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Over 1250 Photographs

The Afghanistan Archaeological Remains Photograph collection contains photographs, postcards, drawings, and pages of text for an exhibition about Dr. Richard Edward’s Bamiyan photographs of 1968. Most photographs depict archaeological remains from the Begram and Hadda regions of Afghanistan, along with photographs of artifacts from the Kabul Museum. The objects represented in these photographs include sculptures of animals, people, and religious or mythological figures, as well as architectural fragments, medallions, and pottery vessels, made from materials such as glass, stucco, ivory, bronze, schist, and limestone. The Afghanistan Archaeological Remains Photograph collection is part of the Islamic Art Archives collection.

The Afghanistan Archaeological Remains Photograph collection is composed of approximately 1250 photographs, depicting Afghanistan sculptures, statues, figural reliefs, pottery, and other archaeological remains, the majority of which are from the Kabul Museum in Afghanistan. The photographs were largely taken by Dr. Suresh Vasant while other photographers included Dr. Richard Edrwards, Dr. Walter Spink, Dr. John M. Rosenfield, and Horst P. Schastok. Dr. Richard Edwards took his photographs of Bamiyan in 1968, while the others were likely taken by Dr. Suresh Vasant in 1971. There are approximately 64 photographs and 23 postcards from other institutions. Archaeological remains from the Hadda and Begram regions of Afghanistan comprise the majority of the collection, although there are many photographs of the Bamiyan (approx. 119 photographs) and Fauladi (25 photographs) regions, and of objects from the regions Mundigak (approx. 34 photographs), Fondukistan (approx. 23 photographs) and Surkh Kotal (approx. 38 photographs). The photographs highlight objects made of stucco, terracotta, glass, ivory, stone, and schist, and include sculptures of animals, people, and religious or mythological figures, as well as architectural fragments, medallions, and pottery vessels. General views of archaeological sites such as Bamiyan and Fauladi are also depicted in the photographs.The Afghanistan Archaeological Remains Photograph collection is part of the Islamic Art Archives collection.

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3 linear feet

Aviator and airplane designer, founder of Meyers Aircraft Company, Tecumseh, Michigan. Personal materials, business papers, biographical material, photographs and miscellanea; include letter from Howard Hughes, Sept. 10, 1947.

The Meyers papers include both business and personal material. Materials relating to Meyers' contributions in aviation are likely to be of interest to researchers. Included is correspondence from the 1930s through the 1951s with the Civil Aeronautics Administration concerning development of the OTW, 145, and 200. There is also extensive material relating to design, testing, and production of Meyers aircraft. The papers also may be of use to researchers interested in the fate of the small manufacturer. Those papers of a personal nature reflect Meyers' interest in fishing and in aviation as a hobby as well as business. In addition, the papers throw light upon social and political attitudes of the period. Of interest here is material concerning legal action against Mrs. Meyers, a former member of the Young Communist League, who was deported during the 1950s.

1 result in this collection

119.5 Linear feet (85 record center boxes, 7 ms. boxes, 4 large flat oversize boxes, 10 medium flat oversize boxes, 2 small flat oversize boxes and 2 portfolios.) — Printed material in boxes 77-80 and Portfolio 1; Artwork in boxes 81, 82, 99-108, and Portfolio 2; Photographs in boxes 83, 84, and 98 (includes slides); Audiovisual materials in boxes 85-92 (including reformatted copies).

American poet; co-founder of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University. Papers include correspondence, poems, essays, photographs, art, biographical material, and audiovisual materials.

The Anne Waldman Papers were purchased by the Special Collections Library in 1998. Periodic additions to the collection have been made.

The papers document Waldman's personal and professional life from childhood to adulthood in great detail, and provide a rich and unique source for the study of American poetry. The collection includes textual material, photographs, audiovisual material, and artwork that extensively document Waldman's writing, publishing and performance efforts; her administrative leadership and teaching activities at the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery and Naropa University's Writing and Poetics program; and her relationships and interactions with a remarkable number of prominent poets, writers, and artists.

The Biographical series (approximately .5 linear feet) contains biographical summaries written by Waldman and others, resumes, travel and work itineraries, and publicity material such as press releases, pamphlets, and quotes and "blurbs" for books.

A highlight of the series is Waldman's autobiographical essay and drafts for the Contemporary Authors' series. A small folder of poems written about Waldman is also included. The researcher should note that additional material written about Waldman can be found in the Correspondence and Name File Series.

The Correspondence and Name File series (25 linear feet of material, divided into several subseries) provides insight into Waldman's professional activities and relationships, and her personal relationships with many poets, writers, and artists. Poets including Allen Ginsberg, Ted Berrigan, Joe Brainard, Tom Clark, Diane di Prima, Kenward Elmslie, Joanne Kyger, Bernadette Mayer, Ron Padgett, and many others are well represented in the series, as are visual artists such as Alex Katz, Jasper Johns, Robert Mapplethorpe, Larry Rivers, and James Rosenquist. Material in the Correspondence and Name File was created during Waldman's college years and adulthood (approximately 1962-1999). Correspondence from Waldman's childhood and teenage years, and correspondence with family members can be found in the Early Years and Family series respectively.

