Collections : [University of Michigan William L. Clements Library]

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1 volume

This volume contains financial accounts related to the sale of goods in the 1830s and to civil court cases heard in the 1870s.

This volume contains financial accounts related to the sale of goods in the 1830s and to civil court cases heard in the 1870s.

The first section of the volume contains an anonymous individual's accounts regarding the sale of various goods, including foodstuffs, household supplies, and tobacco, between 1831 and 1852; most entries are dated 1831-1833. These records are accompanied by notes about planting, a description of a flood, and a brief poem composed mostly of three-word lines (p. 81a).

The second section of the volume consists primarily of notes regarding proceedings and judgments in civil court cases in Berrien County, Michigan, between 1871 and 1873. These notes often include the names of involved parties and details about hearings. Oliver P. Miller, a justice of the peace from Lake Township, is frequently mentioned.

List of cases:
  • George Washburn vs. Darwin Wrathman
  • Samuel McLellan vs. Darwin Wrathman
  • George Ennis vs. George Boyce
  • Jacob Raas vs. Warren Nelson
  • George Neidlinger vs. William Ushaw and Phillip Meyer
  • Andrew Johnson vs. L. Carpenter
  • People of the State of Michigan vs. Charles Sterling
  • James Lewis vs. John Stiles
  • George Neidlinger vs. W. H. H. Long

Other entries in this section of the journal include a "Form of Security for costs by nonresident," illustrated with the case of John Doe vs. John Jones; a "Form of Confession of Judgment;" the poem "The Vacant Chair;" and a song entitled "O come with me in my little canoe" [sic].

The following items are enclosed in the volume:
  • Order for Solomon Neidlinger to surrender his residence and notes on a dispute between Joseph Beans and Melissa B[eans]
  • Order for George Ennis to surrender his residence
  • A poem, "Lines dedicated to H and M"
  • Four pages from the Elson Grammar School Reader Book One
  • A recipe for "Washing Fluid"
  • A newspaper clipping featuring the following "Lost and Found Poems:"
    • "Unity"
    • "Hang Up the Baby's Stocking"
    • "Annabel Lee"
    • "I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard"
    • "Kingdom Coming"
    • "The Boat Song"
    • "The Discovery of America"
  • A cure for whooping cough
  • A newspaper clipping featuring "Poetry Written at my Mother's Grave"

52 items

This collection contains letters, legal documents, receipts, and printed images related to mayors of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1705-1976. The content pertains to Philadelphia commerce and politics, as well as to mayors' personal affairs.

This collection contains 52 individual letters, legal documents, receipts, and printed images related to 25 mayors of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The content pertains to Philadelphia commerce and politics, as well as to mayors' personal affairs.

Notable items include the following:
  • Four 18th-century documents, bearing the Philadelphia city seal and ordering the sheriff to assemble 24-person juries. Joseph Willcox (March 13, 1705), Nathan Stanbury (December 18, 1706), Richard Hill (June 17, 1715), and Thomas Lawrence (December 18, 1764)
  • A letter from John Inskeep to the Common Council, discussing administrative issues and forwarding "a copy of a letter…from Thomas Howell at New York containing propositions to furnish the Corporation of this city with three engines of a peculiar kind which he imported from England for the Corporation of New York" (December 4, 1800)
  • A partially printed order to apprehend Francis Barrett for being "an idle drunk or vagrant following no legal visible means for a support," signed by Robert Wharton (November 16, 1815)
  • A letter to Joseph Watson from Benneville Keim, president of the Farmer's Bank of Reading, regarding counterfeiting issues (May 16, 1827)
  • A letter from John M. Scott respecting his fire insurance policy and investments (July 11, 1827)
  • A letter of recommendation for "William Magill, late proprietor and Editor of the 'Daily Keystone,' for a Situation in the Customs. He has been an efficient co. laborer in the Democratic ranks, battled faithfully and long to maintain the continued supremacy of the Party, and is in our opinion highly entitled to a position commensurate with his services and merits," signed by Richard Vaux and others (November 1846)
  • Appointment of Addison B. Burk as Philadelphia's official delegate to the 1911 National Rivers and Harbors Congress, by John E. Reyburn (November 10, 1911)
  • 11 partially printed receipts from the Department of Receiver of Taxes for "city and school taxes" paid by Margaret B. Stewart, George F. Caldwell, and Elsie M. Caldwell (1919-1929)
  • Brief notes from 20th-century mayors responding to requests for autographs
1 result in this collection

4 items

This collection is made up of 2 collections of manuscript poems and 2 printed items. Many of the poems are elegies about loved ones' deaths, and many were copied from publications.

