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Department of Mechanical Engineering (University of Michigan) publications, 1908-2002 (majority within 1968-2000)

1.5 linear feet

Teaching and research unit of the College of Engineering of the University of Michigan. Contains publications produced by or for the department, including annual reports, bibliographies, brochures and pamphlets, bulletins describing graduate programs, directories, histories, manuals, and newsletters.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering Publications are divided into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Student Publications. The bulk of the publications document the teaching and research functions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics.


Department of Physics (University of Michigan) publications, 1915-2001 (majority within 1988-1998)

1 linear foot

The Department of Physics Publications are divided into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Topical Publications. The Unit Publications series contains printed material published specifically by the Department of Physics. These publications are defined as being widely distributed and may be published at regular intervals. They are arranged by genre of the publication. The Sub-Unit Publications series contains publications from subordinate offices, departments, programs and organizations within the Department of Physics. These publications are arranged alphabetically by the creating sub-unit.


Extension Service (University of Michigan) publications, 1911-1996

17 linear feet — 1 oversize volume

Publications produced by the Extension Service and its subunits including bulletins and course listings, reports, newsletters and manuals.

The Extension Service publications consist of publications produced by the Extension Service and its subunits and include bulletins and course listings, reports, newsletters and manuals and other printed items. The material is divided into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-unit Publications and Topical Publications.

Unit Publications include bulletins concerning credit and non-credit courses, reports and a run of the newsletter Extension Service News, whose title later became U-M Extension. Sub-unit Publications consist of material produced by units under the control of the Extension Service. These include the Audio-Visual Education Center and the Michigan High School Forensic Association. Records of the Broadcasting Service will be found in the WUOM record group. Topical Publications contain pamphlets and brochures pertaining to conferences and institutes and various other programs sponsored or produced by the Extension Service. Printed material will also be found scattered throughout the record group.


Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (University of Michigan) publications, 1923-2018

6.2 linear feet — 1 bundle

Includes brochures, manuals, proceedings, programs, and reports. Also contains bulletins or course catalogs from the School of Public Policy, the Institute of Public Policy Studies, the Institute of Public Administration, and the Institute of Public and Social Administration. Contains 1967 and 1968 W. S. Woytinsky lectures and the newsletters Newsletter: Institute of Public Administration, IPPS Newsletter and the School of Public Policy Newsletter. Also includes Bureau of Government bulletins, pamphlets, and reports and the newsletter The Staebler Caucus published by the Neil Staebler Political Education Fund. Also contains the Newsletter to Graduates published by the Michigan chapter of the American Society for Public Administration.

The Publications of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (6.2 linear feet) are divided into three subseries: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Student Publications. Some publications (or their successors) may no longer be available in print but are available on the school's website.


Inter-Cooperative Council (Ann Arbor, Mich.) records, 1932-2015

60 linear feet (in 60 boxes) — 9 oversize volumes — 31.72 GB (online)

The Inter-Cooperative Council at Ann Arbor is an organization established to coordinate the activities of cooperative houses founded and operated by University of Michigan students. Their records are comprised of minutes, office files, and newsletters, as well as organization-level topices and related research. The collection also contains records of student cooperative, the Socialist House.

The records of the ICC at Ann Arbor cover the years 1932 to 2012 and are divided into ten series: Minutes, Office Files, Printed Materials, Events and Programs, Organizational Topical Files, Correspondence Files, Collected Research Materials, House Records, External Organizations, and Audio-Visual Materials.

Researchers should note that because of the differences between ICC office organizational systems and the individual processing archivists working on the collection, topics and materials might be found in multiple series.


Joseph LaVille Young collection, 1858-1947 (majority within 1898-1946)

1 linear foot

This collection is made up of correspondence, documents, photographs, printed items, and genealogical papers related to Joseph LaVille Young, who served in the Virginia Militia, United States Army, and United States Navy from the 1890s to the end of World War I. Most of the materials pertain to Young's military career, particularly during the Spanish-American War and World War I.

