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California and Washington Holiday Photograph Album, approximately 1912-1917

approximately 110 photographs in 1 album.

The California and Washington holiday photograph album contains approximately 110 photographs related to an excursion on the West Coast made by an unidentified couple.

The California and Washington holiday photograph album contains approximately 110 photographs related to an excursion on the West Coast made by an unidentified couple. The album (18.5 cm x 29 cm) has black cloth covers and is tied with black string. Towards the beginning of the album there are 20 photographs of Native Americans (likely members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation) with tipis at an encampment and on horseback in full regalia during a parade in Walla Walla, Washington; a river view with paddle steamers; and two views of a parade with the marching band from the U.S. Indian School in Chemawa, Salem, Oregon. Subsequent images from further south along the Pacific coast include views of Golden Gate Park; Sutter Fort and the Capitol building in Sacramento, California; the outdoor organ from the Panama-Columbian Exposition in San Diego; Balboa Park; an early Loughead Model G seaplane on a dock with a sign offering passenger rides; and the Santa Barbara Mission and rocky coastline nearby. Also present are views of Multnomah Falls, Oregon, and giant redwoods. Towards the back end of the album are four photographs showing a parade on a suburban street with 5 women wearing uniform caps, possibly factory workers, sitting in an open automobile decorated with American flags and a sign on the back that reads "Doing our bit."


California, Colorado, and Long Island vacation photograph album, 1904-1906

1 volume

The California, Colorado, and Long Island vacation photograph album consists of 65 snapshot photographs from 1904 to 1906.

The California, Colorado, and Long Island vacation photograph album consists of 65 snapshot photographs from 1904 to 1906. The album begins with scenes of Colorado. These images show views from a railway through the Rocky Mountains and a trip to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

A majority of the photographs were taken in San Francisco, California. These photos date from May, 1906, just after the San Francisco earthquake and fire. Many of the images show refugee camps and temporary housing, displaced businesses, and damage on Van Ness Ave, which was used as a firebreak by the United States Army. The McKinley Parade, also known as Fiesta de Los Angeles is photographed as well. Other California scenes include Cliff House in San Francisco, an ostrich farm in Pasadena, vineyards, and orchards of olive trees, palm trees, and lemon trees.

The last portion of the album is of Long Island, New York State. These scenes include people on a boat in the water near Westhampton, people swimming in Jamaica Bay, and Apacuck Point.

The album is 18.5 x 14 cm with red cloth covers.


Camp Devens (Mass.) letters, 1917-1918

8 items

This collection is made up of letters that a soldier named Frank sent to his mother and siblings while training at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, in late 1917 and early 1918. He discussed his equipment, dental health, and other aspects of military life.

This collection is made up of 8 letters that a soldier named Frank sent to his mother and siblings while training at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, between December 8, 1917, and February 15, 1918. Frank mentioned physical conditioning, combat training, and outdoor cooking. He sometimes mentioned other soldiers, including another man from "Georgetown" who had taken to gambling. Frank noted when his friends were sent overseas or to different posts; he expected that he would go abroad around mid-February 1918. Frank's letter of February 8, 1918, contains a list of equipment he had received in preparation for overseas deployment. Though the military encouraged soldiers to travel home on weekends on account of food shortage, Frank regretted that he could not travel on account of that train fare. Several letters refer to Frank's dental problems and recommended treatment.


Charles Brewster Ross collection, 1874-1932

6 items

The July 1, 1874 kidnapping of four-year-old Charles Brewster "Charley" Ross from a sidewalk in front of the family home in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania became the first nationally publicized kidnapping for ransom case in the United States. This collection contains six items: one letter, a manuscript reward advertisement, handwritten notes, a pencil sketch portrait of Charley, a manuscript account of experiences with the main suspects, and an undated newspaper clipping related to the continuing investigation of the child's abduction, ca. 1909.

The July 1, 1874, kidnapping of four-year-old Charles Brewster "Charley" Ross from a sidewalk in front of the family home in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania became the first nationally publicized kidnapping for ransom case in the United States. This collection contains six items: a letter, a manuscript draft of a reward advertisement, handwritten notes, a pencil sketched portrait of Charley, a manusscript account of experiences with the main suspects, and an undated newspaper clipping-related to the continuing investigation of the child's abduction, ca. 1909.

The one Letter in the collection is from Charley Ross's father Christian K. Ross to Rev. Henry Whitney Cleveland, October 20, 1877; Philadelphia. 2 pages. In it, Mr. Ross states that he cannot help Cleveland publish a book as his time is spent searching for his missing son. Ross mentions the book he published on the case, lamenting that he published it using a subscription service as it limited its circulation.

