence, professional organizational activities files, documentation, photographs, and architectural drawings accumulated during his work with the Michigan Historic Buildings Survey

The Emil Lorch papers are valuable for their documentation of the career of this important architectural educator and for that material about Michigan architecture and historic structures that Lorch accumulated in the course of his professional study and organizational involvement. The collection includes extensive correspondence with many of the country's leading architects, most notably members of the "Chicago School," and architectural educators, and manuscript and photographic documentation resulting from Lorch's involvement with the Michigan Historic Buildings Survey and various restoration projects, including Mackinac Island.


Janette Estelle Miller papers, 1886-1970

2 linear feet

Congregationalist missionary to Angola, and other members of the Miller family. Family letters, missionary newsletter, personal diaries concerning life in Hancock and Detroit, Michigan; Miller family materials; and photographs.

The collection consists of personal papers of Janette Miller and other members of the Miller family. The collection includes family letters, missionary newsletter, personal diaries concerning life in Hancock and Detroit, Michigan, photographs, and Miller family materials.


Joe Louis scrapbooks and papers, 1935-1941, 1948-1951

93 volumes — 0.2 linear feet — 1 oversize folder

Champion prize fighter of Detroit, Michigan. Scrapbooks, 1935-1941 (arranged chronologically by bout), and clippings, articles, and fan letters, 1948-1951, relating to his career as a boxer.

The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings and magazine articles in the period of 1935-1941. The volumes include full-length articles, brief sketches, cartoons and newspaper photographs detailing each fight, the preliminaries, Louis' opponent, the bout itself, and post-fight assessments. The volumes are numbered 1-94; volume 48 was not received.


Karl J. Belser Papers, 1924-1972

4.4 linear feet — 1 oversize folder

Urban planning specialist. Reports, sketches, and other material relating to the development of the Willow Run Bomber Plant area in Wayne County, Michigan, during World War II; studies of the proposed Detroit Civic Center, 1952; also papers concerning his later work as planning director in Santa Clara County, California; letter from Frank Lloyd Wright; and sketchbooks with drawings and watercolors of buildings and scenes in Europe, the United States, and Taiwan; also photographs of Belser.

Pond Family Papers, 1841-1939

9.6 linear feet (in 13 boxes) — 2 oversize drawers — 1 microfilm

Ann Arbor, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois family. Correspondence of Elihu B. Pond, editor of Michigan Argus, his sons, Chicago architects, Irving Kane and Allen Bartlit Pond, founders of firm of Pond & Pond, and other family members; include materials concerning family affairs, architectural projects, Jane Addams and the work of Hull House, European travels, politics especially as relates to period of the Civil War and the election of 1896; also photographs, architectural drawings and other visual materials.

The Pond Family papers consist primarily of correspondence and other materials of architects, Irving Kane (1857-1939) and Allen Bartlit Pond (1858-1929) documenting family matters, European travels, their involvement in the civic and social life of Chicago, and professional activities. The collection has been divided into four subgroups: Allen B. Pond papers; Irving Kane Pond papers; papers of other family members and miscellaneous; and visual materials.

Correspondence comprises the bulk of both the Allen and Irving Pond subgroups. This correspondence consists almost exclusively of exchanges between the brothers when they were separated because of travel, and with their parents and sister. There is little correspondence with clients, professional associates, or others outside of the family. The letters, however, are often detailed and revealing of the thoughts and activities of the Pond brothers. In addition to the usual descriptions of landscapes and social events when traveling abroad, their letters contain many comparisons of European and American trends in architecture, housing, the development of cities. To their family and with each other, the brothers also wrote of their non-professional interests: Chicago politics, social settlements in the city, humanitarian causes, and their involvement with various literary groups. Of note in the Allen Pond papers are letters containing references to Jane Addams and her work at Hull House. There are also accounts they received from family about Jane Addams and her talks when visiting Ann Arbor. Letters concerning Jane Addams are dated Sept. 1896; Jan. 1898; Sept. 18, 1898; Jan. 22,1900; Mar. 1901; May 28,1901; June 15,1901; undated 1901; Apr. 21,1902; July 7,1902; Aug. 18,1902; Feb. 16, 1903; Jan. 12,1904; Jan. 23,1905; Feb. 1905; May 29,1907; Mar. 1908; and Apr. 1908.

Their sister, Mary Louise and their mother, Mary Barlow (Allen) Pond wrote weekly of family affairs and the social and cultural events of Ann Arbor. Both comment extensively on the ideas and activities of many of the leading intellectual and literary figures of the day - William James, John Dewey, Kipling, Wharton and Shaw - as well as on their daily interactions with Angells, Cooleys and other prominent Ann Arbor families. Unfortunately, there are few surviving letters from Allen and Irving to the family in Ann Arbor. Much of the information in the collection about their work is therefore by indirect reference only.


R. W. Fleming papers, 1920-2010

51 linear feet (in 52 boxes) — 1 oversize folder — 5.9 GB (online)

Ninth president of the University of Michigan, 1967-1978, later president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, chairman of the National Institute for Dispute Resolution, and member of the boards of the MacArthur and Johnson Foundations. Personal files, including general and family correspondence, papers detailing service with the U. S. Army military police in Europe during World War II, records concerning activities as labor arbitrator, topical files relating to work at universities of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan; files relating to activities with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting concerning in part the Annenberg/CPB project; and photographs relating to his life and career.

