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Department of Physics (University of Michigan) publications, 1915-2001 (majority within 1988-1998)

1 linear foot

The Department of Physics Publications are divided into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Topical Publications. The Unit Publications series contains printed material published specifically by the Department of Physics. These publications are defined as being widely distributed and may be published at regular intervals. They are arranged by genre of the publication. The Sub-Unit Publications series contains publications from subordinate offices, departments, programs and organizations within the Department of Physics. These publications are arranged alphabetically by the creating sub-unit.


Emanuel Levy collection, 1941-2007

2 linear feet

This collection is made up of correspondence, soldiers' newsletters, and other items related to Emanuel Levy's service in the United States Army Signal Corps during World War II and his involvement in veterans' reunions. Levy corresponded with family members and friends in Brooklyn, New York, while serving in in the United States and the Pacific Theater from 1941-1943; he later received updates from fellow veterans. The collection also includes Levy's war reminiscences, and sheet music and manuscripts of Levy's musical comedy, Hey Mister Satan (1942).

This collection is made up of correspondence, soldiers' newsletters, and other items related to Emanuel Levy's service in the United States Army Signal Corps during World War II, and to his involvement in veterans' reunions.

The Correspondence series (244 items) contains Emanuel Levy's incoming and outgoing correspondence from January 1941 to June 1943, and a single letter written in September 1945. "Manny" received letters from family members and friends in Brooklyn, New York, who discussed the family news and, less frequently, politics and the war. His correspondents included women named Muriel, Evelyn, Alberta, and Frances. In his letters and postcards, Levy commented on his experiences at Camp Upton, New York; Camp Shelby, Mississippi; Camp Beale, California; Camp Butner, North Carolina; other bases; and in Hawaii and the Pacific Theater, where he was stationed for most of 1942. He described his life on base immediately prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, discussed finances and allotments, and responded to news from his family's letters to him. He occasionally used stationery from the Jewish Welfare Board, USO, and various military installations.

The Military Transmissions and Communications series (8 items) consists of official communications sent during World War II, primarily related to the signal corps and the Pacific Theater. The series includes Irving Strobing's transmission reporting the surrender of Corregidor (May 4, 1942) and a separate order to stop American vessels bound for Corregidor, a communication from Franklin D. Roosevelt to the United States Army forces in the Philippines (beginning "Personal from the President to Lt Gen Wainwright…"), and an undated notice of the German surrender.

The Reunions and Postwar Papers series (94 items) includes materials related to reunions of the 303rd Signal Operation Battalion, the history of the unit, and Emanuel Levy's involvement with veterans' organizations. The 303rd Signal Operation Battalion held reunions from 1947-1993. Items include Emanuel Levy's postwar correspondence with fellow veterans, invitations, address lists, newspaper clippings, and ephemeral materials. Several incoming letters to Levy inform him of fellow veterans' postwar lives and deaths.

The Writings series (8 items) pertains to Emanuel Levy's service in the United States Army Signal Corps during World War II. Three personal reminiscences, written sometime after the war, recount his work for the 101st Signal Operation Battalion and 303rd Signal Operation Battalion in the United States, the Pacific, and Europe during and just after the war, with details about military communications operations, his movements, and specific incidents. One item is a list of the posts where Levy served between April 1941 and September 1945. The series contains an article that Levy submitted to Harper's Magazine in 1957 ("Two Ugly Beasties") and typescripts and manuscript sheet music for Levy's musical, "Hey Mister Satan," written with George H. Johnston and C. W. Erdenbrecher.

The Printed Items series (20 unique items) contains multiple copies of soldiers' newsletters. The Burpee, by the 303rd Signal Operation Battalion, related news of the battalion's activities while at Camp Crowder, Missouri, and in Sunnyvale, California (August 5, 1943-November 18, 1943). The Taylor Maid chronicled events onboard the General Harry Taylor at the close of the war in the Pacific; the series holds a marquee "War Ends" issue (August 15, 1945) and a signed souvenir issue (August 18, 1945). Other items are a copy of The Message, a professional newspaper produced in Camp Crowder, Missouri (September 9, 1943), and a published volume, 303rd Signal Operation Battalion: An Informal Unofficial History, April 17, 1943-February 25, 1946. The publication is a unit history comprised of photographs and essays by several of its members and a unit roster.

