Collections : [University of Michigan William L. Clements Library]

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Cambridge (N.Y.) account book and journal, 1806-1808

1 volume

This volume contains financial records, journal entries, planting lists, and other content related to a farmer and fur trader in the early 19th century.

This volume is comprised of financial records, journal entries, planting lists, and other content related to a farmer and fur trader in the early 19th century.

Financial accounts are divided into 3 sections:
  • Undated list of prices for animal skins, "Expences Coming to Pennsylvania," and "Expences at the quitting" (1 page)
  • Chronological accounts (11 pages, February 1806-March 1806; September 1806-November 1806; and undated)
  • Double-entry accounts (9 pages, February 1806-May 1806)

Several individuals, including Sidney Wells, Matthew Gibson, and Daniel Whipple, are represented in both chronological and double-entry records. Most entries pertain to skins from mink, muskrat, and martin, and to manual labor tasks such as cutting grubs, drawings logs, and rafting. Other accounts concern sundries, a knife, a watch, and "a Balance between Guns."

The volume contains 3 pages of notes and journal entries about the author's travels from Cambridge to towns in Pennsylvania (2 pages, February 1806-July 1806); and from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Lansingburgh, New York, via New Jersey and New York City (1 page, August 1806). His notes refer to travel by land and water.

Two pages concern crops planted at Cambridge in May 1808, including potatoes, beans, cabbage, corn, peas, beets, and oats. The volume also has an 8-page list of names and numbers; drawings of a compass rose and geometric shapes; signatures of James Peters and Lydia M. Peters; a very rough sketch of an "apple machine" (apparently for coring or peeling and apple) below which is written the name "George Washington"; and page of manuscript sheet music for the "Duke of Halstein's March."


Chemistry lecture notes, 1856-1857

1 volume

This volume contains notes taken during a series of lectures on chemistry, primarily between January and April 1857. The notes cover a variety of topics, including the properties and uses of elements and brief remarks on organic chemistry and geology.

This volume contains notes taken during a series of lectures on chemistry, primarily between January 8 and April 7, 1857. Most of the lectures cover the properties and uses of elements, including ways in which they could be treated and places where they might be found. Several metals, such as lead and tin, are discussed, along with other elements such as arsenic and antimony. Other topics, such as chemical compounds, are also frequently mentioned, though the focus remains predominantly on particular elements. Though the volume contains primarily prose notes, some equations are included, often related to the formation of complex molecules and chemical reactions. Occasionally, specific applications or additional substances form the basis of a discussion, such as silver and its use in photography (No. 22, March 1857), nicotine (March 23, 1857), and citric acid (March 11, 1857). The final lectures, given throughout early April, cover topics in organic chemistry, including the formation of organic animal matter (April 1, 1857). Two entries relate to geology (April 7, 1857, and March 8, 1857). The volume holds additional inserted notes on similar chemical topics; these include notes dated October 7, 1856, and April 20, 1857.


Colonial Parson's notebook, 1713-1741 (majority within 1713-1714, 1741)

1 volume

The Colonial Parson's notebook is a small bound volume of sermon and prayer notes kept by a New England minister from 1713 to 1714 and in 1741.

The Colonial Parson's notebook is a small bound volume (approximately 3.5"x4", 62 pages) of sermon and prayer notes kept by a New England minister from 1713 to 1714 and in 1741. Several of the notes were written in "East Windsor," [Connecticut]. The volume opens with thoughts about Thanksgiving Day 1713, and continues with a large number of short reflections, often accompanied by relevant Biblical verses. One of the notes is addressed "To young persons" [1741], and another is about church news. A later note mentions several people who wished to "Joyn with this Church," including an African American named "Job Elswth" [1741].


Eighteenth-Century sermons, 1757, 1760-1761

8 items

These Eighteenth-Century sermons pertain to numerous topics such as sin, repentance, and salvation.

Seven eighteenth-century Christian sermons concern numerous religious topics. Five are dated February 6, 1757-August 28, 1757; and 2 are dated August 17, 1760, and April 26, 1761. Each sermon is based on a Bible verse, usually in the New Testament, and most pertain to sin, repentance, and salvation. The undated item of copied Bible verses also has notes about baptism and the life and miracles of Jesus Christ. See the Detailed Box and Folder Listing for more information.


HMS Braak Salvage collection, 1888-1928 (majority within 1888-1889)

12 items

The HMS Braak Salvage collection contains correspondence, documents, and a log book related to the Ocean Wrecking Company's efforts to salvage the ship and its rumored treasure in 1888 and 1889.

The HMS Braak Salvage collection contains correspondence, documents, and a log book related to the Ocean Wrecking Company's efforts to salvage the ship and its rumored treasure in 1888 and 1889.