Written on the verso of printed, illustrated stationery of the Haynes Hotel, Springfield, Massachusetts, the manuscript draft of a Reward Advertisement stipulates a $10,000 reward for the return of Charley Ross alive, promising not to seek out or discover the identity of the kidnappers. The page is headed "For Local Article."

Notes: Six pages of pencil notes on checkbook stubs, measuring approximately 9x4 inches. Dating from July 1, 1874, to an unknown point in 1909, the notes begin from the point of Charley's kidnapping, chronicling accounts of the case. First remarking that Christian Ross had "run down false clews [in a] vain attempt" to locate Charley, the unidentified writer continues with a sparse summary of the alleged kidnappers capture "at Fort Hamilton, L.I. [Long Island]" and Joseph Douglas's confession that "Mosher & I stole Charly [sic] Ross." The next entry, dated 1909, discusses one Wm. G. Eyster, whose claim to be the lost Charley Ross was rejected.

The notes conclude with a sketch of a man wearing glasses and a bow tie, with the caption "3 days to get it ready, $20,000," followed by what appears to be notes related to other kidnappings and reference to a "Jessy James."

Manuscript: On October 9, 1932, James H. Hall wrote a nine-page summary of George W. Murdock's recounting of his experiences with the main suspects in the Charles Brewster Ross kidnapping case, Bill Mosher and Joe Douglas, while his mother was in charge of the lighthouse in the Hudson River. Murdock recalled Mosher and Douglas attempting to sell them a boat, described the two men, and described encounters with detectives who searched their premises and read their mail. Hall speculated about the possible role of the boat in the kidnapping.

Newspaper Clipping: An undated clipping regarding one Mr. W.C. DeWitt, claiming to be the lost Charley Ross and giving a lecture, titled "The True Story of My Abduction."

Portrait: A pencil sketch of Charley with an inscription that reads,"at the time of his abduction. Then 4 yrs. and Walter, his 6-yr-old brother. Disappeared from the sidewalk, near their home. July 1, 1874."


Charles Miller letters, 1918-1919

6 items

This collection is comprised of 6 letters that Private Charles Miller wrote to his mother while serving with the Special Services Unit 649, an ambulance unit in the Convois Automobiles, in France during World War I. Miller discussed aspects of military life both before and after the Armistice.

This collection is made up of 6 letters that Private Charles Miller wrote to his mother while serving with the Special Services Unit 649, an ambulance unit in the Convois Automobiles, in France during World War I. Miller, who signed his letters "Chas.," discussed aspects of military life both before and after the Armistice, such as his quarters and his desire to join the regular army. He reported his excitement after hearing that Special Services Unit 649 would be receiving a commendation for bravery and occasionally commented on the war. During his time in France, he observed bombing raids and shelling, but believed "one would have to be terribly unlucky to get hit" (March 30, [1918]). After the war, Miller described his attempts to learn languages and anticipated his return to the United States. Miller's letter of April 27, 1918, is incomplete.


Children at play photograph album, 1916-1928

1 volume

The Children at play photograph album contains 55 photographs of young children playing outside from 1916 to 1928.

The Children at play photograph album contains 55 photographs of young children playing outside from 1916 to 1928. Images show children with parents and dogs, at the beach, and playing with toys including wagons, tricycles, and a pedal car.

The album is 15.5 x 9.75 cm with brown cloth covers.


Clarke family photograph album, 1898-1902

1 volume

The Clarke family photograph album contains photographic prints taken during trips to New England, New York, and other locales from 1898-1902. The photographs show natural scenery, buildings of interest, soldiers, and family members.

The Clarke family photograph album (25cm x 32cm) contains 240 photographic prints, including cyanotypes, taken during trips to New England, New York, and other locales from 1898-1902. Of the prints, 232 are pasted onto the album's pages (usually four to a page) and eight are laid in; each mounted photograph has a caption, sometimes humorous. The title "Photographs" is stamped in gold on the album's brown leather cover.

The photographs depict buildings, street scenes, and natural scenery in places such as Marshfield, Vermont; Weirs, New Hampshire; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Lynn, Massachusetts; Catskill, New York; and Washington, D.C. The compiler noted places of interest in the family's history, such as Erastus Burnham's grave and the Burnham family farm in Marshfield, Vermont. Some interior views of private residences and schoolhouses are included, as are photographs of prominent locations such as the Vermont State House, the United States Capitol, Independence Hall, the Lee family home in Arlington, Virginia, "Rip Van Winkle's house," and the New York City skyline. Sailing ships, the paddlewheel steamer Mount Washington, and the battleships Indiana and Massachusetts are also pictured.