The Name File subseries is an alphabetical file consisting primarily of more prominent personalities and frequent correspondents. Although the bulk of the material in the Name File is correspondence, manuscripts and other material created by or related to the person listed may also be found in the files. Where large amounts of material related to a person exist, the type of material has been grouped by genre and indicated separately in the finding aid. In cases where the type of material is not listed separately, the file contains mainly correspondence, but may also include small amounts of other material, most likely manuscripts. The researcher should note that some manuscripts submitted to Waldman and a small amount of correspondence related to Waldman's specific publishing ventures or specific subjects have been left with the appropriate subject file or organizational records.

The Miscellaneous Correspondence subseries contains more routine correspondence. This subseries is arranged alphabetically.

The Unidentified and Fragments subseries consists of approximately .75 linear feet of material from correspondents who did not identify themselves, identified themselves by their first name only, or whose signatures were illegible. This material is arranged chronologically, and is divided in to unidentified correspondence and unidentified manuscripts. Although every effort was made to arrange correspondence in the appropriate place in the Name File and Miscellaneous Correspondence subseries, researchers interesting in viewing all the correspondence from a particular person may want to examine the Unidentified and Fragments subseries.

The series also includes two folders of Anne Waldman's outgoing correspondence, as well as several folders of printouts of Waldman's outgoing and incoming email. The email correspondence spans the years 1997 and 2009. Researchers should note that there is substantial overlap between the Email and Correspondence and Name File subseries.

The Writing series (11 linear feet) consists of Anne Waldman manuscripts and other material, such as correspondence, administrative files, and ephemera, related to her writing. This series is divided into five subseries: Early Work; Fiction; Essays, Speeches, and Interviews; Poetry; and Contributions to Other Works.

The Fiction sub-subseries is divided into Drama and Short Stories. Much of this material is also early work, from Waldman's college years or shortly thereafter. Within Drama and Short Stories, the pieces are arranged alphabetically by title.

Essays, Speeches, and Interviews comprises Waldman's prose work, consisting of essays, articles, speeches and addresses, and interviews, as well as book blurbs, introductions, forewords, and reviews. Many of these pieces exist in various stages, from handwritten notes to published articles. The Essays grouping contains essays and articles written for various publications. The Speeches grouping, arranged chronologically, consists of speeches and speaker introductions made by Waldman at various events. Undated material is located at the end of the section. The Interviews grouping is divided into interviews of Anne Waldman by others, arranged chronologically, and interviews of others, which for the most part have Waldman as either interviewer or co- interviewee. These interviews are arranged alphabetically by name of interviewee.

Also included in the Essays, Speeches, and Interviews subseries are "Biographical Sketches" of other authors. (Biographical and autobiographical sketches of Anne Waldman can be found in the Biographical series.) Most of these sketches appear to have been written by Waldman, although some were contributed by the authors themselves. In addition, the researcher will find a Notes grouping, made up of Waldman's loose collected notes, both literary jottings and everyday work lists. Some of the notes are of unknown authorship, although a few appear to have been Reed Bye's.

The Poetry subseries is divided into two sub-subseries, Published Works and Single Titles. Although Waldman's poetry can be found throughout the Writing series--and indeed throughout the entire collection--the bulk of it resides here. Published Works incorporates Waldman's stand-alone or collected works, most but not necessarily all of which have been published. The Published Works sub-subseries begins with an Alphabetical File containing Waldman's shorter works intended for publication. These files are arranged alphabetically by title.

A Collaborations section of collaborations between Waldman and others, and a Translations section, with a small number of works by others which Waldman translated or helped translate into English are also included in the Published Works subseries. The Collaborations section is arranged alphabetically by collaborator. The translation section contains only three works, which are arranged alphabetically according to the original author.

The Published Work subseries also contains three linear feet of separate material for Iovis I, II, and III and Kill or Cure. This material consists generally of original manuscripts (handwritten drafts and typescripts) of single poems, drafts of the whole work, proofs, and a small amount of related correspondence. The Iovis I and Iovis II files strongly reflect Waldman's work process for the creation of these long, fragmentary epic poems. Namely, the Notes Drafts, and Research Material files, which have been left almost as-is, consist of seemingly randomly arranged clippings, correspondence, previously written material, and many different current drafts, merged together. The researcher may find this portion of the collection difficult to use, owing to its haphazard arrangement. Items which seemed of special significance have been flagged or pulled and foldered separately, the "Questions for men for Iovis" being one example. In some cases, the original has been removed and placed elsewhere within the collection. Details are noted in the contents list. Among these items are poems by Waldman's son, Ambrose, and letters written by Anne Waldman's grandfather to his future wife (due to extremely their fragile condition, the originals have been removed and placed in separate storage). The other portions of the Iovis material present a clearer arrangement, consisting as they do of draft and proof copies of the entire work. The Iovis III portion to date is quite small, consisting only of a version of Waldman's journal entries from a trip to Vietnam in 2000.

The material used in Kill or Cure has a clearer organization, although it should be noted that much of the content and order within the "Drafts/Collected Poems" portion remains unclear. It was impossible to ascertain whether some of the pieces included in the original folders labeled "Kill or Cure" were originally intended for the book and not used, or if they became misfiled. Too, some material may be missing, removed by the author from its original location in order to be used for other purposes, such as the creation of Iovis II . In fact, there is considerable overlap between some of the material in Iovis and Kill or Cure, the latter being published in between Iovis I and Iovis II .