This collection is made up of 2 collections of manuscript poems and 2 printed items. Many of the poems are elegies about loved ones' deaths, and many were copied from publications.

The poems, which include previously published works, works set to music, and hymns, are collected in 2 loosely-bound groups. Many are elegies, laments, and narratives about death, often told from the point of view of a loved one facing an imminent loss. "James Bird," a narrative poem, pertains to a young man's death on Lake Erie during the War of 1812. Death and bereavement are the most prominent topics, but a few poems address children or pertain to love. One group of poems is bound in a copy of Philadelphia's Dollar Newspaper (November 13, 1850).

The printed items are a newspaper article about Nellie Grant Sartoris and her inheritance from her father-in-law, an Englishman ("One of Grant's Daughters") and "Quotations for Autograph Albums," which include proverbs and epigrams.

  • Book 1
    • "An Elegy on the Death of [Selah] Foster"
    • "The Traveling Preacher's Complaint"
    • "[Crazy] Jones"
    • "My Mother"
    • "Reply to the White Pilgrim"
    • "Delia's Funeral Dirge"
    • Two untitled short poems
    • "Mary Across the Wild Moor"
  • Book 2
    • "Children Go"
    • "The Troubador"
    • "Good Bye"
    • "Brazilian Lover"
    • "The Watcher"
    • "The Dying Child's Request"
    • "My Mother"
    • "James Bird"
    • "My Mother's Bible"
    • "The Orphan's Prayer"
    • "Oh Take Me Home to Die"
    • "The Orphan Boy"
    • "Are We Almost There"
    • "The Field of Monterey"
    • "Mary Across the Wild Moor"
    • "Lie Up Nearer Brother"
    • "Lilly Dale"
1 result in this collection

1 volume

This volume contains excerpts from correspondence, reports, and treatises concerning the relationships between the United States, Great Britain, France, and Spain during the Revolutionary War era. Two of the five excerpts originated from letters written by Silas Deane, an American agent in France; the other three narrate Benjamin Franklin's dealings with the French court, report on the British Army's finances, and analyze available options for amphibious military action. A later owner added brief biographical notes on the key Americans referenced within the volume.

This volume (117 pages) contains excerpts from correspondence, reports, and treatises concerning the relationships between the United States, Great Britain, France, and Spain during the Revolutionary War era. The first two segments (pp. 1-8 and pp. 9-33) are extracts of "intercepted letters" from Silas Deane to Brigadier General Samuel Holden Parsons (May 14, 1781) and Robert Morris (June 10, 1781) concerning diplomatic relations between the United States and the three major Continental powers (England, France, and Spain). Deane concentrated on the possible motives of France in assisting the American rebellion, noted the historical animosity between France and Great Britain, and shared his suspicion that France merely wished to see Great Britain's power diminished. He also questioned Spain's supposed neutrality and urged Parsons and Morris to consider reconciliation with Britain. The second letter focuses heavily on economic arguments, while the first primarily considers international politics and power relations.

The next excerpt is a third-person account of "Doctor Franklin's representations to the Court of France" (pp. 34-37), which recounts the American response to a recent French proposal. The summarized response cites the United States government's continuing desire to achieve full independence from Great Britain and its reluctance to accept the presence of large international military forces on its soil. Franklin also discussed French loans to the United States and reported his responses as the wishes of the United States Congress. The fourth, and lengthiest, excerpt, entitled "Extracts from the seventh report of the Commissioners of Public Accounts" (pp. 38-82), reflects the finances of British forces in North America from January 1, 1776-December 31, 1781. The report, issued on June 18, 1782, and later published, discusses funding for "extraordinary services of the Army" and notes specific amounts of money owed and supplies used during the Revolution.

The final essay, entitled "On Conjunct Expeditions" (pp. 83-114), discusses Great Britain's naval strength and posits a possible strategy for amphibious warfare combining infantry and naval forces. The treatise mentions several previous battles and examples and considers the drawbacks and benefits of these tactics. The essays are followed by brief biographies of Silas Deane, Samuel Holden Parsons, Robert Morris, and Benjamin Franklin, adapted from A Universal Biographical Dictionary, Hartford. S. Andrews & Son, 1856 (pp. 115-117).