This collection (1 linear foot) is made up of approximately 200 letters and documents, 15 photographs, 30 printed items, and genealogical papers related to Joseph LaVille Young, who served in the Virginia Militia, United States Army, and United States Navy from the 1890s to the end of World War I. The bulk of the collection is comprised of a partially disassembled scrapbook; the loose items from the scrapbook have been arranged into series of correspondence and documents, photographs, printed items, and genealogical materials.

The majority of the Correspondence and Documents relate to Young's service in the Spanish-American War and World War I. They include commissions, orders, memorandums, and financial records. One small group of items pertains to Theodore Roosevelt's efforts to raise volunteer troops during World War I, including a signed letter from Roosevelt to Young, who had wanted to raise a Virginia regiment (May 25, 1917). Joseph LaVille kept a small memorandum book while stationed in France from January to February 1918. Most of the notes concern his expenses and other financial affairs, and he also copied information about converting English measures to metric units.

Additional manuscripts include some personal letters that Young wrote to his sister Linda while in France during World War I and a small number of documents related to the military service of Joseph LaVille Young, Sr. The later letters and documents concern Young's desire to return to the military during World War II, his real estate career, and the genealogy of the Pritchard family.

The Photographs include group portraits of the "Richmond Light Infantry Blues" during their Spanish-American War service in Cuba, and studio and informal portraits of Joseph LaVille Young as a young man, a Spanish-American War soldier, a member of the United States Navy, and an older man. One image shows Young posing in front of the family home in Portsmouth, Virginia, and another shows an unidentified man flexing his biceps and upper back muscles.

The Printed Items series is made up of 9 picture postcards, featuring scenes from multiple French towns; newspaper clippings, including obituaries for the elder Joseph LaVille Young and other family members; advertisements for real estate in Richmond, Virginia; and a pamphlet titled La Langue Anglaise sans Màître (1915).

The Genealogical Papers series includes histories, tables, and notes related to the Hollowell, Bacon, Hunter, Pettit, Godfrey, Swift, James, and Pritchard families. Included is a family tree showing Joseph LaVille Young's ancestors and a binder containing information on heraldic crests.


[Law School (University of Michigan) publications], 1859 - 2017

24 linear feet — 1.98 MB

Includes addresses, annual reports, bibliographies, brochures, bulletins, catalogs, directories, histories, journals, lectures and magazines. Some titles include The Law School, 1940 - 1973; Legal Education at Michigan, 1859 - 1959; A Short History and Some of the Graduate of the Department; and the Michigan Journal of International Law.

This collection is divided into four subseries: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, Topical Publications, and Student Publications. Some publications may no longer be available in print but are available in digital format through the Law School's archived or current website or in Deep Blue, the University's institutional repository. Links to digital content is provided in the detailed contents list.


Leopold Mayer family collection, 1864-1970 (majority within 1885-1909)

0.25 linear feet

This collection is made up of letters, documents, genealogical research, and other items pertaining to Leopold Mayer of Chicago, Illinois, and his descendants. The materials concern family news, courtship, and the history of Chicago's Jewish community.

This collection is made up of over 25 items pertaining to Leopold Mayer of Chicago, Illinois, and his descendants. Items in the Correspondence series (17 items) concern Leopold Mayer and his family members, particularly his daughter Amelia and her husband, Jacob Henry Mahler. In a letter dated November 10, 1864, Leopold expressed condolences to Mrs. M. M. Spiegel after learning of the death of her husband, a colonel, during the Civil War. The series also has 2 manuscript letters, 1 manuscript postcard, and 2 typescripts of letters that he wrote to his daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren from 1885-1902. Most of these contain Mayer's moral advice on topics such as marriage (July 10, 1885) and his later reflections on his life and his wife (February 27, 1902; December 24, 1902).