Single Titles consists of the many loose poems that were originally scattered throughout the collection and which could not be easily placed within the context of a larger work. They are arranged alphabetically by title or first line. There are several folders of poem fragments as well, found at the end of this grouping. In the case of some of these poems, it has been difficult to ascertain whether they are in fact fragments or are rather complete, untitled poems. In general, when the title of a poem has undergone changes, all of the drafts of that poem have been grouped under what appears to be the latest version of the title. There may, however, be some exceptions to this arrangement.

Contributions to Other Works is a small subseries consisting of pieces which Waldman wrote for publication in larger works by other authors. Both poetry and prose works are represented here.

The Journals and Notebooks series (5 linear feet) consists of more than 110 journals, notebooks, appointment books, and address books kept by Anne Waldman. (For the sake of convenience, all of these items are referred to here as "journals.") A small number of journals kept by others is also represented. The journals offer a diverse array of content, from random jottings and to-do lists, to literary notes and drafts, to intensely personal diaries. In some cases distinct literary pieces have been recorded, and sometimes the line between journal and handmade book is somewhat blurred. There are collaborative works, such as those with Bill Berkson and Reed Bye. Other pieces were clearly written for friends such as Joe Brainard, Jim Carroll, and others.

The Journals and Notebooks series is broken into two subseries, Anne Waldman and Others, representing journals kept by Waldman and journals kept by others. The Anne Waldman subseries is arranged chronologically by decade, from the 1960s through the 1990s. There are many undated journals as well. The Others subseries contains journals by Lewis Warsh (including one that was co-written with Waldman) and journals very likely by Reed Bye. Of note within one of the journals from the 1970s in the Anne Waldman subseries is a drawing of Anne Waldman made by Bob Dylan.

The Editing and Publishing series (approximately 12.5 linear feet) is comprised of Anne Waldman's work in editing and publishing, often as a joint venture with those in her circle. The most important subseries, Small Press and Little Magazine, represents her work with The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery, Angel Hair, Full Court Press, and Rocky Ledge. For the most part, all of the Small Press and Little Magazine files consist of a mixture of the literary--manuscript contributions, drafts, mockups, proofs--and the administrative--reports, correspondence, sales and expense records, and so forth.

Perhaps the most significant portion of Small Press and Little Magazine, the Poetry Project grouping is divided into General, Adventures in Poetry, The World, and St. Mark's Church. "General" consists of correspondence; administrative material such as reports, notes, and budgets; poster, flyers, and other performance-related material, including speeches and introductions to Poetry Project events. Correspondence is related to the running of the Poetry Project, the newsletter in particular. Much of this correspondence appears to have been managed and kept by Frances Waldman, who edited the Poetry Project Newsletter from 1976 to 1978. There are also loose poems, which were printed and distributed singly, and many issues of the Poetry Project Newsletter (although not a complete run), along with original manuscript submissions for the newsletter.

Adventures in Poetry was a mimeographed literary magazine edited and published at St. Mark's Church by Larry Fagin using Poetry Project resources. A small number of submissions and publications appear here.

The most important division within the Poetry Project grouping are the files relating to The World, the magazine of the Poetry Project, which Waldman directed from 1968 through the late 1970s. Included are what can loosely be labeled "Administrative Material" as well as Submissions. Two files of Administrative Material are topical in nature, including an Author-title Index from 1979. In addition, there are the usual minutes, mailing lists, and the like. Submissions are for the most part arranged alphabetically by author. There are also two folders with material specific to individual issues of The World . Items of unknown authorship are placed at the end of these files. The researcher may find the aforementioned Author-title Index of some assistance in identifying these submissions.

"St. Mark's Church" refers to items which are church-specific; that is, related to St. Mark's as a religious institution or physical entity rather than to the Poetry Project: Such concerns as building preservation and restoration, youth projects, and church services are covered. Much of this material appears to have been maintained by Frances Waldman, including but not limited to files which are labeled as hers.

The Angel Hair files consist of material from Angel Hair Books and Angel Hair magazine, both of which Waldman co-founded and co-edited with Lewis Warsh. Press and magazine materials are commingled. Angel Hair is divided into Catalogues, Administrative Material, Proofs, and Submissions.

Full Court Press, which Waldman started with Ron Padgett and Joan Simon, was dedicated to publishing quality editions of out-of-print works. The volume of material in this collection is quite slim, consisting of only one folder.

Rocky Ledge refers to the mimeographed magazine, Rocky Ledge, which Waldman started with Reed Bye in Boulder. It was published in eight issues from 1978 to 1981. Some books were also published through Rocky Ledge Cottage Editions. There is a folder of general Administrative Material and another slim folder of manuscripts published by Rocky Ledge Cottage Editions. In keeping with the original organization of the material, the rest of the files are arranged by the individual issue of Rocky Ledge , with administrative materials mixed in with each issue of the magazine. Types of material found in the Rocky Ledge files include draft or mockup versions of the magazine; manuscript submissions; correspondence; cover art, both originals and facsimiles; receipts; and editors' notes. In some cases, the original manuscript submissions appear to have been used in the creation of the draft versions of the magazine. A separate division deals with submissions that were either not used in Rocky Ledge, may not have been intended for use in Rocky Ledge in the first place, or are unidentified.

Also included is a small amount of material labeled "Cherry Valley." Waldman summered in this small New York town in the late 1970s, Waldman's family and Allen Ginsberg maintained houses there for a time, and some work produced by Waldman and her circle was published by "Cherry Valley Editions." However, the exact nature and extent of literary activity from this period and location is unclear, and extant files in this collection are unrevealing.

