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Alice C. Price Steamboat account book, 1856-1857 (majority within 1856)

1 volume

This volume contains accounts for the steamer Alice C. Price from March 1856 to January 1857, documenting expenses for ship upkeep, labor and wages, food, marketing, cartage, wharfage, freight, among others. The account book also includes documentation of passengers and various bills, with some summaries of costs for passage and meals "down" and "up" for unspecified trips. While very few places were named, "Pope's Creek," "Bluff's Point," and "Cone" [e.g. Coan] appear, situating the steamer in the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. The volume has a "Robert Bell Bookseller and Stationer, Alexandria, Va." label on the inside front cover.

This volume contains accounts for the steamer Alice C. Price from March 1856 to January 1857, documenting expenses for ship upkeep, labor and wages, food, marketing, cartage, wharfage, freight, among others. The account book also includes documentation of passengers and various bills, with some summaries of costs for passage and meals "down" and "up" for unspecified trips. While very few places were named, "Pope's Creek," "Bluff's Point," and "Cone" [e.g. Coan] appear, situating the steamer in the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay. The volume has a "Robert Bell Bookseller and Stationer, Alexandria, Va." label on the inside front cover.


Amos Hall orderly book, 1813-1893 (majority within 1813-1814)

6 items

This 108-page orderly book belonged to Major General Amos Hall, who commanded a New York militia unit near Buffalo, New York, during the War of 1812. The volume contains general orders and communications between Hall and other commanding officers stationed in western New York between December 24, 1813, and April 10, 1814. Two newspaper articles, published as late as 1893, are pasted on the book's final pages. The orderly book is accompanied by 4 copies of 2 reports of the United States House of Representatives in the 1840s, concerning financial claims John R. Williams made for property lost during the Niagara campaign of the War of 1812. Also included are a belt and attached buckle.

This 108-page orderly book belonged to Major General Amos Hall, who commanded a New York militia unit near Buffalo, New York, during the War of 1812. The volume contains general orders and communications between Hall and other commanding officers stationed in western New York between December 24, 1813, and April 10, 1814. Two newspaper articles, published as late as 1893, are pasted on the book's final pages. The orderly book is accompanied by 4 copies of 2 reports of the United States House of Representatives in the 1840s, concerning financial claims John R. Williams made for property lost during the Niagara campaign of the War of 1812. Also included are a belt and attached buckle.

The Orderly Book contains copies of general orders and correspondence issued daily between December 24, 1813, and December 29, 1813 (pp. 1-20), as well as orders and correspondence issued less regularly between January 10, 1814, and April 10, 1814 (pp. 20-108). Entries are composed in a number of different hands. Most orders were issued at American headquarters in Batavia, Buffalo, and Williamsville, New York, and from other unnamed posts in the Niagara region. The first order pertains to Hall's assumption of command of troops assembled near Buffalo. Throughout the following months, he issued and received orders about several aspects of the campaign in western New York, such as troop movements, troop numbers, and developments in the war. Other topics include the transfer of prisoners of war (January 10, 1814, pp. 40-41) and the hire of local Native Americans (December 27, 1813, pp. 11-12).

A copy of Amos Hall's certificate of membership in the Society of the Cincinnati is laid into the volume (July 4, 1786), and 2 newspaper clippings are pasted on its final pages: "In Olden Times. Robert Sutcliff's Travels in the Genesee Country" (Stephen B. Ayers, Post-Express, February 28, 1893) and "Interesting Sketch of Gen. Amos Hall" (Myron S. Hall, the Journal, undated).

The Government Publications series is comprised of 2 copies each of 2 printed reports issued by the United States House of Representatives, concerning claims John R. Williams made against the United States government for property destroyed by the British Army in December 1813 (Report No. 102, February 7, 1845) and for land near Detroit, Michigan (Report No. 5, December 20, 1847).