1 volume

This volume contains meteorological tables and diary entries concerning daily life in Rhinebeck, New York, from 1850-1868. The author wrote about local politics, national politics, and the Civil War; the weather's effect on crops and farming; epidemics and health; and other subjects. The first pages of the volume contain brief notes about inflammatory diseases.

This volume (approximately 580 pages) contains meteorological tables and diary entries concerning daily life in Rhinebeck, New York, from 1850-1868. The first page of the volume consists of a brief note regarding intellect, followed by a 2-page essay about the "Influence of Weather on Health," 6 pages of information about diseases and treatments, and a recipe for an adhesive plaster. Some of the medical notes appear to have been copied from outside sources written in the 1840s.

The remainder of the volume is comprised of daily meteorological tables and diary entries written from January 19, 1850-May 10, 1868 (the entries for August 11, 1863-July 31, 1864, appear near the front of the volume). Each page of the meteorological register contains a chart providing information on wind direction and speed, temperature, and general weather conditions for as many as 10-12 days. A key to the numerical system used to denote wind speed and weather conditions is located at the beginning of the weather diary. Newspaper clippings regarding weather patterns and comet appearances were infrequently pasted into the volume.

Additional "Remarks" on almost every page frequently pertain to the weather, agriculture, and local news. The author commented on the weather's effects on various crops, the navigability of the Hudson River, locusts, the appearance of comets, and the prevalence of diseases such as measles and dysentery. Some entries pertain to recent news events (such as the destruction of the Henry Clay in July 1852) and political campaigns, including New York gubernatorial races and the United States presidential elections of 1856, 1860, and 1864. After the secessions of November 1861 and throughout the Civil War, the author reported war news, writing about local regiments and reactions to the war, recent battles, and major political events such as the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Some entries report false rumors.

1 result in this collection

1 volume

This album contains autograph manuscripts and signatures of famous American politicians, military figures, authors, artists, actors, and religious figures, begun by Boston resident "Mrs. Russell" in 1859. A small number of contributors wrote directly into the volume, which also includes pasted-in letters, documents, poetry, excerpts, and signatures.

This album (145 pages) contains autograph manuscripts and signatures of famous American politicians, military figures, authors, artists, actors, and religious figures, begun by Boston resident "Mrs. Russell" in 1859. The first few pages include notes and signatures written directly into the volume, mostly dated at Boston in 1859. The majority of the album consists of pasted-in letters, poems, fragments, and standalone signatures written as early as 1759 and as late as 1920; 3 items from 1912, 1917, and 1920 are addressed to James C. McCabe of Bay City, Michigan. The correspondence refers to politics and current events, the memory of George Washington, and other subjects. One letter from Maria Mitchell to "My Dear Emily" assured the recipient that she had consulted the stars for auspicious signs (p. 100). The contributions from John Quincy Adams and James Madison are unsigned handwriting samples. The album includes a financial document signed by Jenny Lind regarding the distribution of proceeds from a charity performance (p. 6). A small number of materials are accompanied by clippings containing biographical information about the contributors. A complete index is available in the Manuscripts Division.

1 result in this collection

0.25 linear feet

This collection is made up of correspondence, documents, financial records, newspaper clippings, and other items related to Salem, New York, and its residents, primarily from the 1780s-1890s.

This collection is made up of correspondence, documents, financial records, newspaper clippings, and other items related to Salem, New York, and its residents, primarily from the 1780s-1890s. Many of the items were once bound together.

The Correspondence series is comprised of around 60 incoming and outgoing letters related to Salem, New York, and to the history of the state of New York. Early letters between residents of Salem and other locales concern a wide range of topics including education, political offices and appointments, and legal cases. After 1856, most items are incoming letters to James Gibson, a native of Salem who was state senator, judge, and president of the Washington Academy. Three letters written during the Civil War concern military commissions and officers. Many of Gibson's incoming letters, particularly later items, relate to his genealogical work; some correspondents offered or requested information about their ancestors.

The Documents series contains over 140 indentures, financial records, petitions, and other items, primarily related to residents of Salem, New York, in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the indentures concern land ownership in Washington, County, New York, and personal financial agreements. Other material relates to the Washington Academy, including a list of pupils. Legal orders largely concern private debts, and one document pertains to a local election. Some documents have newspaper clippings pasted onto them, and others were once bound together. One item is a diploma that the Washington Academy issued to James McEl. A group of land indentures is housed in a large bound volume.