The rest of the Editing and Publishing is divided along the lines of the individual book titles which Waldman edited or co-edited: The Beat Book, Nice to See You, Out of This World, Talking Poetics, and Disembodied Poetics.

The Beat Book files consist of some correspondence and, primarily, a draft version and a proof version of the work. Nice to See You, which is a tribute to poet Ted Berrigan, consists mainly of submissions by friends of Berrigan's. There are also files of background material, notes, a small number of photographs, correspondence, a draft, proofs, and publicity and reviews. Out of This World is an anthology of work from The Poetry Project. The Out of This World files consists of correspondence (dealing mainly with publishing permissions), early versions of the preface and introduction, drafts, and proofs.

Both Talking Poetics and Disembodied Poetics are anthologies of lectures delivered at Naropa University by Writing and Poetics Department faculty and visiting poets. These files are comprised mainly of transcripts of these lectures; manuscript reworkings and revisions by the authors; correspondence between authors, editors, and publishers; and various drafts of the whole work. In some cases, the name referenced in the correspondence file is the subject of the correspondence rather than its author. Administrative material is also included.

In the Talking Poetics files, the Drafts and Proofs section is divided into Early Work and Complete Drafts. Much of the Early Work section is fragmentary in nature, in particular, the Early Drafts material. Although at some time all of the individual pieces of Early Drafts were collated and paginated, much is missing or has been placed elsewhere. The existing pieces are now arranged alphabetically by author. Particularly noteworthy in this section is a handwritten John Cage score, a part of his work Lecture IV. Complete Drafts are arranged by page number.

The Disembodied Poetics files are arranged in a similar fashion, with individual pieces placed in the Early Contributions and Ideas and Early Drafts portions and later, more complete drafts arranged in or nearly in book order. It should be noted that the designations of the drafts as "A," "B," and "C" were assigned during processing and do not necessarily reflect chronological order. The order within each draft follows the table of contents for that draft, none of the drafts being paginated as a whole.

The subseries, General Publishing, consists of miscellaneous contracts, proposals, copyright application material, and financial material covering royalties, honoraria, book sales, and so on. The Unpublished material subseries consists mainly of miscellaneous pieces of writing that could be part of books that are published or unpublished or drafts of works with an unknown title.

The Naropa series (8 linear feet) consists of material related to Waldman's involvement with the Naropa Institute, now Naropa University, in Boulder, Colorado. It is comprised of the following subseries: Course Material, Administrative Material, Conferences and Panels, Publications, Printed Material, Other Teaching Activities, and Personal.

Course Material is divided into the following sub-subseries: Anne Waldman, Others, and Summer Writing Program. Anne Waldman course material is arranged chronologically and topically and contains many sourcebooks or bound copies of readings for her classes. Course material of others is arranged primarily chronologically, as is, for the most part, material from the Summer Writing Program. The Summer Faculty and Visiting Poets folder under Course Material includes contracts, correspondence and resumes from guest lecturers such as Amiri, Baraka, Ted Berrigan, Diane Di Prima, Tom Clark, Robert Creeley, Kenward Elmslie, Joy Harjo and Harry Smith and is organized alphabetically. Administrative Material is divided into General, Writing and Poetics Department, and Summer Writing Program. Within all levels of the Administrative Series can be found correspondence which includes emails, memos, minutes and reports, planning material, notes, etc. "Early Planning Material" within the Writing and Poetics Department files includes documents penned by Anne Waldman and Allen Ginsberg which formulate aspects of the founding of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Also included in the Writing and Poetics files are departmental newsletters. Student and instructor evaluations also appear. Evaluation files, barring those of Anne Waldman, are closed due to privacy legislation and concerns.

Conferences and Panels consists of notes for talks given at Naropa along with transcripts and schedules. Speeches and Interviews covers those speeches and interview given at Naropa, although there may be some overlap with material in the Writing series. Speeches are arranged chronologically. "A Declaration of Interdependence," although grouped with Speeches, is not a speech per se, but rather a protest document mirroring in structure the Declaration of Independence. It was penned by multiple authors, including many Naropa faculty members as well as other poets and activists. Interviews are listed alphabetically by interviewee.

Publications consist of Campus Periodicals (student newsletters and literary magazines); Class Publications, including those of the Summer Writing Program; and a small number of works by faculty members. Printed Material consists of Catalogs and Brochures; Posters, Flyers, and Programs; and Clippings. Arrangement at the folder level is chronological. Additional class publications can be found within the Course Material subseries.

In addition to her role at Naropa, Waldman has taught at several other institutions. These activities are reflected in the Other Teaching Activities subseries, which includes work at the Schule für Dichtung in Vienna and the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, among other institutions. Because the bulk of Waldman's teaching activities is tied up with Naropa, these files are included within the Naropa series. Material for each institution is arranged chronologically.

The final subseries of the Naropa series is Personal, which includes ephemera, correspondence, topical files, contracts, and notes. Correspondence is both incoming and outgoing and consists of both Naropa-related 'official' correspondence that is addressed solely to Waldman and correspondence that is personal in nature but which refers to Naropa (here, there will naturally be some overlap with Waldman's correspondence in the Correspondence and Name file series). Material within folders is arranged chronologically.

The Other Activities series is comprised of 1 linear foot of material, and documents Waldman's activities outside of writing and publishing. The series includes material related to conferences and festivals that Waldman attended or participated in, as well as material related to Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue Tour, various video and audio recording projects, and attempts to sell Waldman's archive, or portions of it. The series also includes a significant amount of material documenting Waldman's involvement in social protest issues.