The Realia item is a belt with its original buckle still attached. The buckle depicts a grenade over the number "100," and originally belonged to a member of the British Army's 100th Regiment of Foot grenadiers.


Bustleton (Pa.) Blacksmith's account book, 1851-1858

1 volume

This volume contains the financial records of an anonymous blacksmith from Bustleton, Pennsylvania, kept between January 8, 1851, and August 14, 1858. The records include customers' names, as well as the types of items purchased and the costs of individual goods and services.

This volume (193 pages) contains the financial records of an anonymous blacksmith from Bustleton, Pennsylvania, kept between January 8, 1851, and August 14, 1858. The records include customers' names, as well as the types of items purchased and the costs of individual goods and services. Most of the records relate to items made of iron, including bolts, spokes, and irons, and many reflect the construction of wagons or carriages and their component pieces, such as axles and seats. Some entries mention additional goods and services, which often related to wagon repair. Two frequent customers included Thomas Wistar (p. 119) and the Philadelphia County Prison (p. 108). In addition to these records, a note in the front of the volume records that the author "put the cow to pasture at Wm. White's July 31st 1854," and several entries at the back reflect small loans to various individuals. The volume also contains a recipe for black varnish.


Carpenter's pocket ledger, 1855-1864, (Majority of material found within 1858)

1 volume

This unattributed pocket ledger was likely kept by a man laboring as a carpenter, recording debts and credits related to his work from 1855 to 1864. The writer repaired items such as gates, doors, and boats. He also documented making doors, staining wood, sawing logs, getting in wood, drawing boards, working on houses, and framing buildings. Two pages at the end of the volume record his cash accounts in 1864, distinguishing between cash on hand, greenbacks, eastern bills, and scrip. Several other pages document hours worked on projects and various dimensions of wood for projects. Four outlines of what appears to be the end of a banister or other woodwork piece are drawn in pencil near the end of the volume. A list of woodworking tools and a carte-de-visite of a woman wearing a polka dot dress are stored in the back pocket of the volume.

Carpenter's pocket ledger, 1855-1864 (majority within 1858)

1 volume

This unattributed pocket ledger was likely kept by a man laboring as a carpenter, recording debts and credits related to his work from 1855 to 1864. The writer repaired items such as gates, doors, and boats. He also documented making doors, staining wood, sawing logs, getting in wood, drawing boards, working on houses, and framing buildings. Two pages at the end of the volume record his cash accounts in 1864, distinguishing between cash on hand, greenbacks, eastern bills, and scrip. Several other pages document hours worked on projects and various dimensions of wood for projects. Four outlines of what appears to be the end of a banister or other woodwork piece are drawn in pencil near the end of the volume. A list of woodworking tools and a carte-de-visite of a woman wearing a polka dot dress are stored in the back pocket of the volume.

Chemistry lecture notes, 1856-1857

1 volume

This volume contains notes taken during a series of lectures on chemistry, primarily between January and April 1857. The notes cover a variety of topics, including the properties and uses of elements and brief remarks on organic chemistry and geology.

This volume contains notes taken during a series of lectures on chemistry, primarily between January 8 and April 7, 1857. Most of the lectures cover the properties and uses of elements, including ways in which they could be treated and places where they might be found. Several metals, such as lead and tin, are discussed, along with other elements such as arsenic and antimony. Other topics, such as chemical compounds, are also frequently mentioned, though the focus remains predominantly on particular elements. Though the volume contains primarily prose notes, some equations are included, often related to the formation of complex molecules and chemical reactions. Occasionally, specific applications or additional substances form the basis of a discussion, such as silver and its use in photography (No. 22, March 1857), nicotine (March 23, 1857), and citric acid (March 11, 1857). The final lectures, given throughout early April, cover topics in organic chemistry, including the formation of organic animal matter (April 1, 1857). Two entries relate to geology (April 7, 1857, and March 8, 1857). The volume holds additional inserted notes on similar chemical topics; these include notes dated October 7, 1856, and April 20, 1857.


