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Breve Trattato di Geografia, [ca. 1650-1675]

1 volume

Breve Trattato di Geografia is a 55-page, 17th-century Italian work on celestial and terrestrial geography, including several maps and diagrams of the world. Assistant Curator of Maps Mary Pedley transcribed and translated the 2-page index that follows the text of the volume: Breve Trattato di Geografia Index .

Breve Trattato di Geografia is a 55-page, 17th-century Italian work on celestial and terrestrial geography, including several maps and diagrams of the world. The treatise is divided into four primary sections and, within them, individual chapters. Early chapters in the book mention the zodiac and celestial features, while later chapters focus on the world's landmasses and degrees of latitude and longitude. The latter half of the volume contains several hand-drawn maps that depict the contemporary view of the world on several scales and according to different projections. One map of the world shows North and South America and "Terra Australe Incognita," while another map of North and South America is labeled "Mexicana" and "Peruana," respectively. Azimuthal projections of Africa and Asia and of the northern hemisphere and a map of Italy showing the location of Rome are also included. Assistant Curator of Maps Mary Pedley transcribed and translated the 2-page index that follows the text of the volume: Breve Trattato di Geografia Index (.pdf).