The Personal series is a topical file consisting of 1.5 linear feet of material not primarily related to Waldman's writing or professional activities. Material documenting Waldman's interest in Buddhism and her 1967 wedding to Lewis Warsh can be found in the series. Of particular note is a collection of memorabilia, including material from Waldman's travels, and various playbills, museum programs and ticket stubs. Legal and financial records, as well as various and unidentified notes, jottings and telephone messages, are also included in this series.

The Early Years series contains 2 linear feet of material documenting Waldman's school years, as well as her early interests in writing, acting and drama. The series includes material from Waldman's elementary school, middle school, high school and college years. Early writings can be found in each of the Pre-High School, Friends Seminary and Bennington College subseries, as well as the Early and Unidentified Writings subseries. Highlights include childhood and family newsletters titled "Our Life and Times" and "The Penguin News," school publications in which Waldman was first published, production material from Waldman's high school newspaper (of which she was editor), and manuscripts and typescripts of early poems. The Friends Seminary and Bennington College subseries contain class notes and papers, a high school report card, college grade reports and other school-related material. The Bennington College subseries also includes correspondence and notes from Howard Nemerov and other professors.

The Acting and Theater subseries includes material from various productions, theater companies and organizations with which Waldman was involved in the 1950s and 1960s. The Correspondence subseries consists primarily of correspondence from Waldman's middle school and high school friends, but also includes a folder of notes that appear to be notes passed in class. This folder also includes school love poems that appear to have been written for Waldman. The Early and Unidentified Writing subseries consists primarily of unidentified or undated material that could not filed with the other subseries.

The Family series (approximately 4 linear feet and 1 oversize box) includes material related to Waldman's mother, father, brother, son and other relatives.

The bulk of the series is comprised of material created by, or related to Waldman's mother, Frances Waldman. The Frances Waldman subseries includes 1.5 linear feet of correspondence between Waldman and her mother, spanning the years 1958-1981. Several folders of Frances Waldman's correspondence with other people, including many New York poets and writers, can also be found in the subseries.

The subseries also includes several folders of Frances Waldman's manuscripts, translations and miscellaneous material. Although the majority of the material related to other family members is correspondence, manuscripts and other material can also be found in the series. Of special note are the manuscripts found with the Ambrose Bye material, which include some poems written with or transcribed by Anne Waldman.

The Handmade Books series (3 linear feet) is comprised of one-of-a-kind books made by Waldman and her friends. Often they were presented as gifts on special occasions. They are divided into three subseries: Anne Waldman, representing books by Waldman; Collaborations, representing collaborations between Waldman and others; and Others, that is, works by others.

Included in Others are books printed at Naropa University either through a print workshop or class, or through the school's Kavyayantra Press. Within the Waldman subseries, books are listed alphabetically by title, with untitled books at the back. Collaborations, all of which have Waldman as a coauthor, are arranged alphabetically by the collaborator's last name, as are works in the Others subseries.

Many of the handmade books bear inscriptions indicating maker, recipient, date, and other information, which has not been included in the contents listing. Included in the Handmade Books series are some limited edition volumes, such as those produced by Waldman's Erudite Fangs Press.

The Printed Material series (4 linear feet, 1 oversize box, and 1 portfolio) encompasses the subseries Broadsides; Posters, Flyers, and Programs; and Clippings. Broadsides are broken down into those by Anne Waldman, Collaborations (between Waldman and others), and Others--that is, works by others. Within these divisions, work is arranged alphabetically, first by author, then by title. Also included in Broadsides are postcards and bookmarks printed by various small presses. Oversize broadsides are housed separately.

Material in the Posters, Flyers, and Programs subseries is for the most part grouped chronologically. Separate, topical divisions have been made for undated material. Small press book catalogs and newsletters are included as separate divisions. Oversize posters are housed separately. The section labeled "Newsletters" consists of should really be viewed as a set of clippings, consisting as it does of single issues of various newsletters and some journals, most of which appear to have been saved for particular articles.

Clippings are arranged in rough chronological order by decade, where date is known. The vast majority of the clippings pertain to Waldman and her circle, although some clippings reflect topical interests. Some of these appear to have been saved by Waldman's mother, Frances LeFevre Waldman. In some cases, whole publications have been saved, either due to their content or to their rare or unusual nature.

Art (1 linear foot, 10 oversize boxes, and 1 portfolio) is made up of artworks by Waldman and her family and friends, as well as various pieces she has collected over the years. Work in many different media exists, including prints, paintings, sketches, drawings, and collages. Much of Waldman's work consists of prints done while a student at Bennington College. There are also exquisite corpses (collaboratively created pictures and writings, done in-the-round) by Anne Waldman, Reed Bye, and Ambrose Bye. According to Waldman, this was a frequent after-dinner pastime when Ambrose was young, and friends and guests, such as Bobbie Louise Hawkins, were invited to participate.

Cover Art includes "Collaborations," which consist of collaborative book-length works and not just cover art per se. Additional cover art may be found in the among the Rocky Ledge files within the Editing and Publishing series. Noteworthy among the artists represented are George Schneeman and Joe Brainard.

The Photographs, Slides and Negatives series consists of approximately 2.5 linear feet of photographic materials documenting a variety of subjects, including Waldman's childhood and school years, her large circle of friends and colleagues, and her publishing and performance activities.