The collection's Printed Items include articles, programs, and newspaper clippings. The majority of newspaper clippings concern the Washington Academy in Salem, New York. Other articles concern the "Bench and Bar of Washington County," the Bancroft Public Library, and the family of William Williams. Some clippings are pasted onto large sheets of paper, with manuscript annotations; a small number of complete newspapers are present. The series also has several copies of a program from the dedication ceremony of the Bancroft Public Library in July 1890.

The Photograph, Essay, Notes, and Fragments series is made up of items pertaining to Salem, New York. The carte-de-visite photograph depicts J. B. Steele. The various notes, essay, and fragments pertain to genealogy.

1 result in this collection

approximately 245 photographs

The Traveling photographers collection contains approximately 245 examples of photographs produced by various traveling photographers that operated in the United States primarily during the latter half of the 19th-century.

Works by approximately 145 different traveling photographers are present in this collection and include cartes de visite, cabinet cards, stereographs, tintypes, and a small number of larger format images. For many of these photographers there is only a single example of their work included in the collection. Locations of operation include a wide range of regions across the United States, with eastern states such as Pennsylvania being particularly well-represented. Most of these photographs are typical individual and group portraits of men, women, and children.

The collection has been divided into two volumes. Volume 1 contains cartes de visite and tintypes while Volume 2 contains cabinet cards, stereographs, and a few other images with larger mounts of varying sizes. Volume 1 also includes two clippings and one photocopied page from an article about traveling photographers written by Eaton S. Lothrop, Jr., for Popular Photography magazine as part of his "Time Exposure" column series.

While most of the people represented in this collection are unidentified, the following individuals are identified by accompanying inscriptions:
  • “Wm. Johnson” - taken by N. L. Stone (Vol 1)
  • “F. W. Huling” - taken by C. S. Roshon’s Mammoth Union Photograph Car (Vol 1)
  • “Jimmie McCool Taken in 1889” - taken by S. R. Miller’s Photograph Car (Vol 1)
  • “J. B. [or J. R.?] Enders” - taken by A. J. Miller, Keystone Traveling Gallery (Vol 1)
  • “Uncle John Grimes” - taken by H. F. Knoderer & Bro (Vol 1)
  • “J. P. Seip & Bro” - taken by Josiah Knecht (Vol 1)
  • “Angalina Seip” [Angelina Seip] - taken by Josiah Knecht (Vol 1)
  • “Julie Hamlin” - taken by Huested Bros. (Vol 1)
  • “Timo Moyer?” - taken by Geo. V. Knecht (Vol 1)
  • “Sam Rhenis Martin” and “Probably Sam Rhenis Martin’s Wife” - taken by Callahan’s Traveling Gallery (Vol 1)
  • “Mrs. R H Blodget 236 35th St. Denver Col. Formily Mary Neil” - taken by King & Co.’s Traveling Gallery (Vol 1)
  • “[?] Adaline Temple” - taken by F. J. Aiken (Vol 1)
  • “Presented to Mr. & Mrs. Silas Boyer” - taken by B. Breslow’s Empire Movable Photograph Gallery
  • “C. H. Holmes May 2nd 1881” - taken by J. B. Silvis (Vol 1)
  • “Lou House - Graham’s Baby” - taken by the Erik Borklund Photo Car (Vol 2)
  • “Olive Woodward” - taken by A. Couturier (Vol 2)
  • “Geo. H. Dunham” and “Fredd Harry Dunham” - taken by Currier & Parkinson (includes stamp depicting Landing of Columbus on verso) (Vol 2)
  • “Will Duning of Dresden” - taken by F. M. Foster (Vol 2)
  • “Pansy Lovewell” - taken by the Hutchings Rail-Road Photo-Car (Vol 2)
  • “Jabez Willes brother of Julia Willes Thrall” - taken by F. L. Hale (Vol 2)
  • “Charlie, Mary, & Bruce Blaney Claysville Washington Co Pa.” - taken by Gibson & Myres (Vol 2)
  • “Mrs. James J. Connelly #10 McConnellsburg PA” - taken by S. R. Miller’s Photograph Car (it is unclear if this inscription is related to the couple depicted) (Vol 2)
  • “Carrie and Mattie Ewan”- taken by the National Art Company’s Railroad Palace Photographic Studio (Vol 2)
  • “George & Sarah Kistler” - taken by Rollow’s Art Car (Vol 2)
  • “Leo Martin” and "Jim Martin" - both taken by the Pacific Photograph Car, Rockford, Washington (Vol 2)
  • “Arron Smith Children” - taken by the Pacific Photograph Car, Rockford, Washington (Vol 2)
  • “Miss. Kittie M. Newell July 22nd 1889” - taken by Abel J. Whalen’s Accommodation Photo. Car (Vol 2)
  • “Will Schnegg” - taken by H. C. Williams’ Floating Gallery (Vol 2)
  • “Jonas Heim” - taken by B. L. Wilson’s Traveling Gallery (“Christina Waltz Williamsport Pa.” likely a relative of the subject and former owner of the photograph) (Vol 2)
  • “April 1891 - Maggie Austin April 1891. A. M. Austin 43. E. G. ‘ ‘ 43 Mag ‘ ‘ 14 Edd ‘ ‘ 18 May ‘ ‘ 21.” - taken by W. H. Yant (Vol 2)
  • “Howard J. Martin about 1893” - taken by Boston and Albany R.R. Photo Car (Vol 2)
  • “Wash’s Daughter Pearl” - taken by F. M. Steele (Vol 2)
  • “The Boy Preacher, Age 14: John E. De Merritt” - taken by Winslow and Shobe (Vol 2)
  • “Maurice (Moe?) Boynton Alice Price } 2nd buggy” - taken by Carson Bros (Vol 2)
  • “Mrs. J. C. Boxley” - taken by Newton & Sprague Photo Car (Vol 2)

