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Audrey Goodfriend Papers, 1948-1985 (majority within 1979-1980)

.5 Linear Feet (One folder)

This collection consists of one folder. With the exception of one manuscript dated 1948, and some undated materials, the contents date from 1979 to 1983. All the items in the collection are letters sent to Goodfriend, or written materials collected by her. None of her own writing is included. There are two postcards and a letter from Molly Steimer to Audrey Goodfriend, and a letter from Proudhon Carbo reporting Steimer's death, all sent from Mexico; the letter from Steimer discusses Goodfriend's separation with David Koven. The 1948 manuscript is a carbon copy of a memorial message for "Comrade Pece" written by Jules Scarceriaux. A photocopy of an unsigned memorial for Dora Stoller Keyser, and some miscellaneous flyers and writings round out the collection.

Barbara Murphy Papers, 1963-1999

1.0 Linear Foot — 3 manuscript boxes — Rusting paperclips have stained some of the papers contained in the collection.

This collection contains correspondence, news clippings, writings, manuscripts, and ephemera related to Barbara Murphy's involvement in student protest movements at the University of Michigan in the 1960s. Also included are reports, manuscripts, administrative materials, and correspondence generated during her subsequent career at the University of Michigan, primarily concerning her work to advance women's rights at the university.

This collection contains correspondence, news clippings, writings, manuscripts, and ephemera related to Barbara Murphy's involvement in student protest movements at the University of Michigan in the 1960s. Also included are reports, manuscripts, administrative materials, and correspondence generated during her subsequent career at the University of Michigan, primarily concerning her work to advance women's rights at the university.

The correspondence largely consists of mailings sent to Murphy from former SDS members coordinating reunions, particularly the 1977 reunion. It also includes mail sent between other SDS members (not Murphy herself), including Alan Haber, the organization's first president. Notable is the correspondence concerning the 1965 anti-Vietnam War Teach-In, the first of a number of such events across the country in which professors cancelled classes and gave antiwar seminars for 12 hours. Additionally, there is a small number of interdepartmental letters from Murphy's career at the University, as well as information and appeals concerning various social causes.

Before her passing, Murphy had begun to organize her files herself. The files she pulled together have been maintained in their original order with their original titles transcribed. Most of these folders concern Murphy's professional career.

The Administrative records subseries is grouped by relevant organization or institution. Materials within folders are organized chronologically. Papers include organizational agendas and minutes, funding proposals, reunion planning, and policy guidelines. Most are related to Murphy's career at the University.

The Printed Materials series is grouped by type of printed material. Materials within folders are organized chronologically. The journals, newsletters, manuscripts and essays largely consist of writings by SDS members or other members of the New Left. Ephemera comprises a variety of pamphlets, broadsides, flyers, and stickers distributed by student activist organizations. Most relate to antiwar and anti-draft activism, particularly the 1965 teach-in. The majority of research reports and surveys were generated by researchers at the University of Michigan and concern gender equality on campus. The news clippings concern both SDS and academic women's issues.

Finally, the SDS files folder contains a handful of SDS papers that did not easily fit into other folders, including a booklet of protest songs, a biographical booklet about former SDS president Paul Potter, and a copy of an FBI memorandum regarding surveillance of the New Left in Ann Arbor.


Beni and Franklin Rosemont Correspondence Collection, 1973-2016

0.5 Linear Feet — One manuscript box — Materials in good condition.

Correspondence between the donor, Beni, and Franklin and Penelope Rosemont, who were surrealist artists, writers, activists, and publishers.

This small collection primarily consists of correspondence between Beni and Franklin Rosemont regarding the collecting of IWW and Surrealist publications. Beni was initially interested in receiving more of the Rosemonts' publications in Arsenal. As their correspondence became more robust, both men collaborated on a search for materials relating to various figures in the history of IWW publications. In the 2000s, their correspondence moved to e-mails that include a network of activists, librarians, and scholars invested in the discovery and preservation of labor history materials. After Franklin Rosemont's death in 2007, Beni continued to collaborate with the curator of the Labadie Collection to acquire rare materials related to the Rosemonts' own activities.