The Personal subseries contains personal and informal photographs of Waldman and others. Photographs in the "Family and childhood" folder include photographs of Waldman as a child, as well as other family members. The high school and college photographs include several photographs of Waldman as a young actress. The bulk of the Personal subseries consists of the "Friends and colleagues" photographs. These photographs include images of many prominent late twentieth century poets, Waldman's husbands and significant others, and other friends and colleagues. Waldman herself is pictured in some of the friends and colleagues photographs.

One of the strengths of the Professional subseries is the large amount of photographs of Waldman performing. The performance photographs, which date from the late 1960s to mid 1990s, sometimes include images of other poets and performers. Also included are several folders of portraits and publicity photographs, photographs created for various book and publishing projects, photographs of Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Revue Tour, and photographs documenting Waldman's activities at Naropa University and the St. Marks Poetry Project. The St. Mark's photographs include images of New York School and other poets performing at the church. The Professional subseries also includes several photographs taken by photographer, poet, and filmmaker Gerard Malanga. Although Malanga photographs can be found within several of the groupings in the Professional subseries, the majority can be found within the portraits grouping. A Malanga portrait of Waldman and her mother, Frances, has been filed with the family photographs.

The Outsize subseries consists of photographs too large to be housed with the rest of the photograph series. The highlights of the outsize photographs include two photographs taken by Allen Ginsberg which include handwritten captions by Ginsberg.

The Albums and Scrapbooks subseries complements the friends and colleagues photographs found in the Personal subseries. In addition to photographs documenting Waldman's travels in Greece and Egypt in the early sixties, the albums contain numerous photographs of Waldman and her circle in the late sixties and early seventies. Photographs of Lewis Warsh, Michael Brownstein, Joe Brainard, Ron Padgett, Ted Berrigan, Tom Clark, Bill Berkson, and others can all be found in the albums. The albums have been arranged chronologically.

The Slides and Negatives subseries consists primarily of miscellaneous and unidentified slides and negatives. The subseries does contain a few slides of Waldman performing.

The researcher should note that a small number of photographs sent to Waldman by specific correspondents can be found within the Correspondence and Name File series.

The Audiovisual Series has been divided into four subseries: Sound Recordings, Video Tapes, DVDs, and Digital Files. The series provides a unique perspective on Waldman's activities, and thus complements and expands the manuscript and photographic holdings. Including recordings of readings, lectures, and interviews given by Waldman and others, the series strongly represents the sounds and voices of late 20th century American poetry.

The Sound Recordings subseries has been organized according to format, including LPs and 45s, Compact Discs, Reels, and Audio Cassettes. In order to facilitate access, each sound recording has been numbered. Recordings are numbered sequentially within each subseries. Titles indicated in quotation marks in the finding aid are quoted directly from the labels of the recordings. In a few cases, particularly within the Commercial Recordings grouping, quotation marks are also used to indicate the title of a poem or work.

The LPs and 45s, Compact Discs, and Reels represent a relatively small part of the subseries. The LPs and 45s include the 1977 LP "John Giorno and Anne Waldman," as well as Waldman's "Uh-Oh Plutonium" 45, and a "voice-o-graph" recording of Waldman and Michael Brownstein. The Compact Discs subseries consists of commercial recordings of Waldman, including a live 1991 performance in Amsterdam which includes an accompanying booklet of poems.

Reels include recordings related to a variety of subjects. Included are Waldman performances at radio stations and elsewhere, television shows related to poetry, a commercial recording of Fast Speaking Woman , and a recording of Waldman while acting. To facilitate access, the recordings in this group have been transferred onto recordable compact discs. The numbering and labeling of the compact discs corresponds to the numbering of the reels.

The largest part of the subseries is comprised of Cassettes, which include readings and lectures by Waldman and other poets, interviews, radio broadcasts featuring Waldman, commercial recordings, Waldman's recording projects, and other miscellaneous recordings. Spanning the years 1971-2002, the readings include recordings of Waldman reading with Ted Berrigan, Allen Ginsberg, Diane di Prima, Gary Snyder and others. In addition, there are several recordings of readings not by Anne Waldman, including performances by Ginsberg, John Ashbery, Robert Creeley, Philip Whalen and others. Lectures by Waldman at Naropa Institute and in other settings, and lectures by William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Ted Berrigan, Carl Rakosi, and Peter Orlovsky are included.

Interviews and conversations represent the strongest part of the series. In addition to an interview of Waldman conducted by Larry Fagin, tapes of interviews of Joe Brainard, Edwin Denby, Diane di Prima, Robert Duncan, Allen Ginsberg, and Philip Whalen are included, many conducted by Waldman. There are two recordings of "conversations," one with Waldman, Clark Coolidge, Lewis MacAdams, and others, and one with Waldman, Tom Clark, Lewis Warsh, Lewis MacAdams, and Philip Whalen. Of note is a cassette recording of Allen Ginsberg orally composing the introduction to Talking Poetics from Naropa Institute: Annals of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. To facilitate access, the cassette recordings have been transferred onto recordable compact discs. The numbering and labeling of the compact discs corresponds to the numbering of the cassette tapes.