Other items of interest include 14 tintypes including a group portrait taken at the Algonquin Bon Ton Tent by W. H. Pearce and a miniature tintype produced by Douglass’ Travelling Car (Vol 1); several photographs with revenue stamps; and 10 cartes de visite by C. G. Blatt, including three items containing humorous poetry in their backstamps (Vol 1); a stereograph view of "the old Block House at Annapolis Royal" by the Palace R.R. Photograph Car Co. (Vol 2); a stereograph view of Bridgewater, Vermont (Vol 2); a stereograph view of the "Steam Packet 'Minnesota' at Hastings [Minnesota] (Vol 2); a portrait of a pet pug taken by Will. H. McMillan, R. R. Palace Photo Car that bears an inscribed caption reading: “For my dear ‘Missis’ from her Devoted ‘Brownie’” (Vol 2); a group portrait of a man and women taken by Keil & Matula with an inscribed caption reading “Czechlovakia Couple Fayetteville, TX” (Vol 2); several portraits of children that appear to show hidden mothers in the background; two studio portraits of unidentified individuals produced by Civil War veteran turned photographer Capt. J. B. Shane (Vol 2); a number of photographs that appear to be copies of earlier images, including a portrait of a man produced by the Hutchings Railroad Photo Car bearing an inscribed caption reading: “Copied from original” (Vol 2); and a possible self portrait of photographer Abel J. Whalen on a mount stamped "Whalen's 'Accommodation' Photo. Car."

The following lists contain names of photographers represented in the collection as well as the total number of images included for each photographer:

