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Bernard Eckloff postcards, 1918-1919

78 items

This collection is made up of 77 postcards that Bernard Eckloff wrote to his family in Washington, D.C., while stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia, between September 1918 and March 1919, as well as 1 postcard addressed to George F. Harbin of Washington, D.C. Eckloff discussed his experiences in camp and his visits to nearby Petersburg.

This collection is made up of 77 postcards that Bernard Eckloff wrote to his family in Washington, D.C., while stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia, between September 3, 1918, and March 17, 1919, as well as 1 postcard addressed to George F. Harbin of Washington, D.C. Eckloff wrote to his mother Catherine and his siblings Genevieve, Thomas and Mary about his trip to Virginia and aspects of his life at Camp Lee. He discussed his participation in drill exercises, his work in the camp kitchen, and the influenza epidemic; he also mentioned his correspondence and listed the contents of the care packages he received. His postcard of September 13, 1918, contains a description of a new uniform, and his postcard of November 22, 1918, includes a satirical poem entitled "In Line." After the Armistice, Eckloff often wrote about his trips to Petersburg, Virginia, and his attempts to apply for a discharge. One item is a postcard to George F. Harbin of Washington, D.C., from Martin & Allardyce in Asbury Park, New Jersey, regarding a family engraving the firm recently acquired and wished to sell (January 25, 1919).


Camp Devens (Mass.) letters, 1917-1918

8 items

This collection is made up of letters that a soldier named Frank sent to his mother and siblings while training at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, in late 1917 and early 1918. He discussed his equipment, dental health, and other aspects of military life.

This collection is made up of 8 letters that a soldier named Frank sent to his mother and siblings while training at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, between December 8, 1917, and February 15, 1918. Frank mentioned physical conditioning, combat training, and outdoor cooking. He sometimes mentioned other soldiers, including another man from "Georgetown" who had taken to gambling. Frank noted when his friends were sent overseas or to different posts; he expected that he would go abroad around mid-February 1918. Frank's letter of February 8, 1918, contains a list of equipment he had received in preparation for overseas deployment. Though the military encouraged soldiers to travel home on weekends on account of food shortage, Frank regretted that he could not travel on account of that train fare. Several letters refer to Frank's dental problems and recommended treatment.


Edwin F. Conroy scrapbook, 1918-1921 (majority within 1918-1919)

0.25 linear feet

This collection consists of the contents of a scrapbook kept by Effie M. Conroy of the Bronx, New York, who documented the army service of her son, Edwin F. Conroy, a member of the 114th Infantry Regiment during World War I. The scrapbook contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and ephemera related to Conroy, to the 114th Infantry Regiment, and to the 29th "Blue and Gray" Division.

This collection consists of a 54-page scrapbook and 24 related items kept by Effie M. Conroy of the Bronx, New York, who documented the army service of her son Edwin, a member of the 114th Infantry Regiment during World War I. The first pages of the scrapbook mainly hold newspaper clippings, including a collection of humorous anecdotes from Conroy's time working as an attaché at the West Farms Court and later articles documenting the 114th Infantry Regiment and the 29th Division. These clippings, though undated, concern the infantry's service throughout and just after the war, and one item from the Bronx Home News relates Effie's thoughts upon hearing that Edwin had been wounded (p. 13). Several other clippings contain poetry, including a sheet of contributions by soldiers (p. 16), and one is a comic strip about service at the front lines (p. 19).

Correspondence includes a printed letter from Corporal Jos. H. Shea describing his journey to France onboard the SS Princess Matoika (p. 3), a printed letter from General John J. Pershing thanking soldiers for their service (p. 5), and many letters that Conroy wrote to his mother while in training at Camp McClellan, Alabama. Between May and June 1918, Conroy described his railroad journeys to the base, his life at the camp, and his journey to his unit's embarkation point at Newport News, Virginia. While in training, he discussed his daily activities and his anticipated voyage overseas. He wrote one letter on YMCA stationery with a letterhead composed of photographs (p. 29), and two of his postcards depict scenes from Camp McClellan. Though most of his letters date to his time in training, Conroy wrote later letters to Anna Gernand, with whom he shared his impressions of destruction near the front (p. 53), and to his aunt and mother.

Most ephemera items are printed programs, though the collection also holds a pamphlet of songs sung by the American Expeditionary Forces (p. 53) and a medal citation for service in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive (loose ephemera). One program relates to event honoring General Ferdinand Foch in 1921 (loose ephemera).


