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A Select Summer Vacation Tour to Marble, Colorado, 1909

55 photographs, 11 clippings, 6 pieces of ephemera, and 1 letter in 1 album

A Select Vacation Tour to Marble, Colorado contains 55 photographs, 11 clippings, 6 pieces of ephemera, and 1 letter documenting an inspection trip for potential investors to marble and slate quarries in Colorado organized by the Knickerbocker Syndicate.

A Select Vacation Tour to Marble, Colorado contains 55 photographs, 11 clippings, 6 pieces of ephemera, and 1 letter documenting an inspection trip for potential investors to marble and slate quarries in Colorado organized by the Knickerbocker Syndicate.

The album (18 x 25.5 cm) is lacking a front cover, but the contents are undamaged. The first item is an illustrated brochure attached to the album's front cover that describes the upcoming journey and provides a detailed itinerary and sample menu. While aimed primarily at current investors in the Colorado-Yule Marble Company and the Colorado Slate Company, “families and friends or acquaintances” were also welcome. The cost was not specified.

The rest of the album documents the trip and promotes the quality of company products. Photographs show Yule marble in use at the Cheesman Memorial in Denver and the Youngstown, Ohio, courthouse. Pamphlets and newspaper articles also declare the marble to be of better quality than Carrara marble and the slate is in quantities that will eclipse Wales in the industry, who was the world leader at the time.

The passengers made a thorough inspection of the Yule Marble site over two days and are shown riding from the mill to the quarry site in the new electric trolley powered by electricity generated from the Crystal River, on the quarry floor watching workers extract blocks that will be shaped into columns at the mill, and visited the site of the slate quarry which was in the early stages of development. Other highlights of the trip included stopovers at Glenwood Hot Springs Lodge and Colorado Springs, excursions to tourist sites like Pikes Peak and Cripple Creek, and city tours in Kansas City, Denver, and elsewhere. Local newspapers covered many of these visits, and clippings are included in the album.

Also present is a letter of appreciation to the mine supervisors signed by 31 of the travelers and an illustrated report on the state of the mine by a mechanical engineer on the trip named Arthur M. Chidester (who also took most of the album’s photographs).


King's Own Borderers photograph album, 1864-ca. 1890

1 volume

The King's Own Borderers photograph album is a 54 page, 23.4 x 15.5 cm embossed leather bound album containing portrait photographs of individuals and groups associated with the Stoney family and the British army's 25th Regiment of Foot known as The King's Own Borderers. The images are cartes de visite, with some larger albumen prints and tintypes interspersed. The album contains a wide variety of other visual materials including photographic prints of artwork, pen and ink drawings, calligraphy, newspaper clippings, printed cartoons, and greeting cards. The cover of the album is inscribed "G. Ormond Stoney/King's Own Borderers/5th July 1864." The album appears to have evolved over time in several different stages.

The King's Own Borderers photograph album is a 54 page, 23.4 x 15.5 cm embossed leather bound album containing portrait photographs of individuals and groups associated with the Stoney family and the British Army's 25th Regiment of Foot known as The King's Own Borderers. The images are largely cartes de visite, with albumen prints and tintypes interspersed. The cover of the album is inscribed "G. Ormond Stoney/King's Own Borderers/5th July 1864." The album contains a wide variety of other visual materials including photographic prints of artwork, pen and ink drawings, calligraphy, newspaper clippings, printed cartoons, and greeting cards. The album appears to have had at least three different stages of construction. The first as a traditional 1860s carte de visite photograph album kept by its namesake G. Ormond Stoney (hereafter referred to as Ormond) comprised of photographs of family members interspersed with related newspaper clippings.

The album appears to have been revised with significant additions in the 1870s-1880s, including more photographs of family members as well as commercial photographic prints. The majority of those represented were army officers, with Anglican priests and politicians; many being contemporaries and associates of Ormond's father, George Butler Stoney (1819-1899). Clipped autographs of many are included beneath the photos and appear to be from correspondence to George Butler Stoney.