Video recordings consists of 42 VHS videocassettes, one 8mm film reel and ten DVDs. The readings, performances and lectures grouping includes performances from 1990 to 1998 and is the primary strength of the subseries. In addition to Waldman's performances, the tapes include readings by Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, Ed Sanders and others. Most of the tapes in the programs and television shows grouping were produced commercially or for television shows. The highlight of the grouping is a tape which includes seven episodes of "Word One," a Boulder, Colorado cable access television show hosted by Waldman, which includes performances by Allen Ginsberg, Kenward Elmslie and other poets. The programs and television shows grouping also includes a tape of "poetry videos" from the Manhattan Poetry Video Project, including music videos of Waldman's "Uh-Oh Plutonium," Allen Ginsberg's "Father Death Blues," and Bob Holman's "Rapp It Up." The personal and miscellaneous grouping includes a videotape copy of a home movie of Waldman, Lewis Warsh, Ted Berrigan and others. DVD copies of the first 27 videotapes and the film reel in the subseries (WALDVID-1 to WALDVID-27) are available for viewing in the reading room of the Special Collections Library, with advance notice for retrieval and setup. The ten original DVDs in the subseries are labeled with the prefix WALDDVD- and consist mainly of Anne Waldman poetry readings, and collaborative events such as Transatlantic Howl! A Dedication to Allen Ginsberg, a multivenue event featuring poetry readings and poetic theatre pieces celebrating Ginsberg's poem Howl.

The Digital Files subseries includes backups of email correspondence, files on Waldman's poems and books, such as parts I and II of the Iovis Trilogy and the anthology Civil Disobediences, and interviews. Most of these materials are stored on floppy disks and have not been transferred to viewable digital media.

1 result in this collection

Anne Waldman Papers, 1945-2012 (majority within 1965-2000)

119.5 Linear feet (85 record center boxes, 7 ms. boxes, 4 large flat oversize boxes, 10 medium flat oversize boxes, 2 small flat oversize boxes and 2 portfolios.) — Printed material in boxes 77-80 and Portfolio 1; Artwork in boxes 81, 82, 99-108, and Portfolio 2; Photographs in boxes 83, 84, and 98 (includes slides); Audiovisual materials in boxes 85-92 (including reformatted copies).

2 linear feet — 1 oversize volume — 1 oversize folder

Assistant to George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute, later a Detroit, Michigan, businessman. Correspondence and other papers of G. W. Carver relating primarily to experiments with soil improvement and the discovery of new applications for the peanut and other Southern agricultural products; newspaper clippings and memos relating to Curtis' campaign for Congress in 1958 and his work with Carver; and photographs.

The Curtis collection has two parts: papers of George Washington Carver that Curtis collected while in Carver's employ; and papers of Curtis mainly relating to his business activities with A.W. Curtis Laboratories of Detroit, Michigan, and also his unsuccessful campaign for Congress in 1958. The Carver papers are of the most significance, relating to Carver's experiments with soil improvement and his discovery of new applications for the peanut and other agricultural products of the South.

1 result in this collection

1.5 linear feet — 3 oversize volumes — 1 oversize folder

Athlete and football coach at the University of Michigan. Correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, and other materials relating to University athletics, especially football.

The Bennie G. Oosterbaan collection documents his career as athlete and coach at the University of Michigan, especially his time as head football coach. The collection is comprised of the following series: Correspondence; Papers collected from different period of his career; Miscellaneous; Scrapbooks; and Photographs. The collection relates to his career at the University of Michigan, especially as football coach.

1 result in this collection

49.5 linear feet (in 50 boxes) — 1400 glass photographic plates (in 10 boxes)

The Blanchard family papers document the lives and careers of several members of the Blanchard, Cobb, and Proctor families from the mid-nineteenth century through the late twentieth century. Includes visual materials, publications, personal writings, and extensive correspondence files.

The Blanchard Family Papers document the professional achievements and personal lives of several generations of a scientifically minded and artistically gifted family. The papers focus heavily upon the eminent plant pathologist and nematologist Nathan A. Cobb, his wife Alice Vara Cobb, their daughter, biologist Frieda Cobb Blanchard, and her husband, herpetologist Frank Nelson Blanchard (the latter two of whom were professors at the University of Michigan). In addition to the photographs, drawings, correspondence, journals, and writings of these four individuals, the collection is rich in family correspondence, diaries, and personal papers from other members of the Cobb and Blanchard families (and their forebears and branches, including the Bigelow, Proctor, Ross, White, and Randall families). The Blanchard Family Papers will be of value to researchers interested in a variety of topics: scientific endeavors and methodologies (and in particular those related to agronomy, nematology, botany, and herpetology); the visual arts and the development of photography in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; colonial and provincial life in Australia and Hawaii (respectively); and the daily affairs of American (and Michigan) families throughout the twentieth century. The Blanchard Family Papers consist of seven series: Nathan A. Cobb, Alice Vara Cobb, Frieda Cobb Blanchard, Frank Nelson Blanchard, Blanchard and Cobb Family Letters, Other Family Members, and Isaac G. Blanchard.

1 result in this collection

12.0 Linear feet (2 record center boxes, 2 manuscript boxes and 11 oversize boxes)

Founded by Hermann A. Brunn in Buffalo, New York, Brunn & Company were designers and builders of automotive bodies from the 1920s through the early 1940s, and are best known for the bodies constructed for the Lincoln Division of the Ford Motor Company. Brunn also built automobiles for private individuals, many of whom were well-known members of American business and society circles, including J.C. Penney and J.P. Morgan. Hermann C. Brunn, son of Hermann A., produced numerous designs for the company, and then continued his career at the Ford Motor Company following the closing of Brunn & Company in 1941. The collection documents the work of Brunn & Company, Hermann A. Brunn, and Hermann C. Brunn, through engineering drawings, photographs, paint and upholstery samples, customer order records, correspondence, and research materials.