Esther A. Bates collection, 1917-1919

0.25 linear feet

This collection is made up of 65 letters that Esther A. Bates of Omro, Wisconsin, received during World War I. Fred W. Moldenhauer, her future husband, wrote the vast majority of the letters while serving with the 331st Field Artillery Regiment at army camps from September 1917-September 1918, and after his return to the United States in February 1919.

This collection is made up of 65 letters that Esther A. Bates of Omro, Wisconsin, received during World War I. Fred W. Moldenhauer, her future husband, wrote the majority of the letters while serving with the 331st Field Artillery Regiment at army camps from September 1917-September 1918, and after his return to the United States in February 1919.

Private Fred W. Moldenhauer wrote over 50 letters to Esther A. Bates between September 1917 and September 1918. He was primarily stationed at Camp Grant, Illinois, and Camp Robinson, Wisconsin, where he reported on many aspects of camp life and on mutual acquaintances, including those who were transferred to other camps. Moldenhauer often expressed his love for Bates, and he occasionally wrote loving messages in Morse code in his later letters. In one letter, he recounted his visit to a group of African Americans who lived near Camp Grant (November 13, 1917). Moldenhauer wrote 4 letters from Camp Merritt, New Jersey, and 2 letters from Camp Grant, Illinois, in February 1919, following his return from France. Among other subjects, he discussed his return voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Many of Moldenhauer's letters are directed to Bates, care of West Hall at Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Three other soldiers wrote letters to Esther A. Bates during the war. Ervin W. Steinert, a member of the 341st Infantry Regiment, Company K, and the 311th Field Signal Battalion, wrote about life at Camp Grant, Illinois. Among his correspondence is a printed Christmas card with the logo of the 311th Field Signal Battalion ([December 22, 1917]). Other writers were L. W. Lurd of the 128th Machine Gun Company, who described the country around Camp MacArthur, Texas, and a man named "Ernest," who anticipated his transfer from Camp Grant, Illinois.


Frank and Glenn Pollock letters, 1917-1919 (majority within 1917-1918)

15 items

This collection consists of letters that brothers Frank and Glenn Pollock wrote to their parents in Detroit and Atlantic Mine, Michigan, while serving in the United States Army during World War I. Both discussed their training at Camp Custer, Michigan. Glenn described some of his experiences in France as part of the 20th Engineer Regiment.

This collection consists of letters that brothers Frank Pollock (3 items, September 25, 1917-November 6, 1917) and Glenn Pollock (12 items, September 14, 1917-January 16, 1919) wrote to their parents in Detroit and Atlantic Mine, Michigan, while serving in the United States Army during World War I. Most of the letters are 2-6 pages long.

Frank and Glenn Pollock wrote about their experiences while training at Camp Custer, Michigan, in the fall of 1917. Each mentioned their failed attempts to be placed in the same company; Frank joined the 339th Infantry Regiment and Glenn joined the 329th Field Artillery. Frank complained about camp meals and entertainment, and reported that his late arrival after a visit home might have cost him the rank of corporal. Glenn noted his displeasure with kitchen duty and remarked on arrivals of new recruits and visitors. On October 20, 1917, Glenn wrote from American University in Washington, D.C., about his expected departure for France.

Glenn Pollock wrote 9 letters to his family while serving in France from February 4, 1918-January 16, 1919. He commented on his travels and the age of the buildings, noting that French infrastructure was outdated. He complained to his brother that the days and weeks seemed to drag on (February 4, 1918). Glenn's company included members from each of the 48 states, and proudly described their camaraderie and brotherly feelings. He mentioned his correspondence with his brother's future wife (Claudine), a "girl friend," and others.


George Van Buskirk letters, 1917-1919

0.25 linear feet

This collection contains 52 letters that George Van Buskirk received while working as county clerk for Bergen County, New Jersey, between 1917 and 1919. Multiple soldiers from Hackensack, New Jersey, wrote to him about military life at Camp Dix and other bases in the United States, and service in Europe during and after World War I.

This collection contains 52 letters that George Van Buskirk received while serving as county clerk for Bergen County, New Jersey, between 1917 and 1919. Multiple soldiers from Hackensack, New Jersey, wrote to him about military life at bases in the United States, and service in Europe as part of the American Expeditionary Forces during and after World War I. They occasionally requested assistance with administrative military matters.