Various clues to point to Ormond Stoney's sister Jane (Janie) Stoney Smith as a contributor to the album. Not only is she frequently represented in the album, but the album has several pictures of her husband Arthur Smith and his family--many more so than any other family that married into the Stoney family. Arthur and Janie married on September 19, 1867--the same date on the autograph posted under Arthur's picture. Arthur died in 1870 leaving Janie a pregnant widow with a young son, Herbert (see p.24 for his portrait), and an even younger daughter, Ethel Maud. Newspaper clippings around the portrait of Arthur on p.13 mention his death as well as the birth of Herbert and Ethel, though not of Florence, the youngest daughter. Although Jane's two daughters are not represented in the album, on page 44 it appears that at one point a photograph of both of her daughters was extant.

While Jane's younger sister Wilhelmina married Colin McKenzie Smith, another son of William Smith, she did not do so until 1889. The focus on Janie's husband Arthur and their children, suggests Jane rather than Wilhelmina as a significant contributor to the album.

George Ormond's wife Meylia has not been identified in the album and may not be present, however, her father, Sinclair Laing is represented. Laing appears to have been a correspondent with George Butler Stoney.

At some later date, likely in the late 19th century, decorative gold painted borders were added, along with chromolithograph stickers, known as "scraps." These include a series illustrating Robinson Crusoe. Unlike the earlier additions which point to Janie Smith, these later additions might have been the work of a child playing with what would have been a 30 year old album. The gold paint overlapping earlier items (see p. 28 for example) suggests a later date, as do the "scraps" made popular after 1880. The seemingly random nature of the placement of the "scraps" is quite the opposite of the carefully placed and planned addition probably done by Janie Smith.

Of the children represented in the album, three of them would be killed in World War One: Thomas Ramsay Stoney (1882-1918), George Butler Stoney (1877-1915), and Herbert Stoney Smith (1868-1915).

Other items of note include:
  • Two group portraits of young men in military uniform, presumably with George Ormond present in both photographs (p.2, and back inside cover).
  • A portrait of a dog that if viewed from another angle appears to be an individual with a disfigured face (p.7).
  • A commercial carte de visite of a Zulu warrior identified as King Cetewayo (likely incorrect, the chief of the Matabele) (p.41).
  • A portrait of Napoleon, Prince Imperial, in his military uniform ca. 1879 before he died in the service of the British Army during the Anglo-Zulu War (p.40).
  • A print of Rosturk Castle in County Mayo, Ireland (p.47).
  • A retouched portrait of a dog posed with a military hat, cane and pipe. (p.23).
  • An 1873 program for an "evening reading" of two different farces, "Little Toddlekins," and "The Dead Shot," done to raise money for Mrs. Palmer, the retiring battalion nurse (p.53). On the outside of the program is a print of Portland House, a manor owned by members of the Stoney family.


Pan-American Expo and Travel photograph album, 1901

1 volume

The Pan-American Expo and Travel photograph album (17 x 19 cm) has 60 amateur gelatin silver prints consisting of architectural photographs taken at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y, as well as photographs of Niagara Falls, General Grant’s Tomb, and caged animals at the Central Park Zoo in New York City. The album also includes images of the Old Fort in Annapolis, Nova Scotia, and shipbuilding in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. There are also images of the U.S. Navy Battleships U.S.S. Kearsarge, Indiana, and Texas.

The Pan-American Expo and Travel photograph album (17 x 19 cm) has 60 amateur gelatin silver prints, 18 of which are architectural photographs taken at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y. It also includes 4 photographs of what appears to be a demonstration of Coast Guard lifesaving procedures. Other views show a War of 1812 cannon on display, Niagara Falls, General Grant’s Tomb, and caged animals at the Central Park Zoo in New York City. The album also documents a trip to Fort Independence in Boston, as well as to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, including images of the Old Fort in Annapolis, N.S., and shipbuilding in Yarmouth, N.S. There are also images of the U.S. Navy Battleships U.S.S. Kearsarge, Indiana, Texas. Also of note are a group of 4 photographs of the St. John's River and harbor in New Brunswick accompanied by a newspaper clipping describing the tidal movements in the harbor. All of the photographs in the album are accompanied by handwritten captions.