Bev Fisher Manick Women's Movement Collection, 1964-1985 (majority within 1971-1989)

8 Linear Feet (15 manuscript size boxes and 3 oversize boxes)

Files, notes, documents, and print material concerning all aspects of the women's movement of the 1970s. Creator was active in the movement, in Washington DC and NYC organizing demonstrations and workshops. She was also involved with the feminist publication Quest. Files are primarily from 1971-1979, although the collection spans from 1964-1985.

Black Liberation Army Papers, 1963-1998

1.5 Linear feet (1 records box and 1 manuscript box)

The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground Black Nationalist organization largely comprised of former Black Panther Party members. The majority of the materials in the Black Liberation Army archive fall under the Thomas "Blood" McCreary series, a member of the BLA. The archive consists of seven series: Thomas "Blood" McCreary, Correspondence, 1976-1978, Legal, Topical, Newspaper Clippings, 1969-1978, Events, Publications and Black Panther Party. The documents range in date from 1963-1998.

Thomas "Blood" McCreary, a member of the BLA, is the largest series in the Black Liberation Army archive. The correspondence sub-series consist of letters written to or from McCreary ranging in date from 1963-1998. Letters referencing Tupac Shakur can also be found in the correspondence sub-series. Legal is the largest sub-series and is comprised of eight legal cases McCreary was involved in as well as legal documents regarding Tupac Shakur's estate. Legal documents include affidavits, appeals, correspondence with lawyers, statements from McCreary describing prison conditions and trial errors, and a character reference from Bell Gale Chevigny. McCreary's resume, contacts and newspaper clippings are also small sub-series'. The photography sub-series is comprised of three folders which include a photograph of McCreary's graduation from Adelphi University in 1986, the Panther 21 reunion and miscellaneous photographs.

Project Renewal is an organization in New York City with a goal of ending homelessness. McCreary served as a member of the Black History Month Committee for this organization. The Project Renewal sub-series contain documents regarding the planning of a black history month event. The next sub-series is the 25th anniversary of the New York Panther 21 acquittal. On April 2, 1969, 21 members of the Black Panther Party were arrested and charged with conspiracy to blow up the New York Botanical Gardens. McCreary served on the committee to plan the celebration of their acquittal 25 years later. This material includes speaker requests, invitation and flyers. The final sub-series is the 30th anniversary of the Black Panther Party, where McCreary served as a committee member. This material includes meeting minutes, speaker requests and publicity.

Correspondence, 1976-1978 is a series consisting of 5 folders of letters and notes from Black Liberation Army members and range in topic.

The Legal series is comprised of two legal cases. The first is Caban v. United States, dated February 7, 1984. This document is an appeal in a case that involves a man named Salvador Caban who was detained for six day by INS despite being a citizen of the United States. The second is Richard Moore v. FBI, et al.. The documents in this case include exhibit documents as well as a transcript taken during the deposition of Sekou Odinga, a BLA member.

Topical is a series which is separated into 3 sections. Resumes are the first section, which contains the resumes of four people. Next, the Counterintelligence Program section consists of a memorandum describing the background, development and potential offices of the Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO), an FBI program which conducted covert and sometimes illegal activities to neutralize numerous political organizations. The final sectuib in the Topical series is titled Reconsolidation and Infrastructure, dated 1996. This includes several documents regarding ways to reconsolidate the structure of the BLA.

Newspaper Clippings, 1969-1997 is a series that largely consists of newspaper clippings covering the arrests of BLA members as well as opinion pieces regarding the organization.

Events consist of seven sections: United African Movement Freedom Retreat, Protests, Fundraisers, Memorials, Campaigns, Lectures, and the 27th Annual African American Parade. The materials range in date from 1970-1995 and include publicity material, clippings and flyers.