Volume 1: Cartes de visite
  • F. J. Aiken [2 images]
  • Aldhizer & Eutsler [2 images]
  • Atkinson’s Photographic Railroad Gallery [1 image]
  • L. K. Bair [1 image]
  • B. Billian [1 image]
  • C. G. Blatt [10 images]
  • A. F. Bonine [1 image]
  • E. A. Bonine [2 images]
  • J. K. Bottorf [1 image]
  • Bowdish's Traveling Gallery [1 image]
  • B. Breslow’s Empire Movable Photograph Gallery [2 images]
  • Brown & Huard [1 image]
  • Burchfield & Bottorf [1 image]
  • J. Bushong [1 image]
  • Callahan’s Travelling Gallery [3 images]
  • H. P. Carnes [1 image]
  • Coggeshall’s Excelsior Photographic Car (John Ingersoll Coggeshall) [2 images]
  • G. W. Dibert [1 image]
  • W. A. Dietrich [4 images]
  • Doran's Photographic Car [1 image]
  • Dougherty (Mammoth wagon) [2 images]
  • Dougherty & Cope (Mammoth wagon; J. L. Cope) [3 images]
  • J. W. Fothergill's Mammoth Photograph Car [1 image]
  • F. Z. Fritz [2 images]
  • William R. Godkin [1 image]
  • M. C. Goodell [4 images]
  • William Griffin [2 images]
  • Harry Gurlitz’s Photograph Car [1 image]
  • W. H. Heiss [2 images]
  • J. J. Hodge [2 images]
  • J. M. Horning & Co. [2 images]
  • Huested Bros. [1 image]
  • Johnson & Sullivan’s Portable Railroad Gallery [1 image]
  • King & Co.’s Traveling Gallery [1 image]
  • George V. Knecht [5 images]
  • Josiah Knecht [8 images]
  • H. F. Knoderer & Bro. [1 image]
  • C. L. Leonard [3 images]
  • J. Loveridge [1 image]
  • C. D. Luccock [1 image]
  • J. H. McGowan (U.P.R.R. Photographic Car) [1 image]
  • A. J. Miller [1 image]
  • S. R. Miller's Photograph Car [2 images]
  • William Nick [3 images]
  • Nick & Knecht [2 images]
  • E. W. Peirce (The Railroad Photograph Coach) [1 image]
  • Lewis P. Peter [7 images]
  • Peter & Kresge [1 image]
  • Peters & Brother [1 image]
  • F. B. Pine's Floating Photographic Studio, of the St. John's River, Fla. [1 image]
  • S. Place [1 image]
  • Portable Picture Palace [1 image]
  • G. M. Primrose [2 images]
  • W. H. Rector [4 images]
  • C. S. Roshon (Mammoth Union photograph car) [1 image]
  • J. B. Silvis (U.P.R.R. Photographic Car) [2 images]
  • C. H. Sisson [1 image]
  • C. M. Stark [1 image]
  • N. L. Stone [1 image]
  • A. Stoppel [1 image]
  • Tucker & Powell [1 image]
  • W. A. Vale [1 image]
  • M. C. Vance [1 image]
  • D. S. Von Nieda [1 image]
  • Horace L. Webber [1 image]
  • West & Lewis (Travelling photographers) [1 image]
  • Whalen's Portable Art Gallery (Abel J. Whalen) [1 image]
  • L. H. Whitson (Professor L. H. Whitson's Rail Road Photographic Car) [1 image]

Volume 1: Tintypes
  • Bishop's Portable Photograph Gallery [1 image]
  • J. Davidson [1 image]
  • Doolittle & Humphrey's Tintype and Ferrotype Car [1 image]
  • Dougherty & Cope (Mammoth wagon; J. L. Cope) [1 image]
  • Douglass’ Traveling Car [2 images]
  • Paul’s Mammoth Travelling Photograph and Ferro-type Car [1 image]
  • W. H. Pearce (The Algonquian Bon Ton Tent) [1 image]
  • E. B. Squier [2 images]
  • A. D. Terhune [1 image]
  • Williams & Dodge’s Photograph Cars [2 images]
  • C. C. Williams [1 image]

Volume 2: Cabinet cards
  • Antoinette Palace Railroad Photo Car (Studio Antoinette) [2 images]
  • Blocker Palace Art Studio and Traveling Cottage Gallery [1 image]
  • Erik Borklund [1 image]
  • Boston and Albany R. R. Photo Car [2 images]
  • W. A. Bradley [1 image]
  • P. L. Britain (Palace R. R. Photo Car.) [1 image]
  • Clark’s Portable Gallery [1 image]
  • J. P. Coffey, Photo. Car. (J. N. Bayles) [1 image]
  • A. Couturier [2 images]
  • James H. Crockwell [1 image]
  • Currier & Parkinson [1 image]
  • J. W. Dalrymple [1 image]
  • Drum Rail Road Photo Car (Oscar Drum) [1 image]
  • Elite R. R. Photo Co. [1 image]
  • Fallman Parlor Photo Car [3 images]
  • F. M. Foster [1 image]
  • Gibson & Myres, Traveling Photographers [1 image]
  • F. L. Hale [2 images]
  • F. J. Haynes [3 images]
  • T. E. Hays [1 image]
  • Howell (Prairie Queen Gallery - Temple, Tex.) [1 image]
  • Hutchings Bros. Railroad Photo. Car [1 image]
  • Hutchings Rail-Road Photo-Car [3 images]
  • K. C. Photo Car [1 image]
  • Keil & Matula, Traveling Photographers [1 image]
  • Keystone Portable Gallery [1 image]
  • Lyden & Bellinger [1 image]
  • Malloy (20th Ave. No. & Wash. Minneapolis) [1 image]
  • William H. McMillan [1 image]
  • J. W. Merideth [1 image]
  • S. R. Miller [3 images]
  • National Art Company’s Railroad Palace Photographic Studio [1 image]
  • Newton & Sprague Photo Car. [1 image]
  • Nowack Bros. Floating Gallery [1 image]
  • Pacific Photograph Car [4 images]
  • Palace R.R. Photograph Studio [1 image]
  • Lewis DeArcy Rollow (Rollow’s Art Car) [2 images]
  • J. B. Shane [2 images]
  • Showman & Joy’s Palace Cars [1 image]
  • Smith Brothers [1 image]
  • C. H. South [1 image]
  • F. M. Steele [1 image]
  • The K. C. Art Chariot [1 image]
  • The Stuart Queen City Photo Co's. Great Australian Route, Car No. 12 [4 images]
  • The Traveling Art Company [1 image]
  • M. F. Timmerman (East Tenn. Photo Car) [1 image]
  • Tooley & Grigsby (The Monarch Traveling Photographers) [1 image]
  • Turner & Johnson [1 image]
  • N. A. Watkins [1 image]
  • Welsh & Harlow [1 image]
  • West & Lewis (Travelling photographers)
  • Whalen's "Accommodation" Photo. Car. (Abel J. Whalen) [2 images]
  • H. C. Williams (Williams' Floating Gallery) [1 image]
  • B. L. Wilson's Traveling Gallery [1 image]
  • Wilson's Railroad Photo Car. (B. L. Wilson) [1 image]
  • Winslow and Shobe [1 image]
  • Wolfe & Peiffer (Keystone Traveling Photo Studio) [2 images]
  • W. H. Yant [1 image]
  • Young, Portrait Artist (Boston Portrait Car) [1 image]