George Van Buskirk's correspondents commented on their experiences at American military bases, including Fort Dix, New Jersey; Camp McClellan, Alabama; Camp Crane, Pennsylvania; Camp Greene, North Carolina; and Camp Humphreys, Virginia. The writers served in different infantry, artillery, and medical regiments. At least one writer served with a British regiment, though he referred to Hackensack as his home. Many of the soldiers traveled to France, though few participated in combat. The men often referred to other soldiers from Hackensack, including Van Buskirk's other correspondents. After the war, the writers provided details about their overseas experiences; one recalled his travel and combat experiences (November 28, 1918). Others expressed regret or gratitude that they had not seen action. One letter respects life in postwar Coblenz, Germany.

The correspondence often includes requests for Van Buskirk's assistance with transfers, discharges, or other administrative issues. One woman wrote, protesting that a man had falsely claimed her as a dependent in order to obtain a quicker discharge (February 4, 1919). Other items of interest are letters from William Ruland about steam boilers; a postcard depicting a well in Beaune, France; and a letter chastising Van Buskirk and an unidentified committee for failing to recognize the Knights of Columbus volunteers when honoring war veterans. Drafts of Van Buskirk's typed responses are attached to a few of the letters.


Harry Latto letters, 1917-1919

0.5 linear feet

This collection contains letters that Sergeant Major Harry L. Latto wrote to his family while serving with the United States Army during World War I. Latto was stationed at Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, from around November 1917 to July 1918, and served in France from August 1918 to around May 1919.

This collection (58 items) contains letters that Sergeant Major Harry L. Latto wrote to his family while serving with the United States Army during World War I. Latto was stationed at Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, from around November 1917 to July 1918, and served in France from August 1918 to around May 1919.

Harry L. Latto composed 53 letters and postcards to his aunt and to his parents, Henry I. and Sarah S. Latto of Hopewell, New Jersey, between November 14, 1917, and May 9, 1919. He wrote from Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, between November 1917 and July 1918; from Camp Upton, New York, in July 1918; and from France between August 1918 and May 1919. While at Camp Wadsworth, Latto commented on aspects of camp life and thanked his parents for the packages he received. In his letter of November 24, 1917, Latto drew ink maps of the camp and of a mock trench setup used for training exercises. He also discussed his finances, including a life insurance policy, and mentioned his friends. In France, he commented on the progress of the war, questioned whether he would participate in front-line combat, described the French scenery and the local people, and related his experiences in officers' training school. On December 13, 1918, he wrote to his parents about his recent encounter with President Woodrow Wilson. Many of Latto's letters contain enclosures, including military records and orders, bulletins from Brooklyn's Kenilworth Baptist Church, photographs of himself and another soldier in uniform, and newspaper clippings. He enclosed 2 postcards in his letter of July 28, 1918, depicting paintings of Wofford College and soldiers working at Camp Wadsworth.

Harry L. Latto received 5 letters from his parents, 2 of which are enclosed in his letters. Undated items are a letter Henry I. Latto received from Private Samuel S. Carver of Battery D, 5th Field Artillery, concerning the army of occupation in Germany, and a list of unusual place names that Latto encountered while facilitating American soldiers' return to the United States.


Joseph Mitchell correspondence, 1912-1919 (majority within 1917-1919)

0.25 linear feet

This collection contains letters that 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Mitchell wrote to his mother in Illinois while serving in the United States Army during World War I. Mitchell discussed his experiences in training camps in the United States and his service and travels in France.

This collection contains around 85 letters that 2nd Lieutenant Joseph O. Mitchell wrote to his mother in Illinois while serving in the United States Army during World War I. Mitchell discussed his experiences in training camps in the United States (June 1917-September 1918) and his service and travels in France (September 1918-July 1919). The collection also contains ephemera items, writings, and a manuscript map.

Early items in the Correspondence series include a letter that Mary L. Mitchell received from Frederick W. Mann of the University of Illinois's Department of Architecture (April 19, 1912) and a letter that Joseph Mitchell wrote to his mother from Camp Wilson, Texas, during his time in the 1st Illinois Field Artillery Regiment (August 31, 1916). The bulk of the collection is comprised of Mitchell's letters to his mother from training camps in the United States and, later, from France and England, where he was a 2nd lieutenant in the 333rd Field Artillery Regiment. Mitchell commented on his daily activities at Camp Grant, Illinois; Camp Robinson, Wisconsin; Camp Mills, New York; and other camps. In the spring of 1918, he attended a lecture by Polish pianist Ignacy Paderewski (undated). While in France, he described his surroundings, especially after the armistice; he wrote less frequently about the war. Mitchell's letter of October 13, 1918, mentions the Germans' fear of African-American troops, and his letter of November 12, 1918, concerns the end of the war. An undated letter written around October 1917 contains a sketch of a sign depicting a German military helmet and a decorated German officer.