Items include:
  • A letter from S. H. Copperage of Shelby City, Kentucky, offering to the Braak salvage expedition an instrument by which one "can Locate Lost Gold & Silver that has bin berud for Hunderd of years" (July 24, 1888)
  • A handwritten note certifying an investor's financial payout should the Braak yield $10 million in treasure (July 30, 1888)
  • A typed letter from James Kane to [Charles A.] Adams, offering Adams command of an 1889 mission to salvage the Braak (October 3, 1888)
  • A pamphlet published by the Ocean Wrecking Company providing a brief history of the Braak and of the company's recent efforts to salvage the wreck (1889)
  • Four pages of the Boston Sunday Advertiser (December 30, 1928)
  • Three pages of pencil notes about the history of the Braak (undated)
  • A newspaper clipping regarding the grounding of the Oregon in 1900 (undated; the same article appeared in other American newspapers between September 3 and 5, 1900)
  • A newspaper clipping presenting the history of the Braak, printed after the announcement of the Ocean Wrecking Company's efforts (undated; a note on the item indicates that the article may have appeared in the Philadelphia News and a matching article appeared in the Trenton Evening Times on July 9, 1888.)
  • Manuscript "Copy of Bearings furnished by Mr. McCracken…who was alongside of the 'Braak' when she sank" (undated)
  • 85-page logbook chronicling the steamer City of Long Branch's attempt to find the wreck of the Braak (July 31, 1888-September 24, 1888). In addition to providing daily updates on the ship's position, water depth, and activities onboard the ship, the volume frequently refers to specific dives and other efforts to locate the wreck. Later entries often include information on the financial state of the Ocean Wrecking Company's expedition, and the back of the volume contains a list of the City of Long Branch's specifications, as well as a list of crewmembers and their salaries.

New York (N.Y.) Elevated Railway collection, 1866-1872

20 items

This collection contains documents, circular letters, essays, and newspaper clippings related to efforts to construct a suspended elevated railway in New York City. The collection details the technical aspects of the proposed system and provides contemporary perspectives on mass transit.

This collection contains 20 documents, circular letters, essays, and newspaper clippings related to efforts to construct a suspended elevated railway in New York City.

One document is a three-page printed report, with 4 copies and 1 extra page, entitled "Synopsis of Project for an Elevated Railway," which M. D. Moore presented to a New York State Senate committee headed by James F. Ruggles on December 8, 1866. The report provides details of the proposed railway, including its route and its mode of construction, and proposes the advantages of such a system, which was anticipated to cost about $1,500,000. The 4 copies contain additional manuscript notes pertaining to engineering and constructing the railway. On one copy, Moore's name is crossed out and replaced by that of Joseph W. Morse.

Another document is a manuscript copy of an unsigned affirmation in which Morse claimed to have invented an elevated railway system and pledged half of the railway's profits to his partners, George F. H. Youngs, Samuel Bromberg, and James E. Beers (August 25, 1870). Bromberg wrote a brief note to Youngs on April 26, 1872; its envelope bears a logo for Morse's Elevated Rail Road, which depicts a steam-driven rail car suspended from an elevated track, passing over a man driving a horse-drawn carriage loaded with hay. The letterhead of a printed circular letter requesting opinions on the feasibility of the railway proposal (1870s) and a broadside advertising a model railroad exhibited at a local fair (undated) also contain this logo.

The collection contains 2 essays on mass transit in New York City and Brooklyn; newspaper clippings on the New York Railroad Company and underground transportation systems, including statistics related to New York ferries and railroads for the year 1870; and a lithograph of T. W. H. Moseley's "Improvements in Metallic Screw Piles."


New York Surveyors collection, 1795-1851 (majority within 1803-1821)

0.75 linear feet

The New York Surveyors collection is made up of documents, notes, and maps related to property ownership. The bulk of the material is comprised of surveyors' notes and manuscript maps of private properties.

The New York Surveyors collection is made up of documents, notes, and maps related to property ownership. The Documents series (21 items) has indentures and other items pertaining to ownership of real property in the state of New York, particularly in Albany and Greene Counties. The Field Notes series (4 items) contains 3 sets of notes by unidentified surveyors and a field book that belonged to H. A. [Whitlock?]. The notes concern surveys of farms and other properties in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

The Surveys series (140 items) comprises the bulk of the collection and consists of notes and maps of surveys conducted between 1794 and 1821; one item is dated April 20, 1831. The surveys, which relate to private property, often have descriptions of the area, and some items have notes about the reasons for conducting the surveys, usually related to sales. Some of the material pertains to members of the Ten Eyck family.


Notes on Canals, [ca. 1826]

1 volume

This volume, compiled in the 1820s, contains an encyclopedia article, extracts and writings, diagrams, tables, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the design and construction of canals.

This volume (450 pages), compiled in the 1820s, contains extensive information on the design and construction of canals. The first few pages include a manuscript subject index. Pages 1-155 consist of a printed encyclopedia article about canals, bound directly into the volume. Other articles and fragments of articles are included, including the entire entry for "Canada."