Volume 2: Stereographs
  • T. A. Aldrich [1 image]
  • Coggeshall’s Excelsior Photographic Car (John Ingersoll Coggeshall) [2 images]
  • Mrs. Emma A. Cooke's Traveling Photo. Pavillion (Emma A. Cooke and W. A. Cooke) [1 image]
  • J. P. Doremus [1 image]
  • H. H. H. Langill [1 image]
  • Palace R. R. Photograph Car Co. [1 image]
  • F. B. Pine's Floating Photographic Studio, of the St. John's River, Fla. [1 image]
  • W. E. Warren's Portable Photograph House [2 images]

Volume 2: Larger formats
  • J. A. Bellinger [1 image]
  • Carson Bros. [1 image]
  • Newton & Sprague Photo Car. [1 image]
  • D. R. White [1 image]

1 result in this collection

1 volume

This volume is a record of costs associated with mortgage foreclosure cases filed in Michigan's Second District Court in the early 19th century, personal financial records of Michigan Supreme Court justice George Miles, and notes on mortgage foreclosures and similar legal cases filed primarily in Washtenaw County, Michigan, between 1847 and 1858.

This volume records costs associated with 8 mortgage foreclosure cases filed in Michigan's Second District Court in the early 19th century (20 pages); personal financial records of Michigan Supreme Court Justice George Miles, kept between May 27, 1839, and March 9, 1841 (16 pages); and notes on mortgage foreclosures and similar legal cases filed primarily in Washtenaw County, Michigan, between 1847 and 1858 (29 pages). One item laid into the volume documents the payment of costs associated with the case of Wilson & Cobb vs. Levi Rogers (February 19, 1848-August 24, 1852).

A. M. Gould, a clerk with Michigan's Second District Court, kept 20 pages of detailed records of filing costs and similar expenses related to 8 court cases, most of which were mortgage foreclosures. These include filing costs, the costs of creating copies of documents, and similar charges.

Partial List of Cases
  • Frederick M. Sanderson vs. Harvey Norton and others
  • James E. Hays vs. Mary E. Hays
  • Ormsby & Page vs. Howard Norris, et al.
  • Hawkins & Wilson vs. H. H. Neff
  • Miles Wilson vs. David P. Hinson
  • Jagger & Varrick vs. Calvin Townson
  • Levi Walker vs. William J. Moody
  • Calvin F. Austin vs. Charles T. Moffett

The second portion of the volume, 16 pages, is a record of cash received and expended by George Miles, in account with Miles & Wilson, between May 27, 1839, and March 9, 1841. Miles often traveled throughout southeast Michigan, including trips to Detroit, Adrian, and Ypsilanti. One entry mentions Michigan governor William Woodbridge.