The album has a brown cover inscribed with the title "Photographs," and is housed in a light blue box.


San Luis Valley, Colorado, Promotional Album, 1908

26 photographs and assorted printed material in 1 album

The San Luis Valley, Colorado, promotional album contains 26 photographs as well as testimonials, articles, maps, and periodical excerpts that served to promote estate development in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, in 1908.

The San Luis Valley, Colorado, promotional album contains 26 photographs as well as testimonials, articles, maps, and periodical excerpts that served to promote estate development in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, in 1908.

Professional photographer O. T. Davis made 18 of the 26 photographs in this album. His work was part of an effort by the Oklahoma Land and Colonization Co. (based in Kansas City, Missouri) to attract settlers to the region. The company had purchased some 20,00 acres of land in the valley. The photographs and accompanying testimonials, letters, articles, and maps that make up the rest of this album were designed to attract potential buyers and investors.

The album (21.5 x 30 cm) has brown leather covers and begins with a group of typed declarations attesting to the impressive quality and quantity of Colorado agricultural products, including one by a former Colorado governor stating: “There may be a few favored spots that can raise potatoes as good, but nowhere in the world can better be produced.” Other statements tout the favorable climate and plentiful water sources. The introductory testimonials are followed up by photographs, most of which were taken by O. T. Davis on August 18th 1908, though some were taken later on in the harvest season. The images show impressive yields, prosperous homesteads, and plentiful water sources and also include in-town scenes showing well-dressed men and women, a bustling train station, a sturdy schoolhouse, and busy liveries.

Following the photographs more documentation is included such as sworn affirmations that artesian wells are plentiful, unattributed periodical articles touting the regions’ yields of field peas, sugar beets, hay, hogs and cattle, and magazine photographs with the same positive perspectives as Davis’s photographs. Also present is a railroad map of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad’s extensive system in the region and plans to complete a link to San Francisco in 1909, thus opening regional products to worldwide markets.


Schuylkill Arsenal photograph album, 1862, 1862

1 volume

The Schuylkill Arsenal photograph album is a 26.5 x 35 cm photograph album with a black leather cover. The album contains 12 18 x 23 cm albumen prints, all of which depict various buildings and streets at Schuylkill Arsenal. Also present in many of the photos are various unidentified individuals, presumably most are Arsenal workers but also women and children.

The Schuylkill Arsenal photograph album is a 26.5 x 35 cm photograph album with a black leather cover. The album contains 12 unattributed 18 x 23 cm albumen prints, all of which depict various buildings and streets at Schuylkill Arsenal. Also present in many of the photos are various unidentified individuals, presumably most are Arsenal workers but there are also women and children. There may have been a 13th photograph within the album at one point, no longer extant; the back of each photograph is numbered sequentially in pencil, skipping number 8.

Nothing within the actual album gives a precise date for the photographs, but three of the photographs (3, 6, and 8) were in possession of a Richard P. Barr (the 1920 Census shows a 58 year old Richard P. Barr living in Philadelphia working as a "foreman" at the "arsenal") and were used in Frank H. Taylor's 1913 publicationPhiladelphia in the Civil War , which states that the photographs date from 1862. According to Taylor's publication, the eighth photograph in the album depicts "Old Bill" the white warhorse used by General George G. Meade. This has not been confirmed, and is certainly not Meade's famous horse Old Baldy.

The last page of the album has four items related to the Trout family of Philadelphia. The demise of Clinton J. Trout (died on December 14, 1909), his wife Mary E. Trout (died on March 1, 1907), and their son Warner F. W. Trout (died on September 21, 1909) is documented. The connection between the Trout family and the Schuylkill Arsenal is unknown.