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Humphrey Morrey collection, 1717-1769 (majority within 1717-1735)

11 items

This collection is made up of correspondence, legal documents, and financial records pertaining to Humphrey Morrey of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Most items concern Morrey's financial ventures, his land ownership, and estates of deceased persons.

This collection is made up of 11 letters, legal documents, and financial records pertaining to Humphrey Morrey of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The family name is spelled Morrey, Murray, Murry, and Murrey within the collection. The items concern Morrey's financial ventures, his land ownership, and estates of deceased persons.

Two items concern a land transaction between Morrey's uncle, John Budd, and John Willmer (or Wilmer), a resident of London who worked in the silk industry. Budd wrote to Morrey about his financial obligations to Willmer (February 15, 1716/17), and the collection contains a deed regarding the transfer (January 16, 1719/20). A set of accounts and 2 letters pertain to Morrey's financial relationship with the merchant Robert Lidderdale (or Lidderdaill), and to the shipment of goods between London and North America in the early 1720s.

The collection contains a signed statement of debt to Humphrey Morrey (April 6, 1725) and a written record of Morrey's agreement to sell a parcel of land in Philadelphia to Lewis Zircle, a laborer (August 20, 1725). Three inventories and accounts pertain to the estates of Sarah Morrey (July 26, 1720) and Humphrey Morrey (October 12, 1734-August 7, 1735, and August 18, 1735). The final item is a record of expenses related to the burial of "Sipio," a slave formerly owned by the deceased Humphrey Morrey (February 10, 1769).


Lee family papers, 1701-1936 (majority within 1728-1871)

1.75 linear feet

This collection is made up of correspondence, legal and financial documents, and other items concerning several generations of the Lee family of New York and New Jersey from the early 18th century to the late 19th century.

This collection is made up of correspondence, legal and financial documents, and other items concerning several generations of the Lee family of New York and New Jersey from the early 18th century to the late 19th century.

The earliest items (1701-1840) largely consist of legal and financial documents, receipts, accounts, and other financial records related to Thomas Lee, his nephew Thomas (ca. 1728-1804), his grandnephew William (1763-1839), and, to a lesser extent, other members of the Lee family. Many pertain to land ownership in New York and New Jersey. Some legal documents, such as Thomas Lee's will (May 16, 1767), concern decedents' estates. In the 1820s and 1830s, the Lee siblings, including Henry, William, Cyrus, and Phebe, began writing personal letters to one another. Cyrus Lee and his wife Emily Fisher received letters from her mother, E. Fisher of Humphreysville, Connecticut. One letter contains teacher Samuel Squier's response to accusations of drunkenness and inappropriate behavior (February 25, 1774). Additional early materials include a contract related to the establishment of a singing school in Boston, Massachusetts (ca. 1745), medicinal recipes (October 31, 1789), poetry (undated), articles of apprenticeship (February 25, 1796), a daybook reflecting construction costs for a school house in Littleton, New Jersey (October 2, 1797-May 1, 1799), records of William and Isaac Lee's labor at a forge (September 5, 1809-October 24, 1914), and a manuscript copy of an act to incorporate part of Derby, Connecticut, as Humphreysville (May [4], 1836).

After 1840, the bulk of the collection is made up of personal letters between members of the Lee family. Incoming correspondence to Cyrus and Emily Fisher Lee makes up the largest portion of these letters. Emily's mother wrote about life in Humphreysville, Connecticut, frequently discussing her health and that of other family members. Emily's sister Elizabeth discussed her travels in Indiana and Ohio and her life in Ogden, Indiana. After the mid-1850s, many of the letters pertain to Cyrus and Emily's son Robert. He received letters from his grandmother, aunt, and cousins. He sent letters to his sister Emily while he lived in Ogden, Indiana, in the late 1850s and early 1860s. A cousin, also named Emily, wrote to Robert about African-American and white churches in Princeton, New Jersey, and her work as a schoolteacher (February 15, 1858).