The final part of the book contains 29 pages of notes on many court cases heard in the "Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in Chancery" between January 19, 1847, and March 1858. Most of the cases involved mortgage foreclosures, and notes often mention the plaintiffs and defendants, motions and related documents filed, and associated fees. A divorce case related to Murray Speer of Pinckney, Michigan, is mentioned, but with no associated notes. Though the majority of cases pertain to Washtenaw County, Michigan, others took place in Livingston, Kalamazoo, and Eaton counties. The case of Ebenezer Wells and Franklin L. Parker against James Fuller, Jr., of Eaton County, Michigan, relates to land held in Ionia, and is accompanied by a newspaper clipping (April 4, 1857). Two additional items are laid in: a scrap of paper with calligraphic writing, and a short note.

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1 volume

An unnamed woman kept this diary, documenting her sojourn to Cuba from October 1854 to April 1855. She traveled with members of her family, including "Uncle M" (likely Montgomery Livingston), Margaret (possibly Margaret M. Tillotson), Mary, and a servant Bridget. Staying primarily in Havana and Güines, the writer described Cuban vegetation, religious and social practices of white and Black residents, cuisine and dress, military and political figures, enslaved laborers and hired servants, sugar, tobacco, and coffee plantations, and other international travelers.

An unnamed woman kept this diary, documenting her sojourn to Cuba from October 1854 to April 1855 with members of her family, including "Uncle M" (likely Montgomery Livingston), Margaret (possibly Margaret M. Tillotson), Mary, and a servant Bridget. Staying primarily in Havana and Güines, the writer described Cuban vegetation, religious and social practices of white and Black residents, cuisine and dress, military and political figures, enslaved laborers and hired servants, sugar, tobacco, and coffee plantations, and other international travelers.

The party travelled from New York aboard the steamboat Black Warrior, captained by James D. Bulloch, in October 1854. The diarist described their voyage, other passengers, and their arrival in Cuba. Because the captain and vessel had been embroiled in an international conflict earlier in the year, Cuban authorities scrutinized the Black Warrior upon their arrival in Havana. While staying at a boarding house in Havana, the writer described the city, food, merchants, residents and their fashion, and the presence of enslaved people.

Upon leaving the city, they took up residence in Güines. Frequently exploring the area by horseback, the writer detailed local vegetation, produce, and crops, while also noting the social and religious life of the community. She commented occasionally on books she was reading, and she wrote of the people she encountered, such as local vendors, enslaved people, other Americans, or the poor (see November 28, 1854). She provided commentary on practices like smoking, culinary dishes, music, and balls. Marginal figures are also remarked upon, including an American woman living under the protection of the Jesuits who was being pursued by her ex-husband seeking custody of their children (see December 1, 1854; December 6, 1854; December 18, 1854).

The writer regularly remarked on enslaved and free people of color and their activities, including their participation in Mass and religious holidays, such as Epiphany / El Dia de los Reyes (January 6, 1855). She noted their presence at balls, their relationships with their children, work as vendors, and labor on plantations and in the town. She visited a number of plantations and wrote of their crops, buildings, operations, and enslaved laborers. Several times, she noted violence against enslaved people, including evidence of beatings and punishments (December 1, 1854; December 2, 1854; December 16, 1854; January 22, 1855). On another occasion, she witnessed a two-year-old boy sold separately from his mother, and wrote about their distress (March 13, 1855). The writer also made at least two references to Chinese laborers (October 31, 1854, and November 25, 1854). The family hired several servants during their stay in Cuba, and the writer periodically remarked on their displeasure with them and their dismissal.

The diarist commented on military troops and government officials in the region. Several entries pertain to the "Lopez Expedition" and its aftermath, referring to American-backed efforts by Narcisco López to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule several years earlier (October 16, 1854; November 19, 1854; December 19, 1854). She wrote about orders by José Gutiérrez de la Concha to inquire into residents' "character" and take up any of ill repute (seemingly targeting Black populations), and attendant police presence (November 25, 1854; December 3, 1854; December 4, 1854; December 11, 1854; December 13, 1854; January 23, 1855; March 1, 1855). She noted the uniforms of the "gens d'armes" and their participation in Mass. The diary includes occasional remarks about the local jail.

The family made occasional trips to Havana for shopping and made a brief visit to Matanzas in February 1855, where they met with the American consul who was working to protect American sailors (February 7, 1855). The diary ends on April 15, 1855, as the family prepared to depart for Havana to return to the United States.

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