Commonplace Book, 1846-1857

1 volume

This commonplace book contains 21 poems, 1 pressed flower, and 4 pages of manuscript music. Items originally laid in the volume, a map of United States Army encampments near Corpus Christi, Texas, and a drawing of a Spanish house in St. Augustine, Florida, are housed separately. Many of the poems relate to romance, and 3 are attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

This commonplace book contains 21 poems, 1 pressed flower, and 4 pages of manuscript music. Most poems are 1-2 pages in length, and the longest is 4.5 pages. Five poems are accompanied by epigraphs, including one in Greek from Aeschylus's Oresteia, one from a Latin elegy by Sextus Propertius, and one from Chaucer's Anelida and Arcite. The book is divided into three sections, with 56 blank pages separating the first two sections, and 1 page separating the final two sections.

The first section (24 pages) contains 12 poems, three of which were inspired by the poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Subjects include nature, knights of "A hundred Years ago," and love. The second section (22 pages), entitled "Poems under various dynasties," has 9 poems about a man's love, grief, loss, and longing for his beloved. The third section (4 pages) consists of manuscript sheet music for 3 songs

The book came with two illustrated items. Two manuscript maps were drawn on the same page by Ann Maine Wells: a view of the "Camp of the Army of Occupation, Texas," near Corpus Christi, Texas; and a portion of the Texas Gulf Coast shoreline from the Rio Grande to Corpus Christi. The second item is an ink drawing by W. H. B. of an "Old house at St. Augustine" built of coquina stone and plaster (1857).

List of poems:
  • First section
    • "Little Mosses, Golden Mosses"
    • "Daiduchus" (with German epigraph from Goethe’s poem "An den Mond")
    • "At the Ford"
    • "A Hundred Years Ago"
    • Untitled ("O foolish flowers!...")
    • Untitled ("It is over; let me rest...")
    • "From Goethe"
    • "Evening" (with note: "On Lake Horicon")
    • Untitled ("Yesterday is dead!...")
    • Untitled ("I drew it to its full soft length...")
    • "From Goethe"
    • "From Goethe (Book of Zuleikha)" (with Greek epigraph from Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound)
  • Second section: Poems Under Various Dynasties
    • Untitled ("Ours is a simple tale of love...")
    • Untitled ("Thou art my morning and my evening star...")
    • Untitled ("Evening shades are falling...")
    • Untitled ("Winter's in love with the springtime...")
    • Untitled ("I have a little darling, a winsome little pet...")
    • Untitled ("Oh gentle, uncomplaining face...") (with Greek epigraph from Aeschylus's Libation Bearers)
    • Untitled ("Dear, forgive me if I weep...") (with Latin epigraph from Propertius's Elegiarum)
    • Untitled ("Without a word, without a sign...") (with penciled epigraph from Chaucer's Anelida and Arcite)
    • Untitled ("Ah, the fearless little heart...")
  • Third section
    • "Melody" (with lyrics)
    • "Nevermore" (without lyrics)
    • "Would thou wert here!" (without lyrics)

Cummington (Mass.) Country Store and Tavern account book, 1817-1866

1 volume

The Cummington (Mass.) Country Store and Tavern account book contains financial records related to a general store in Cummington, Massachusetts, and to the personal finances a local resident. The store accounts record the purchase of household goods and foodstuffs, and many of the personal accounts reflect the costs of boarding draft animals and note the fees associated with the local school.

This 339-page account book holds approximately 300 pages of financial records related to a general store in Cummington, Massachusetts, and to the personal finances of a local resident. Pages 1-184 document the general store's financial affairs between 1817 and 1819, and reflect the prices of household supplies and foodstuffs. The accounts are organized chronologically and document individual purchases by date. Several members of the Bryant family, including William Cullen Bryant's brother Austin, purchased goods from the store. One entry reflects a $31.71 credit awarded to Almyra Packard for "Labour in the Factory" (p. 109). Pages 185-297, as well as several pages thereafter, consist of personal accounts kept between 1820 and 1866, many of which concern the costs of boarding horses and other draft animals. Several accounts mention cotton and gingham, and many regard the finances of the local school.