Robert Lee wrote one letter about camp life and his poor dental health while serving in the 3rd Indiana Cavalry Regiment (October 3, 1861), and Emily shared news of Littleton, New Jersey, while he was away. Cyrus's sister Phebe wrote to her brother's family during this period. After the war, Cyrus and Emily Fisher Lee continued to receive letters from Emily's mother and sister. Elizabeth Benjamin, living in Lecompton, Kansas, sent letters on January 22, 1871, and March 13, 1871, discussing the death of her son Theodore, who died of a gunshot wound. The final letters, dated as late as 1903, are addressed to Elizabeth M. Lee, likely Cyrus and Emily's daughter. Later items also include a calling cards and a lock of hair.

The collection includes five photographs of unidentified individuals, including cased tintypes of a man and a young child, each with an ornate oval matte and preserver, as well as a third similar tintype portrait of a young boy which no longer has a case. A photograph of a United States soldier is housed in a hard metal frame that includes a fold-out stand; the frame bears the insignia of the United States Army infantry. The final item is a photographic print of a man, woman, and young child posing beside a house.

The collection contains a group of 13 printed and ephemeral items, including sections of the New-Jersey Journal and Political Intelligencer (April 21, 1790), True Democratic Banner (October 9, 1850), and New York Sun (May 9, 1936). Other items of note are a colored drawing of a house (1861 or 1867), printed poems ("Napoleon Is Coming" and "The Lass of Richmond Hill," undated), a price list for the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Hungarian Fund bond, and an advertisement for men's shirts and shorts with attached fabric samples. Three additional items pertain to births, deaths, and marriages in the Lee family.


Noyes family legal documents, 1753-1793

7 items

This collection consists of legal documents related to Humphrey Noyes of Atkinson, New Hampshire, and his sons Humphrey, Joseph, Samuel, and Peter. The materials relate to real property and to Humphrey Noyes's estate.

This collection consists of 7 legal documents related to the family of Humphrey Noyes of Atkinson, New Hampshire. The first two items pertain to Noyes's purchase of a share of a sawmill near Plaistow, New Hampshire (January 12, 1753), and to Samuel Robey's residence on a plot of land that belonged to Noyes (October 28, 1771). The next two agreements pertain to Joseph Noyes, who purchased 50 acres of land in Canaan, New Hampshire, from George Harris (October 24, 1783) and (with his brother Peter) purchased a plot of land in Atkinson, New Hampshire from [Tamar] Little, a widow (April 17, 1786). Each of the final 3 items pertains to the Noyes siblings' inheritance: Samuel, Peter, and Humphrey each affirmed that they had received their share of their late father's estate and relinquished any further claims upon it (January 15, 1791, and March 16, 1793 (2 items)).


Samuel Tarry collection, 1747-1761

5 items

This collection is comprised of 5 letters related to the financial affairs of Samuel Tarry, who lived in Amelia County, Virginia, in the mid-18th century. The letters, addressed to John Gardner of Chatteris, England, concern the execution of Mrs. Francis Tarry's will in 1847 and the conduct of Chris Smyth, Tarry's attorney, in 1760 and 1761.

This collection is comprised of 5 letters related to the financial affairs of Samuel Tarry, who lived in Amelia County, Virginia, in the mid-18th century. The letters, addressed to John Gardner of Chatteris, England, concern the execution of Mrs. Francis Tarry's will in 1847 and the conduct of Chris Smyth, Tarry's attorney, in 1760 and 1761. Samuel Tarry wrote letters to Gardner on June 6, 1747; March 13, 1760 (2 copies); and March 12, 1761. The first letter pertains to his mother's estate, and to Charles Smyth, a London merchant who served as Tarry's attorney. Smyth wrote Gardner on August 27, 1747, about his client's finances. In his later letters to Gardner, Tarry inquired about the amount of money that Gardner had sent to Smyth, and requested Gardner's help in settling his financial affairs.


Tyler family papers, 1735-1888

1.25 linear feet

The Tyler family papers contain correspondence, documents, and writings relating to four generations of the Tyler family, who were Quakers and tanners in Salem, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Tyler family papers contain 877 items, arranged into the following series: Correspondence; Documents and Financial Records; School Papers; Poetry, Notes and Other Writings; and Printed Items. Items in the collection span 1735-1888.