The Robben Fleming collection documents a career marked by diversity in the areas of his public service. The cornerstone of his life is no doubt his years as ninth president of The University of Michigan. While this role is certainly documented in these papers, there is considerable other materials relating to his service in World War II, his work as a labor arbitrator and law professor, his work with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and his advocacy in other arenas of the importance of higher education. As Fleming worked in various educational and corporate settings, the records of that service properly belonged to those agencies. This collection, by and large, consists of personal materials retained by Fleming or copies of records given to Fleming as his own. Thus, for example, while this collection includes speeches, invitations, and personal correspondence, maintained while he was President of The University of Michigan, the records of the Office of the President for Fleming's tenure have been received and cataloged separately. Even so, the content of these materials is highly valuable on any number of topics, but specifically higher education broadly defined.

The series in the collection are Correspondence; World War II service; School materials; Labor Arbitration files; Career Activities to 1967; University of Michigan President, 1967-1978; Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Other Organizational Activities; Topical Files, 1978-2000; Knight v. State of Alabama; Publications, speeches, and reports; Personal and Autobiographical Materials; Travel Records; Clippings and Scrapbooks; Photographs; and Other visual and audio materials.


Stellanova Osborn papers, 1907-1988

40 linear feet

Wife of Chase S. Osborn, leader in the Atlantic Union Movement, and officer in the Atlantic Union Conference, the International Movement for Atlantic Union, and Federal Union, Inc. Correspondence, diaries and other materials concerning her professional interests, especially her work for world peace through international cooperation.

The Stella Osborn collection was received in multiple accessions. The bulk of the papers were received from her home in Georgia (1958) and her office in Washington D.C. (1972). These materials documenting her entire career were organized into seven series: Biographical; Correspondence; Personal and miscellaneous; Atlantic Union Committee and related; Business and Professional Women's Club; Sound recordings; and Index card files. An extremely active woman with many interests and causes, Stella Osborn continued to add to her papers with a later accession in 1983. Following her death, the executor of her estate and other friends added to the collection with materials which she had retained for whatever reason or which had been in storage. There is obviously some overlap in these later materials and the files received previously. The purpose of the Summary Contents List (see below) is to draw like materials together.

The 1992 accession was more fully described than the earlier papers. This accession includes biographical notes and clippings about Stella Osborn and Chase Osborn. There is, in addition, personal and organizational correspondence, financial and estate records (1970-1988), land deeds for the Osborn holdings in Georgia and Michigan, organizational material for the Federal Union and the Atlantic Union Committee, manuscripts of poetry, prose, and political essays (including some material by Chase Osborn), and Stella Osborn's diaries (1982-87). The collection includes childhood photographs of Stella Osborn and photographs of her parents and grandparents. Two copies of a videotape about the Osborn farm in Georgia, Possum Poke, are included here as well.

Much of this accession documents the last few years of Stella Osborn's life, after her move to a retirement home in Sault St. Marie Michigan, years during which she maintained an interest in people and world peace organizations, and in documenting her own and Chase Osborn's place in history. While the bulk of correspondence here is for 1982, 1983, and 1987, some earlier correspondence is included as well. Of interest to university historians is the topical correspondence file on Robert Frost's visit to Michigan. Stella Osborn's lifelong friendship with Yuki Otsuki is documented by their extensive correspondence, a series of letters beautifully written and presented that recall earlier days, including student life.

The collection contains some material of interest to researchers interested in Chase Osborn, including the series of land transfers and deeds which document Chase and Stella Osborn's extensive holdings in Georgia and Michigan, and their gifts of land to various charities and institutions. Also included is some Chase Osborn correspondence and copies of articles he wrote about his extensive travels in Africa. Chase Osborn's 1938 "Longfellow Birthday Book" contains the birth dates of his ancestors. Several letters from 1936 pertain to Chase Osborn's involvement in the movement to build the Mackinac Bridge.

Of special interest to researchers interested in Stella Osborn and her role in various world peace organizations are her unpublished autobiographical manuscripts and files. Also of interest are her diaries, where she continued to record her ideas about politics and her memories.

Summary Contents Lists
  1. Accessions, 1958 and 1971-1972 [boxes 1-27]
    • Biographical material [box 1]
    • Correspondence, 1916-1982 [boxes 1-13]
    • Personal and miscellaneous
      • Schedules, notes on telephone conversations, various writings [box 14]
      • Personal press releases [box 15]
      • Speeches [box 15]
      • Clippings [box 15]
      • Poetry [box 15]
      • Income tax files [box 15]
      • Diaries [box 16]
      • Student notebooks, account books, etc. (U-M and others) [box 16]
    • Atlantic Union Committee and related [boxes 17-24]
    • Business and Professional Women's Club activities [box 24]
    • Sound tapes [box 25]
    • Card files [boxes 25-27]
  2. 1983 Accession [boxes 28-34]
    • Biographical material [box 28]
    • Correspondence, 1918-1983 [boxes 28-31]
    • Organizations [box 31]
    • Topical file [boxes 31-32]
    • Writings (autobiography, poetry, prose) [box 32]
    • Diaries [box 33]
    • Visual materials [box 34]
  3. 1992 Accession [boxes 35-38]
    • Biographical and Autobiographical Material (including Chase Osborn) [box 35]
    • Correspondence, 1960-1987 [box 35]
    • Financial and Business Affairs, 1920-1985 [boxes 35-36]
    • Peace Organizations, 1970-1983 [box 36]
    • Manuscripts and Research Notes [box 36]
    • Chase Osborn materials, 1913-1949 [box 37]
    • Diaries, account books, day books, 1930-1987 [box 37-38]
    • Card Indices [box 38]

Washtenaw County Historical Society records, 1827-2014

17.5 linear feet (in 18 boxes) — 1 oversize folder (UBPl)

Local historical society for Washtenaw County, Michigan Organizational records and collected historical materials.

The Washtenaw County Historical Society records include collected historical documents and photographs relating to the people, events, and history of the county, its cities and townships. There are also administrative records of the organization, including minutes of meetings, subjects relating to Society programs and projects, and financial miscellanea.