Three World War II-era newspaper clippings pertain to Emanuel Levy's promotion to master sergeant, a Women's Army Corps member's visit to her dying soldier son, and the 303rd Signal Operation Battalion's service in Europe, including participation in the Battle of the Bulge.


Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (University of Michigan) publications, 1923-2018

6.2 linear feet — 1 bundle

Includes brochures, manuals, proceedings, programs, and reports. Also contains bulletins or course catalogs from the School of Public Policy, the Institute of Public Policy Studies, the Institute of Public Administration, and the Institute of Public and Social Administration. Contains 1967 and 1968 W. S. Woytinsky lectures and the newsletters Newsletter: Institute of Public Administration, IPPS Newsletter and the School of Public Policy Newsletter. Also includes Bureau of Government bulletins, pamphlets, and reports and the newsletter The Staebler Caucus published by the Neil Staebler Political Education Fund. Also contains the Newsletter to Graduates published by the Michigan chapter of the American Society for Public Administration.

The Publications of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy (6.2 linear feet) are divided into three subseries: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Student Publications. Some publications (or their successors) may no longer be available in print but are available on the school's website.


Gilbert and Sullivan Society (University of Michigan), publications, 1947-2011

2 linear feet

Publications of University of Michigan organization which produces Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, including flyers, newsletters and a history of the organization.

The Publications series (2 linear feet) includes flyers, programs, newsletters, and a history of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society as well as the newsletter of the Friends of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society. The publications are divided into two series: Unit Publications and Sub-Unit Publications.


Information Technology Division (University of Michigan) publications, 1971-2009 (majority within 1985-1999)

5.5 linear feet

Includes bibliographies, brochures, bulletins, manuals, newsletters, proceedings, and reports from the Information Technology Division. Also contains publications from the Center for Information Technology Integration, Consulting and Support Services, Information Technology General Council, Merit Computer Network, Office of Administrative Systems, Information Systems and Services, Office of Instructional Technology, Telecommunications Systems, University Information Systems and User Services.

The Information Technology Division began publishing many of the Computing Center's manuals and newsletters after 1989 and 1990. Before those dates, they may be found in the publications group Computing Center Publications. After the transfer of Computing Center activities to the Information Technology Division, the researcher may find those publication in Information Technology Division Publications. Notes are made to this effect throughout the container lists. Please consult both finding aids.

The ITD Publications subgroup (5 linear feet) is divided into two series: Unit Publications and Sub-Unit Publications.


Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan) publications, 1946-2013 (majority within 1950-1990)

6.5 linear feet — 477.9 KB (online)

The ISR Publications contains publications of the Institute for Social Research and several sub-units, especially the Survey Research Center. The publications include annual reports, histories, bibliographies, newsletters, brochures and research reports.

The ISR Publications include annual reports, bibliographies and book catalogs, brochures, histories, lectures, newsletters, such as FYI and Open Channel, and reports such as Perceptions of safety and security at the University of Michigan. Contains annual reports, bibliographies, brochures, bulletins and course catalogs, manuals, newsletters, and reports from the Center for Political Studies, Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, CIEL Project: Computers in Early Literacy, Inter-university Consortium for Political Research, National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Survey Research Center, and the Population Studies Center.

The Publications series (6.5 linear feet, 477.9 KB) consists of three subseries: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Topical Publications.


Institute for the Humanities (University of Michigan) publications, 1987-2016 (majority within 1987-1997)

0.4 linear feet

Includes annual reports, brochures and pamphlets, course bulletins, calendars, and the newsletters Humanities and Notes from the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan.

The Publications includes annual reports, brochures and pamphlets, course bulletins, calendars, and the newsletters Humanities and Notes from the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan. The publications are organized into three series: Unit Publications, Sub-Unit Publications, and Topical Publications.

The Unit Publications series includes annual reports, brochures and pamphlets, and bulletins describing course offerings from the Institute. This subseries also contains calendars and flyers describing the various programs, presentations, and events sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities. These are arranged chronologically and broken down by the Institute's annual themes. There are two newsletters Humanities and Notes, which cover the activities of the unit from 1989 to the present.