The Brunn collection has been divided into four series: Correspondence, Design and Engineering, Images, and Sales and Marketing.

The Correspondence series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically within each file. The letters are primarily from customers to Hermann A. Brunn expressing appreciation for the work done on their vehicles. Letters that are circa 1970 includes material written by and sent to Hermann C. Brunn during his employment at Ford Motor Company, and in regards to modern restorations of Brunn vehicles. In cases where a specific vehicle can be identified, the correspondence has been filed with the photographic images of that particular vehicle. Some of the letters were part of a scrapbook and many letters are glued to the same page, as a result at the end of correspondence there are several letters listed together which indicates they are glued together and in the same folder.

The Design and Engineering series is divided into three subseries: Brunn & Company Drawings, Other Drawings, and Hermann C. Brunn. The material in the series consists primarily of drawings produced by Brunn & Company illustrating the various body designs produced by the firm, which are, for the most part, reproductions, or blueprints. The drawings show the left (driver) side elevation of the vehicle and, in some cases, include a plan view of the interior layout. Dimensions, if shown, detail the passenger interior space. The name, or initials, of the designer, customer name, and notes detailing specific vehicle configuration and trim can be found on many of the drawings. The drawings have been arranged alphabetically by make of chassis, then chronologically by date drawn and design number. Data for body style, model, chassis wheelbase in inches, engine configuration, order number, and customer name has also been included in the file title, where known. The Other Drawings subseries consist of a smaller number of drawings that originate from other manufacturers, including General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. The Hermann C. Brunn subseries consists of materials created by Hermann C. Brunn in the period after the closing of Brunn & Company, and includes a manuscript for an article describing the history of the brougham body style.

The Images series is divided into five subseries: Negatives; Vehicles, Brunn & Company; Vehicles Other, Non-vehicle, Brunn & Company; and Non-vehicle, Other. Image formats include black and white, and color, photographic prints and negatives. The bulk of the subjects are Brunn & Company vehicles, with images illustrating the exterior of completed automobiles. In many cases the prints and negatives are marked with the vehicle order number and many images are loose pages from a scrapbook. Images of body construction, interior, and body detail are captured for some vehicles. Non-vehicle subjects include the [1929] Paris, France, Auto Salon. Non-Brunn & Company subjects include several of images of the Aqua Cheetah, an amphibious vehicle built for the United States Army by the Amphibian Car Corporation. Another group of photographs are labeled “Best of Brunn” I and II which are an assortment of photos from various car models.

The Sales and Marketing series consists of brochures, print advertisements, owner lists, price lists, and a number of large-format upholstery and paint samples. The series also includes a Customer Order Book for 1935-1937. This journal records all vehicles built by Brunn & Company during that time period, with entries for order number, order date, body style, model number, customer name, body number, trim and paint specification, intermediate construction dates, and vehicle completion dates.

1 result in this collection

7 linear feet — 16 oversize volumes

University of Michigan chapter of a fraternal organization with an academic orientation. Constitution, minute books, treasurer's books, pledge class yearbooks, and visual materials.

The records of Delta Upsilon have been divided into three series: Organizational Materials, Scrapbooks, and Photographs.

1 result in this collection

2.5 linear feet (in 3 boxes)

Papers of Emerson F. Powrie, Ann Arbor, MI public schools teacher (1945-1948), principal (1948-1971), and Central Administration employee (1972-1977); and his wife Gwendolyn Sutton Powrie, teacher for the hearing-impaired children.

The Powrie family papers have been divided into three series: Emerson F. Powrie papers; Gwendolyn Sutton Powrie papers; and Visual Materials.

The Emerson F. Powrie's papers represent the bulk of the collection. The collection follows Powrie's career as an educator and Ann Arbor Public Schools Principal, and reflects on challenges and developments that took place in Ann Arbor Public Schools system in 1950s-early 1970s. Materials shed light on process of racial desegregation in schools among students as well as faculty; important demographic, social and economic changes in the area, and their effect on the student body, (i.e., school enrollment, racial and socio-economic composition of classes, etc.). Topics of teachers' education and training, and religion in public schools are prominent in correspondence.

The Gwendolyn Sutton Powrie's papers include her writings and research materials on the subject of teaching the hearing-impaired children.

1 result in this collection

7.6 linear feet (in 8 boxes) — 3.85 GB (online) — 3 oversize folders — 2 tubes — 1 oversize poster — 1 oversize box

University of Michigan graduate (BFA '74, MA '76, and Ph.D. '88) and artist, art historian, and educator with an emphasis in Latino art. Materials include artwork as well as research, teaching, and professional topical files.

The George Vargas papers present a look at the interests, work, and activities of artist and historian George Vargas. The material is dated from approximately 1933-2016 and includes topical files, artwork, and correspondence.

The strength of the collection is found in the numerous lectures written by Vargas, which reveal the depth of his research, the original artwork, and the broader view of multi-cultural and, particularly, Latino art activities in Michigan. Also of note are his extensive files of artists that were of interest to him as well as his own papers and publications.

The researcher should note that many items in the collection overlap various series. As a result, researchers should—in addition to reviewing multiple series—be sure to look for the "see also" notes that help identify some of these overlaps.

1 result in this collection