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Carolyn S. Burns papers, 1943-1968

8 linear feet

Files relating to her work with Italian-American organizations, especially the American committee on Italian Migration, the American-Italian Business and Professional Women's Club, and the Piemontese Ladies Social Club; papers concerning her interest in U. S. immigration law and the problems of displaced persons and refugees; files relating to her Catholic faith and work for Catholic missionary organizations, notably the Friends of Sts. Peter and Paul Missionaries; and files concerning Democratic Party politics and her work during the 1966 senatorial campaign of G. Mennen Williams.

The papers of Carolyn Sinelli Burns portray a woman with many interests and talents. Particularly gifted as an organizer and fund raiser, Carolyn Burns involved herself with the problems of displaced persons and refugees, with Catholic missionary societies, with immigration law reform, and with Democratic Party affairs. Unifying her many diverse interests is a belief in the dignity of all mankind, a belief she received as part of her Catholic faith.

The Burns' collection is divided into six broad categories: ethnic organizations; immigration reference file; United Nations material; religious material; the 1966 G. Mennen Williams senatorial campaign; and a miscellaneous file.


Ethnic Organizations, 1952-1968

Most of the ethnic file consists of papers from the American Committee on Italian Migration (ACIM). Founded in 1952, the organization consolidated Italian thinking on immigration law reform and then lobbied within Congress to achieve these reforms. Ms. Burns served as an officer in ACIM's Detroit chapter.

The Piemontese (sic.) Ladies Social Club (PISC) is also well represented. Founded in Detroit in 1942 (it sprang from the Piemontese Club founded in 1913) the women in this organization sent packages to relatives and friends in the armed forces. At war's end the club was continued as a social organization seeking to preserve family and social ties among those whose families had migrated to America from Italy's Piedmont region. In addition to ACIM and the PLSC, records of the American-Italian Business and Professional Women's Club and Boys' Town of Italy are also filed within this series.


Immigration Reference File, 1950-1967

The immigration reference file contains items relating to immigration and the amending of U.S. immigration law. The material comes from a number of sources including the Michigan Commission on Displaced Persons (later the Michigan Commission on Displaced Persons and Refugees), the Michigan Committee on Immigration, Detroit's

International Institute, the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference, and the Mayor's Commission on Displaced Persons and Refugees (Detroit). Within this category, material from the Mayor's Commission and the folders entitled "Communist Organizations" are particularly interesting. The Mayor's Commission helped resettle refugees who had fled from Hungary after the failure of the 1956 revolt. "Communist Organizations" folders detail the considerable lengths taken by non-communist groups, to differentiate themselves from organizations they believed to be communist or communist fronts.


Religious material, 1943-1968

Among the religious material are several interesting and a few unique items. Unique are notes taken over the course of many years by Ms. Burns during personal retreats. Almost every year for nineteen years she took eight days to listen to the presentations of priests and nuns and to reflect upon her own spiritual development. The notes she took during these retreats are often quite detailed and reflect both upon her own faith and the character of Catholicism.

Of interest in this series are materials from the Friends of Saints Peter and Paul, Missionaries. The Missionaries of Sts. Peter and Paul form the American province of the Catholic Pontifical Institute of Mission Extension. The friends raised funds to support the missionaries efforts to convert third world peoples to Catholicism. Ms. Burns was deeply involved in organizing many of these fundraising events.