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Ephraim George Squier papers, 1818-1886 (majority within 1861-1886)

43 items

The Ephraim George Squier papers encompass both family and business matters, the latter being mostly diplomatic in nature and covering the period of Squier's life when he was United States Commissioner to Peru (1863-1865) and Consul-General of Honduras (1868-1873).

Of the 43 documents in this collection, which date from February 23, 1818 to October 20, 1886, Squier is the author of eight. The remaining items consist of incoming correspondence (not always to Squier), which cover Squier's career as a writer, his involvement in politics, and his diplomatic appointments in Central and South America. Although he is best known for his contributions to the field of anthropology, the letters do not provide substantial information on this phase of his life.

Seven letters in the collection pertain exclusively to family correspondence. Of these, Squier's father, Joel Squier, wrote four, and his uncle, Ethan Squier, wrote two. These letters make reference to Squier's position as editor of the Scioto Gazette and his election as House Clerk by the Ohio House of Representatives.

Most diplomatic correspondence represented in the collection was written between 1851 and 1886, and are in English or Spanish. The letters primarily concern relations between the United States and the countries of Honduras, Nicaragua, and, to a lesser extent, Peru. Two letters are from members of the United States and Central American Exploring and Mining Company (September 11, 1851), and the American Geographical and Statistical Society of the State of New York (August 18, 1862) to the government of Honduras, asking for permission to live and work in the country. Also of note are six letters, exchanged between Secretary of State William H. Seward and Luis Molina, Honduran Minister to the United States, in which Seward informs Molina of a blockade of ports in many southern states (April 27, 1862) and Abraham Lincoln's proclamation of the draft (May 9, 1863), among other matters.

Letters written to Squier during this period consist of correspondence from Secretary of State Hamilton Fish, President of the Republic of Honduras Jose Maria Medina, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Honduras Ponciano Leira, and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Honduras Ignacio Gomez. They primarily discuss Squier's appointment as Consul-General of the Republic of Honduras, the Interoceanic Railway Project, etc. Squier wrote one letter to Senator Charles Sumner (February 7, 1869).

Squier's sole mention of anthropology is in a letter he wrote in 1874, in which he refers to the Anthropological Institute of New York. Formerly known as the American Ethnological Society, the Institute was founded by Squier and others who wanted to form an organization modeled after anthropological societies in Europe. Squier writes, "…Our Anthropological Inst. hangs fire. There are few here who can be enlisted in promoting it…I fear my days of hard work are pretty much over…" (April 26, 1874).

Also in the collection are 15 items, housed in the Graphics Division. These include a photograph of "Hacienda of 'Coltos'," and several watercolors and pencil sketches depicting villages and people in Central America, as well as some miscellaneous items. The sketches and watercolors bear Squier's name, so it is plausible that he is indeed the artist.

The Ephraim George Squier papers thus provide substantial information on diplomatic relations between the United States and Central America as well as on Squier's role in these relations. While not representative of his career as an anthropologist, the collection does hint at the final days of a man whose inquisitiveness is still evident.


George T. Anthony papers, 1858-1890

64 items

The George T. Anthony papers consist of letters written to his brother while serving in the Civil War and letters about postwar politics in Kansas, where Anthony held numerous political positions, including governor from 1877-1879.

George Anthony's correspondence is valuable both from what is said and who is saying it. The Civil War letters in this collection are entirely from George to his brother, Benjamin, who was at home tending to the former's business affairs. Thus many of the letters contain an insight into the difficulties of operating personal matters from a distance of several hundred miles. Not only was Benjamin at home handling the reins of business, he was also avoiding the draft as best he could. This bone of contention prompted a number of impassioned sermons from George, out in the field with "my little command."

Anthony writes at length, philosophizing on the principles of war. He argues for a hard line in crushing the rebellion by brute force, a la Grant, whom he regards as "the great military genius of the age." By the same token, Ben Butler is portrayed as a weak sister at best, and Anthony applauds his removal. His desire to see hard fighting is frustrated by orders to stay put and hold his few square yards, orders which he accepts meekly.

Anthony's heavy-handed outlook spills over into Reconstruction, where he favors a retributive policy over clemency. He is surely one of the first to call for the impeachment of Andrew Johnson (March 10th, 1865), although the crime in question is the latter's inebriation on Inauguration Day.

The post-war letters highlight state politics in Kansas. They indicate that Anthony's sister, Cynthia, was involved in philanthropic work in the Reconstruction south. Three letters from an uncle, David Anthony (1801-1874), provide a marvellous view of an old-line Quaker of "wiry tenacious vigor" (according to George), whose piety does not exclude a penchant for wheeling and dealing in big business.


Harlan Henthorne Hatcher Papers, 1837-1998 (majority within 1891-1986)

72 linear feet — 1 oversize folder — 1.1 GB (online)

Harlan Henthorne Hatcher (1898-1998) was president of the University of Michigan from 1951 to 1967. The papers span the years 1837-1998 and document Dr. Hatcher's University of Michigan presidency, Ohio State University career, literary career, organizational involvement, personal life, and family history. Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, speeches, yearly datebooks, oral history interview transcripts, magnetic audio tape recordings, an audiocassette recording, and photographs.

The Harlan Henthorne Hatcher Papers document his University of Michigan presidency, Ohio State University career, literary career, organizational involvement, personal life, and family history. The collection spans the years 1837-1998, with the bulk of the materials covering 1891-1986. It includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, speeches, yearly datebooks, oral history interview transcripts, magnetic audio tape recordings, an audiocassette recording, and photographs. The collection is strongest in its documentation of Dr. Hatcher's presidency at the University of Michigan, especially in correspondence and speeches. Documentation is weakest on the subjects of his Ohio State University career before 1944 and organizational involvement before 1967. The collection may be useful to researchers interested in the history of the University of Michigan from 1951-1967, the duties of university administrators and their spouses, authors of the 1920's to 1950's, and environmental activism in Michigan in the 1970's and 1980's.

The Harlan Hatcher collection has been divided into two subgroups of files: those which were created or accumulated from his tenure as president of the University of Michigan (1951-1967) and those materials (mainly personal) dated either prior to or subsequent to Hatcher's presidential years.

The library, as archives of the University of Michigan, is the repository for all of the files of its presidents. For historic reasons, all of the papers of presidents up to and including Harlan Hatcher have been treated as personal collections and cataloged under the name of the president. Beginning with Hatcher's successor - Robben Fleming - and continuing to the present, the files of individuals occupying the president's office have been considered both personal and institutional. Records created from an individual's responsibility as president, usually materials from the years when he was president, are treated as office files and have been cataloged as part of the University of Michigan President's Office record group. Materials from either before or after an individual's tenure as president have been treated separately and have been cataloged under that president's name.


Lockwood family correspondence, 1863-1866

3.5 MB (online)


Contains three letters written by Aaron and Selina Lockwood to Lockwood family members in England between 1863 and 1866. Aaron laments the scarcity of farm labor due to the American Civil War and the imposition of a national draft (an event which led him to lie about his age to avoid service). Selina notes the draft will occur in January 1864 and references the heavy costs of the war. Her letter from 1866 rejoices in the end of the war and abolition of slavery, but frets about the state of the Union after Lincoln's assassination.