The Sub-Unit Publications series contains brochures from the Humanities Camp. The Humanities Camp is an event which brings together alumni and supporters with University of Michigan faculty to discuss and explore current issues and themes in the humanities.

The Topical Publications series includes Development brochures.


Integrated Premedical-Medical Program (University of Michigan) publications, 1975-2003

0.5 linear feet

Includes brochures, bulletins describing the program and courses offered, directories, manuals, and newsletters such as Inteflex News, the Inteflex Newsletter, and Inflexions. Also contains alumni newsletters such as the Inteflex Alumni News and Reflexions

The Integrated Premedical-Medical Program Publications (1 linear foot) are divided into two series: Unit Publications and Student Publications.

The Unit Publications series (.9 linear foot) includes brochures, bulletins describing the program and the courses offered, directories, manuals, and newsletters.

The directories are alphabetical lists of student telephone numbers and addresses for the classes of 1995, 1998, 1999, and 2002 published in 1994-1995. There is a similar directory for the class of 2004 published in 1996-1997. There is also a master address list for alumni compiled in 1996.

Inteflex issued its student manual from 1975 to 1997. The title changed several times. Published under the title Student's Guide to Survival in the Inteflex Program from 1975 to 1980 the title was modified to the Student's Guide to the Inteflex Program in 1981. From 1982 through 1984 it was called The Inteflex Student Handbook. In 1985 the title reverted to the Student's Guide to Survival in the Inteflex Program. The manuals are arranged alphabetically by title.

The Bentley Library holds Inteflex newsletters dating from 1974 to the present. These are arranged alphabetically by title. The Flex99 was a newsletter edited by and for members of the Inteflex Class of 1999. The Bentley Historical Library holds three issues from 1993 to 1994. The I-Opener was the newsletter written for students to describe their preceptorship experiences. We have issues from 1988 to 1996.

Alumni newsletters cover the years from 1982 to 2002. The Inteflex Alumni News was published from 1982 through 1983. In 1984 it became Reflexions: The Inteflex Alumni Newsletter. The Bentley Library has a nearly complete run of this publication except for volume 5 from 1986 and the issues for 2001.

The unit newsletter was titled Inteflex News in 1974 and continued to be published until 1995. There is one issue of Inteflex Program Newsletter dated 1976. The Inteflex Newsletter was issued from 1977 to 1979. In 1994 yet another newsletter entitled Inflexions was published. This newsletter ceased publication in 2002.

In 1972 the Inteflex External Advisory Committee met to assess the Inteflex program. The report compiled for that meeting gives a brief history, the objectives and design elements of Inteflex, committee structure and membership, and a description of the curriculum and courses offered. In addition under the heading "Website" there is a printout of the Inteflex website dating from 1997.

The Student Publications series (.1 linear foot) includes three anthologies by the students of Inteflex dating from 1995 through 1997. Each was published by the first year Inteflex class.


Inter-Cooperative Council (Ann Arbor, Mich.) records, 1932-2015

60 linear feet (in 60 boxes) — 9 oversize volumes — 31.72 GB (online)

The Inter-Cooperative Council at Ann Arbor is an organization established to coordinate the activities of cooperative houses founded and operated by University of Michigan students. Their records are comprised of minutes, office files, and newsletters, as well as organization-level topices and related research. The collection also contains records of student cooperative, the Socialist House.

The records of the ICC at Ann Arbor cover the years 1932 to 2012 and are divided into ten series: Minutes, Office Files, Printed Materials, Events and Programs, Organizational Topical Files, Correspondence Files, Collected Research Materials, House Records, External Organizations, and Audio-Visual Materials.

Researchers should note that because of the differences between ICC office organizational systems and the individual processing archivists working on the collection, topics and materials might be found in multiple series.


Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research publications, 1962-2006

6 linear feet

Publications of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. Includes annual reports, catalogs, manuals and newsletters. Contains the publications of the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging, National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, and National Institute of Justice. Contains bulletins and syllabi from Summer Course in Quantitative Methods

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Publications includes annual reports, catalogs, manuals and newsletters. The record group also includes publications of the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging, National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, and National Institute of Justice. The Publications are divided into two series: Unit Publications and Sub-Unit Publications.