Most of the remaining items in the series pertain to Amelia Mayer and Jacob Mahler. These include 2 personal letters from Mahler to Mayer (July 14, 1885, and August 26, 1896); 2 German-language letters by members of Mahler's family (January 13, 1892, and August 29, 1896); and 2 personal letters to Amelia from "Jennie," a friend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (March 15, 1885), and from Ida, her sister, then traveling in Europe (August 27, 1906). Jacob Mahler received a letter about hotel rates in Wisconsin (May 24, 1896) and a birthday greeting from his son Felix in 1898, and wrote 2 friendly notes to Felix (September 22, 1903, and undated). The final item in the series is a typed letter that Arthur M. Oppenheimer wrote to Leopold Mayer's descendants in 1962, with an excerpt about Mayer from Deborah Pessin's History of the Jews in America.

Leopold Mayer's Journal, "From Land to Land, From Port to Port," concerns his visit to Germany and Switzerland in the summer of 1895. Included are a typed journal transcript (35 pages, June 1, 1895-August 3, 1895) and manuscript journal (29 pages, [August 1, 1895]-August 24, 1895, and 1 page, undated). Mayer and his daughter Flora traveled to various cities and towns, saw several Alpine mountains, and met with acquaintances.

The Speech transcript (5 pages) records Leopold Mayer's address to the Council of Jewish Women in November 1899, marking the 25th anniversary of Chicago's Sinai Congregation. Mayer recounted some of his personal history in Chicago, and remarked on the development of the city's Jewish community and institutions.

Financial and Legal Documents relate to Leopold Mayer's estate and to his son-in-law, Jacob Henry Mahler. Mahler received a bill from a laborer dated July 23, 1901, and completed a partially-printed income tax form for himself and his wife on February 19, 1917. Three printed legal documents (December 28, 1903; June 1, 1909; and [1927]) pertain to the settlement of Leopold Mayer's estate and to legal disputes among his heirs. The latter item includes copies of 2 versions of Mayer's will.

The Poetry, Printed Items, and Genealogy series concerns several generations of the Mayer family. The programs document confirmation services held by the North Chicago Hebrew Congregation on May 26, 1901, and a production of the 3-act play The Mayer Saga, presented in Glencoe, Illinois, on December 31, 1925. The extended Mayer family published a newsletter, Unter Uns, on December 25, 1902, with poetry, news articles, and advice columns by Leopold Mayer's children and their spouses. A small packet of typed poems dedicated to Amelia Mayer Mahler accompanies a printed invitation to Mahler's 90th birthday celebration, hosted by her grandchildren on April 18, 1953. The final 2 items are genealogies and a memorial dedicated to Leopold Mayer and his descendants. The memorial was initially issued on March 3, 1927, with genealogical revisions made in 1941. One copy has manuscript genealogical notes dated as late as 1970.


Marsal Family School of Education (University of Michigan) publications, 1880-2012 (majority within 1923-1995)

14.5 linear feet — 1.5 MB

Contains annual reports, bibliographies, brochures and pamphlets, course catalogs or bulletins, directories, histories and manuals. Includes newsletters such as the University of Michigan School of Education Bulletin, Education Technology Notes and News, Innovator, Notes and Abstracts American and International Education, Notes and Abstracts in the Social Foundations of American and International Education and Sigam.

The Marsal Family School of Education Publications (11.2 linear feet) are divided into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, Topical Publications and Student Publications. Some publications (or their successors) may no longer be available in print but are available on the school s website.


Martha Cook Building (University of Michigan) publications, 1916-2015

1.5 linear feet (in 3 boxes.)

The Martha Cook Building (MCB) opened in the fall of 1915 as the second all-women's dormitory on the University of Michigan campus. It was a gift of Mr. William Wilson Cook, a lawyer-philanthropist from New York City who was born and raised in Hillsdale, Michigan. Publications are dated from 1916-2015 and include annuals, constitutions, handbooks, histories, newsletters, and programs. Also contains material relating to various anniversary celebrations and the Martha Cook Alumnae Association of Detroit.

The Martha Cook Building Publications are dated from 1916-2015 and include annuals, constitutions, histories, handbooks, newsletters, and programs as well as material relating to various Martha Cook Building anniversary celebrations and the Martha Cook Alumnae Association of Detroit.