The Correspondence series consists of 235 letters to and from four generations of the Tyler family of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, covering 1748-1888. Much of the earliest correspondence is business-oriented and relates to Samuel and William Tyler's tannery and the sale of leather. Thomas Barnes, a frequent client and associate, wrote approximately 15 of the letters, which provide details on prices and the arrangement of transactions. Other early correspondence of the period relates to the activities of family members and neighbors, including a letter from Noah Bowson, an immigrant to Nova Scotia, who described his experiences there and recommended that the Tylers join him because of a leather shortage and favorable prices, (September 15, 1767).

Most letters between the 1790s and 1825 are the incoming correspondence of William and Catharine Tyler, primarily from family members. Letters tend to be fairly personal in nature, describing family news, religious thoughts, and health. During this period, Catharine and her sister, Ann Low, exchanged a series of letters, several of which included original poetry. Another sister, Hannah Gillespie, was also a frequent correspondent, and provided ongoing details about a "malignant fever" epidemic in Philadelphia in 1820, during which she considered seeking asylum in New Jersey. She described medical treatments, including "Jamestown weed" and blistering of the chest (August 14, 1821), as well as a strange incident regarding the autopsy of a friend who was pregnant with a "perfect Made child" that many believed she had carried for 14 to 17 years (June 11, 1820). Catharine's nephew, Joseph Elkinton, also wrote a letter, dated August 3, 1817, concerning his work teaching Native American children in Tunesassa, Pennsylvania.

In the mid 1820s, the focus of the collection shifts to Dorothea Hoskins and her future husband, John Mason Tyler, whom she would marry in 1832. Both received many letters from friends and relatives, revealing details about their social circle and families. Barclay Smith, an inmate at Friends Asylum in Philadelphia wrote two letters to Dorothea in 1823, informing her of the number of patients there and of his activities. A few letters relate to business matters; like his father and grandfather, John worked as a tanner. Beginning in the 1840s, John and Dorothea's children, William Graham Tyler and Catharine Low Tyler, contributed much of the collection's correspondence. In 1856-1857, William wrote a number of letters from Haverford College, describing his studies, classmates, and improvements made to the campus and buildings. Upon graduating, he expressed feeling torn between farming and pursuing a more intellectual career (December 13, 1857), and was chided by his father for his "indifference" toward agriculture (January 14, 1859). During the Civil War, William volunteered for a non-combatant role, working in the commissary at Hampton Hospital. He wrote several letters to his family during this period, and received many from his father, who shared his interest in contrabands, and gave information on friends involved in the war. The 11 post-war letters are primarily addressed to William, and contain updates on college friends and family members.

The Documents and Financial Records series spans 1735-1792, and contains seven subseries. The Salem County, New Jersey, Documents shed light on Samuel Tyler's work and duties as a constable in Salem, New Jersey, in the late 18th century. The William Richmond Estate Documents and James Tyler, Jr., Estate Documents record the dispersal of these estates between 1773 and 1799. The John Vanculin Accounts document transactions for groceries and other goods, 1786-1788. The Dorothea (Hoskins) Tyler Receipts record four of her purchases in 1832. The Other Legal Records subseries contains land indentures; a 1740 power of attorney document; a 1760 marriage certificate signed by 34 witnesses; and several apprentice indentures, relating to various members of the Tyler family. The Other Financial Records subseries, 1735-1881, includes a 1735 bill of lading for a ship called the Monmouth Hope; numerous receipts relating to the tanning business; records of debts; bills for laying pipes and for water from the Schuylkill River (1827); and other miscellaneous items.

The School Papers series, spanning 1765-1856, contains copybooks, an 1848 report card for Catharine Tyler, and an examination schedule and report card for William Graham Tyler at Haverford College, 1855-1856. Undated items include school essays on government, history, philosophy and metaphysics, and the classics. One essay, entitled "The cause of the extinction of the aborigines of this country," and likely written by William Graham Tyler, blames injustice, disease, and rum for the demise of Native Americans.

The Poetry, Notes and Other Writings series contains 31 items, all undated, and mainly unattributed, on a number of topics. The poetry includes a piece called "On Sugar," which characterizes sugar as "Steep'd in a thousand Negroes tears" and criticizes its use. Other poems include "On Marriage," "To Health," "On the Choice of a Wife," and several sentimental poems addressed to family members. The writings and notes comprise several religious musings, a genealogical essay, and instructions on how to "stop holes in iron."

The six items in the Printed Items series include several poems, clippings, and fliers, and other miscellaneous items, 1765-1880.