The photographer attended parades featuring elephants from the Forepaugh-Sells Brothers' Circus, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Lynn, Massachusetts, and the welcoming of United States soldiers as they returned from Cuba after the Spanish-American war. Group portraits include men, women and young schoolchildren. Women are shown riding bicycles, playing the piano, and wearing costumes such as a soldier's jacket and a puritan's dress. One picture, entitled "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," is a double exposure of a woman in different poses.


Clements R. Markham papers, 1859-1910 (majority within 1859-1870)

1 volume

This collection is made up of over 40 printed reports, manuscript letters, and manuscript notes related to Clements R. Markham, a British geographer who traveled in South America and India in the mid-19th century. Among other subjects, the material concerns Markham's attempt to cultivate cinchona plants in India, as well as the Amazon basin and rainforest.

This collection is made up of over 40 printed reports, manuscript letters, and manuscript notes related to Clements R. Markham, a British geographer who traveled in South America and India in the mid-19th century. Among other subjects, the manuscripts concern Markham's attempt to cultivate cinchona plants in India, and it contains notes on the Amazon basin and rainforest.

The bulk of the collection pertains to Markham's work with Great Britain's India Office in the 1860s, including a lengthy printed report and supplementary memoranda about his efforts to introduce the cinchona plant, native to Peru, to India. Other reports and memoranda concern Indian coffee plantations, cotton production, oyster fisheries, and irrigation projects. The volume also includes descriptions of the Suez region, Abyssinia, and Bombay. Manuscript notes and translations in the back of the volume largely pertain to South America, including letters to Markham from an acquaintance in Lima, Peru, and notes on the missionary work of Antonio Machoni. Other manuscripts concern the Amazon region, cocoa plantations, the Napo River, and an Arctic expedition. The documents are calendared and indexed.


Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico Views Collection, ca. 1885-1915

24 photographs in 1 album

The Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico views collection contains 24 photographs of places and people in the western United States, British Colombia, and Mexico.

The Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico views collection contains 24 photographs of places and people in the western United States, British Colombia, and Mexico.

The collection is stored in a modern brown plastic binder (30.5 x 23.5 cm). Contents consist of images of the Ferguson area of British Columbia; pack mules at work; a gold mine in Oatman, Arizona; Idaho Springs, Colorado; Santa Fe and Laguna, New Mexico; a woman from Cuernavaca, Mexico; buildings (including a Mexican cathedral); portraits of Native Americans in New Mexico; and mountains in Colorado. The collection include mounted and unmounted photographs ranging in size from cartes de visite to prints on 20 x 25 cm mounts.


Cross-County photograph album, 1896-1907

1 volume

The Cross-Country photograph album contains photographs taken in various locations throughout the United States, including travel photographs of scenery and buildings in Washington, Colorado, Louisiana, and Massachusetts, among other states, and family photographs taken in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and elsewhere.

The Cross-Country photograph album (26cm x 32cm, 59 pages) contains around 340 photographs taken throughout the United States between 1896 and 1907, including 15 cyanotypes and 10 panoramas. The items represent numerous printing processes in a variety of sizes. Some have captions, often providing information about the place and the date. Several reference the Gill family. The album has the title "Photographs" printed in gold on its front cover and its pages are bound with a thick string.

Many of the photographs are casual group portraits of men, women, children, and family dogs taken outdoors, often in front of large houses and cottages; some of the same individuals are present in multiple pictures. Included are a portrait of an African American woman holding a Caucasian infant (p. 1), two young boys in dress military uniforms with a collection of toy soldiers (p. 3), and a wedding party (p. 46). Some men and women are pictured golfing at Bass Rocks in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Most of the remaining images are views of landscapes, city streets, buildings, and natural scenery in locations such as Spokane, Washington; Tacoma, Washington; Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Pikes Peak, Colorado; New Orleans, Louisiana; Hampton, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Gloucester, Massachusetts; Beacon Falls, Connecticut; and Washington, D.C. Included are a small number of commercial photographs of the area around Pikes Peak in Colorado including views by William H. Jackson. City views often feature prominent buildings and other landmarks. Other photographs show the rocky coast of New England, harbors, sailing vessels of various sizes, and large homes. Of note are a group portrait of Spokane Native Americans (p.14); views of the Tacoma waterfront (p.15); the New England coast, with aspects of the Gloucester fishing industry including a view of salted cod laid out to dry (p.24-29); pictures of Victorian home interiors (p. 20, 34, 47, 55, 56); and panoramic landscape views taken near Spokane (p. 47, 48). The album includes one print and a hand-colored collotype of the home of Senator George Turner in Spokane, Washington (inside front cover).