Daniel Morgan collection, 1764-1951 (majority within 1764-1832)

63 items

The Daniel Morgan collection is made up of financial records, legal documents, correspondence, and other items related to General Daniel Morgan and to Willoughby Morgan, his son.

The Daniel Morgan collection is made up of 63 financial records, legal documents, correspondence, and other items related to General Daniel Morgan and to Willoughby Morgan, his son. The majority of the collection consists of accounts, bonds, promissory notes, and other documents pertaining to Daniel Morgan's financial affairs. Accounts and invoices record Morgan's purchases of clothing, wagon-related equipment and services, and other items. Some of the later items do not concern Morgan directly but have his legal endorsement. Also included are two outgoing letters by Morgan, a 9-page legal document about a lawsuit against Morgan, and a deposition that Morgan gave in a different dispute. Other items are a bond regarding Morgan's marriage to Abigail Curry (March 30, 1773) and Morgan's political address to the citizens of Allegheny County about politics and the militia (January 17, 1795). Three of the documents pertain to enslaved and free African Americans (November 6, 1773; June 13, 1789; and March 28, 1799). Later items mostly pertain to the estate of Willoughby Morgan, Daniel Morgan's son. James Graham wrote two letters to unknown recipients in 1847 and 1856 about his efforts to write Daniel Morgan's biography, which he subsequently published.

Printed items include a map of the surrender of Yorktown (undated), a newspaper article from a Winchester, Virginia, paper about the possible disinterment of Daniel Morgan's remains (August 18, 1951), and printed portraits of Daniel Morgan with manuscript and facsimile autographs.


David P. Gerberich family account book and recipe book, 1840-1888

1 volume

This volume contains financial records pertaining to David P. Gerberich of Niles, Michigan, as well as other accounts and recipes. Daybook accounts pertain to sales of whiskey in Washington, Illinois, and of ales and foodstuffs in Howard, Michigan; later financial accounts relate to farm labor and personal expenses. The volume also includes culinary, medicinal, and household recipes.

This volume (around 320 pages) contains financial records pertaining to David P. Gerberich of Niles, Michigan, as well as other accounts and recipes. Daybook accounts pertain to sales of whiskey in Washington, Illinois, and of ales and foodstuffs in Howard, Michigan; later financial accounts relate to farm labor and personal expenses. The volume also includes culinary, medicinal, and household recipes.

The first section (pages 1-174) contains daybook records for sales of whiskey and other goods in Washington, [Illinois], from April 1, 1840-December 11, 1841. The merchant's customers included members of the Gerberich family. David P. Gerberich's daybook records sales of dry goods, especially wheat, as well as meats and other goods in "Kingsbury" and "Belmont" from August 6, 1842-September 6, 1845 (pages 178-181) and at Howard Township, [Michigan], from August 1868-February 27, 1872 (pages 187-238) and [March?] 8, 1873-July 27, 1873 (page 243). Page 182 contains a list of household expenses, pages 240-241 are comprised of estate records (November 3, 1873-December 10, 1873), and pages 244-293 contain accounts dated September 13, 1883-1888, which largely pertain to farm labor, livestock, blacksmithing, and personal expenses. Pages 178-238 and 183-186 of the daybook are missing.

Additional financial records and notes appear on pages 302 and 321-324. Pages 248-258 and 268-272 include recipes for food and household products such as cured meats, baked goods, and cleaning solutions.

Items laid into the volume include an 1888 receipt for Mrs. Gerberich's purchase of lumber from John L. Reddick in Niles, Michigan, dried leaves, and a blank fire insurance application for D. P. Gerberich of Niles, Michigan.