The Publications series contains five sections. First, the Black Panther section include various articles from the Black Panther publication ranging from their beliefs to collages and poems. The New York Amsterdam News section is an ad in support of Assata Shakur. "Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996," Public Law 104-132 is dated April 24, 1996 and was signed into law after the Oklahoma City bombing. Newsletters is a section comprised of newsletters from various organizations. Finally, the New Afrikan Journal section consists of Volume 4, Number 1 edition of the journal.

Black Panther Party is the final series in the Black Liberation Army archive and consists of six sections: Articles, "The Black Panther Party Foundation" by Afeni Shakur, Panther film, Questionnaire, Photocopies of photographs and Black Panther Collective. The articles section ranges in topic and are all undated. "The Black Panther Party Foundation" was a brief report written by Afeni Shakur regarding the assembly of the east and west coast Black Panthers in order to preserve the history of the party and conduct formal remembrances of fallen members. Panther, film is a section regarding the 1995 film about the BPP directed by Mario Van Peebles and starring Kadeem Hardison, Courtney Vance and Bokeem Woodbine. The photocopies of photographs sub-series include photographs of BPP Minister of Defense Huey Newton as well as photographs of a "Free Huey" rally. There are also miscellaneous photographs which are undated. The Black Panther Collective was formed in 1994 with the mission to carry on the legacy of the BPP. This sub-series includes correspondence, flyers, rules and regulations and community police patrol documents.


British Coal Miners' Strike Papers, 1941-1989 (majority within 1980-1987)

9.0 Linear Feet (18 manuscript boxes)

This collection was created by Margaret Kahn, a political science graduate student from the University of California, Berkeley. Kahn traveled to Great Britain to conduct research into coal miners' unions for her doctorate thesis on labor relations. While there, she witnessed and documented the coal miners' Great Strike of 1984/1985. The collection consists of Kahn's research notes and writings, along with books, papers, reports, pamphlets, and ephemera produced by unions, interest groups, companies, and government bodies. Subjects covered include the 1984/85 strike as well as broader contemporary conflicts over labor, energy, and governance in the UK.

The collection is sorted into eight series based largely on format.

The correspondence series consists of a handful of letters sent to Kahn directly, as well as a small collection of letters sent between other correspondents that Kahn collected as part of her research.

In the manuscripts series is the typescript for Kahn's unpublished biography of Arthur Scargill, the president of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) during the Great Strike.

The research notes series represents Kahn's original research. Kahn tended to create ordered compilations of annotated primary and secondary source documents interwoven with pages of her own handwritten notes. The interviews subseries features notes focused primarily on Kahn's interviews; however, additional interview notes are scattered throughout the other subseries. The alphabetical research notes are a portion of Kahn's research that she labeled by subject and alphabetized herself. At the end of the series are eight folders of unlabeled notes covering a variety of subjects.

The research documents series consists of mostly unpublished, unannotated papers that Kahn collected.

The subject files series are folders sorted alphabetically by Kahn's original titles and then grouped into broader subject categories. This series was left untouched during reprocessing due to uncertainty about the extent to which it represented Kahn's original order. Thus, there is some overlap between papers in this series and others, particularly the research documents series.

Publications are books, booklets, and other softbound publications Kahn accumulated. They have been grouped by their primary publisher, then sorted into subseries according to the sectors or interests they represent. While a good deal of materials concern the 1984 strike, they also cover related contemporary events in the UK, including the closure of collieries, the privatization of the energy sector, and the rise of Thatcherism.

Newspapers and clippings are newspapers, journals, and news clippings compilations (created by Kahn) that document the progress of the Strike, various strike topics, and issues regarding the British Press and the Strike.

Finally, the ephemera series consists of six folders of leaflets, brochures, flyers, order forms, and stickers related to coal mining, trade unionism, and political organizing.


Carol Weiss King Collection, 1936-1992

1 Linear Foot (1 records center box)

This collection is the result of notes and materials assembled by Ann Fagan Ginger in preparation for the biography Carol Weiss King, human rights lawyer, 1895-1952. Research for the book began shortly after King's death in 1952 and continued into the 1980s. The biography was published by the University Press of Colorado in 1993. Ginger donated the Carol Weiss King collection in 1999.