The remaining pages consist of manuscript extracts, writings, and notes about canals, illustrated with colored diagrams and drawings. The volume includes sections about types of locks; tunnels; drawbridges; excavation; building materials, labor, and costs; water supply; the effects of rain and evaporation on canals; and hydraulics. Sections focus on canals in the United States, England, Wales, and France. The manuscript contains tables of data about the number and length of canals in each country. Specific structures, such as the Ohio & Chesapeake Canal, Union Canal, and Erie Canal are described and used as examples throughout the text. Illustrations include diagrams of locks, tunnels, and canals; a depiction of a method for burrowing out soil using a horse and several workers (p. 370); and a map of France highlighting its canals (p. 424). Notes, newspaper clippings, and additional drawings are laid into the volume.


Oliver P. Miller account and note book, 1831-1873 (majority within 1831-1833, 1871-1873)

1 volume

This volume contains financial accounts related to the sale of goods in the 1830s and to civil court cases heard in the 1870s.

This volume contains financial accounts related to the sale of goods in the 1830s and to civil court cases heard in the 1870s.

The first section of the volume contains an anonymous individual's accounts regarding the sale of various goods, including foodstuffs, household supplies, and tobacco, between 1831 and 1852; most entries are dated 1831-1833. These records are accompanied by notes about planting, a description of a flood, and a brief poem composed mostly of three-word lines (p. 81a).

The second section of the volume consists primarily of notes regarding proceedings and judgments in civil court cases in Berrien County, Michigan, between 1871 and 1873. These notes often include the names of involved parties and details about hearings. Oliver P. Miller, a justice of the peace from Lake Township, is frequently mentioned.

List of cases:
  • George Washburn vs. Darwin Wrathman
  • Samuel McLellan vs. Darwin Wrathman
  • George Ennis vs. George Boyce
  • Jacob Raas vs. Warren Nelson
  • George Neidlinger vs. William Ushaw and Phillip Meyer
  • Andrew Johnson vs. L. Carpenter
  • People of the State of Michigan vs. Charles Sterling
  • James Lewis vs. John Stiles
  • George Neidlinger vs. W. H. H. Long

Other entries in this section of the journal include a "Form of Security for costs by nonresident," illustrated with the case of John Doe vs. John Jones; a "Form of Confession of Judgment;" the poem "The Vacant Chair;" and a song entitled "O come with me in my little canoe" [sic].

The following items are enclosed in the volume:
  • Order for Solomon Neidlinger to surrender his residence and notes on a dispute between Joseph Beans and Melissa B[eans]
  • Order for George Ennis to surrender his residence
  • A poem, "Lines dedicated to H and M"
  • Four pages from the Elson Grammar School Reader Book One
  • A recipe for "Washing Fluid"
  • A newspaper clipping featuring the following "Lost and Found Poems:"
    • "Unity"
    • "Hang Up the Baby's Stocking"
    • "Annabel Lee"
    • "I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard"
    • "Kingdom Coming"
    • "The Boat Song"
    • "The Discovery of America"
  • A cure for whooping cough
  • A newspaper clipping featuring "Poetry Written at my Mother's Grave"

Philadelphia (Pa.) Surveyor's Notebook, 1795-1802

1 volume

A Philadelphia surveyor recorded methodological information, distances, and other measurements pertaining to the city's streets in this 176-page volume, dated 1795-1802.

A Philadelphia surveyor recorded methodological information, distances, and other measurements pertaining to the city's streets in this 176-page volume, dated 1795-1802.

The surveyor typically recorded distances from a specified starting point, usually an existing street. Many of the entries adhere to the following form: "From [street] along [street or direction] to [location or street] is [number] feet." The volume also includes tables of distances and several maps.

The surveyor sometimes noted the dates on which he took his measurements, and occasionally shared the names of his fellow surveyors. Entries often include lot and house owners' names, or identify commercial properties, such as the "Survey of the Brew House" (p. 38). Measurements related to waste disposal include "field notes of a Survey of the natural chanel of Peggs Run as it appears at the present time" (1798, pp. 59-61a) and a description of the "common sewer" (62a).

The author also occasionally wrote about his methodology; in one entry, he noted, "In order to set the two pair of sights to my surveying instruments at right angles to each other the Meridian of the Box or Card plate makes an angle to the right hand of the Meridian of the Index plate of 7½ minutes" (December 3, 1799, p. 13a). The notebook contains 1 personal entry; on September 24, 1795, the author "Paid to Mrs. Lehnyder 6 Dollars to give to my Wash woman for a Quarter's washing" (p. 1).

Other Surveyors Mentioned:
  • Brooke, Robert, 1770-1821
  • Forepaugh, [George?]
  • Huston, [John?]
  • Kessler, John
  • Miller
  • Sowder
  • Story