The collection is in six series:

Obituaries, containing newspaper reports of the death of King in 1952, her brother William in 1946, and her son Jonathan in 1997.

Correspondence, containing photocopies of letters from King concerning the deportation case of Harry Bridges, President of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. The series also contains the correspondence of Ann Fagan Ginger in her efforts to interview those who had connections with Carol Weiss King during her lifetime.

FBI Dossier, a photocopy of most of the 1600 pages generated in the investigation of Carol Weiss King and her associates. The researcher will find many pages with redacted (censored) portions. These passages will have a handwritten notation listing the exception to release of this information under the Freedom of Information Act. In the King file, most are noted "b1" which is the exception due to national security. "7d" is another common exception in the file, meaning the information was supplied by a confidential source. There are also pages noted "previously upheld", meaning that the redacted sections had been challenged and that the Department of Justice appeals process affirmed that the redaction was valid. This series contains 12 folders with consecutively numbered pages, and seven folders with unnumbered pages. Folder 17 contains correspondence related to the FOIA request and the Court of Appeals case filed by Cynthia King.

Source Notes, containing lists of sources used by Ann Fagan Ginger in writing the biography, photocopies of pages from standard reference sources summarizing the lives of many persons featured in the book, and handwritten note cards with references to historical sources.

Printed Materials, booklets, pamphlets and photocopies of early publications of the International Labor Defense, with which Carol Weiss King was associated early in her career, as well as copies of articles used for background and color in the biography.

Book Drafts, early and late typewritten drafts of chapters of the King biography.


Colonel Henry Tufts Papers, 1968-1975 (majority within 1968-1972)

6.0 Linear Feet (12 manuscript boxes)

The Tufts Papers contain case files, related documents, internal USACIDC administration and operational papers, and application of USACIDC resources. The Administrative Files consist of background and history of the USACIDC, as well as biographical information on Tufts, including a transcript of an interview, and some brief biographical sketches on other military personnel. Correspondence contains letters and memoranda between Tufts and other military personnel. The largest series, Case Files, concerns criminal investigations which Colonel Tufts directed, including the one convened for the My Lai Massacre. Additional cases involve other war crimes, murder, drug trafficking, drug use, bribery, rape, corruption, racketeering, illegal use of government property, etc.

The papers consist of case files, related documents, internal CID administration and operational papers, and application of CID resources. The Administrative Files consist of background and history of the USACID, as well as biographical information on Tufts, including a transcript of an interview, and some brief biographical sketches on other military personnel. Correspondence contains letters and memoranda between Tufts and other military personnel. The largest series, Case Files, concerns criminal investigations which Colonel Tufts directed, including the My Lai case as well as the Son My case. Additional cases involve other war crimes, murder, drug trafficking, drug use, bribery, rape, corruption, racketeering, illegal use of government property, etc.

Included in Box 2 is the index card filing system of Col. Tufts. This filing system is the key to all of the major case files. The number and letter designations in the upper right hand corner of the case files were copied from the original folders and correspond to the index cards. For example, the contents of case file "1A" (file A of case 1) can be found by locating card A in tab 1 of the index card filing system. (The tab numbers correspond to case file numbers and the letters refer to Reports of Investigation (ROIs). There is also a section divided alphabetically by last name of an individual or name of a firm. The number and letter code found on these cards corresponds to the numbered tabs in the front of the index. These "name" cards can be used as cross reference for locating the cases in which these subjects were involved. This system has been preserved for reference purposes and has been kept in the exact order in which it was received. We have made every effort to maintain the original case file designations and have also retained some of the original case file labels.

Only Social Security numbers were redacted from case files. The identities of individuals are not concealed. The photocopies are of the best quality, and any difficulty in reading them is due to the poor quality of the original, which in many cases was also a photocopy.

One box of materials containing personnel records has been closed and is not available for research.