The Writings, Printed Items, Map, and Ephemera series (8 items) contains a 7-page typed account of the 161st Artillery Brigade's march from Camp Grant, Illinois, to Camp Robinson, Wisconsin, in 1918, attributed to Joseph O. Mitchell; the account encloses 9 labeled photographs of campsites. Other items include an unsigned note of commemoration for Mitchell's service from the "Architect's Office of the Board of Education;" a menu for a dinner held at Base Hospital 53 on May 8, 1919; a newsletter commemorating the 20th anniversary of officers' graduation from the Fort Sheridan Officers' Training Camps (1937); a note containing Mitchell's address; and 2 newspaper clippings. A manuscript map depicts the grounds of a monastery used to train and house American troops.


Randal Crouse papers, 1908-1919 (majority within 1917-1919)

0.25 linear feet

This collection consists of letters that Lieutenant Randal H. Crouse wrote to his mother, Lillie M. Crouse, while serving with the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. Crouse described his experiences at Camp Hancock, Georgia, and in France, where he often commented on life near the front. The collection also has postcards, documents, photographs, and newspaper clippings.

This collection contains 85 letters that Lieutenant Randal H. Crouse wrote to his mother, Lillie M. Crouse, while serving with the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. The collection also has 4 letters by other writers, 9 postcards, 4 documents, 15 photographs, and 29 newspaper clippings (including 7 duplicates) related to Crouse's time in the military.

The Correspondence series (89 items) comprises the bulk of the collection and consists mostly of the letters that Randal Crouse sent to his divorced mother, Lillie M. Crouse, from Camp Hancock, Georgia, and France between September 1917 and April 1919. At Camp Hancock, he discussed the reorganization of his Pennsylvania National Guard unit into the 112th Infantry Regiment and mentioned several specific training exercises, including some involving gas masks (January 27, 1918). He described other aspects of camp and military life and, upon his arrival in France around May 1918, provided his impressions of the scenery and people, as well as descriptions of his experiences at the front. Soon after his arrival, he reported hearing nearby artillery fire and shared his awe at the multicultural makeup of the allied forces, which included soldiers from a number of foreign countries (May 27, 1918). Though he remained optimistic about the war's imminent end, Crouse mentioned his participation in some difficult fighting, credited the Germans with putting up a strong resistance, and described airplane crashes he had witnessed (August 17, 1918). By October 30, 1918, he expressed his relief at being transferred to a safer area following weeks of hard fighting, and on November 3, 1918, he described a one-day visit to Paris.

Following the signing of the Armistice, Crouse revealed more details about military actions he had participated in, including movements near Metz, and expressed his surprise upon hearing of the large scale of the influenza epidemic, from which the war had distracted him. In his letter of December 4, 1918, he copied several pages from a captured German diary that described the advance on Paris in September 1914; the letter also encloses a printed map of a portion of the Western Front near the end of the war. Throughout the spring of 1919, Crouse continued to discuss his travels through France and his anticipation of a return to the United States.

The series has 4 letters by other correspondents, including 3 by Lillie M. Crouse, who wrote a letter to her son while he attended a summer camp (July 13, 1908), prematurely reported Germany's surrender (November 7, 1918), and expressed her wish for military volunteers to displace active service veterans (March 31, 1919). Jordy L. Stafer, a soldier, also wrote a letter to Lillie M. Crouse, whom he knew from York (October 9, 1918).

The Postcards and Greeting Card series (7 items) contains mail that Randal Crouse sent to his mother during the war. The postcards show scenery in Germany and in Glasgow, Scotland, and one is a photographic postcard of Crouse in uniform. The Christmas card has a drawing of an American soldier reading with a young girl.

Documents (4 items) include a memorandum by W. H. Hay commending the service of the 28th Division of the United States Army, as well as 2 items related to the allotment of Randal Crouse's pay to his mother. Also present is a photographic card identifying Crouse as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces.

The Photographs series (15 items) has 6 snapshots of soldiers, including 2 taken in front of a cannon; 2 larger formal portraits of Randal H. Crouse; and 7 small snapshots of a soldier smoking a cigar and an old European building.

Newspaper clippings (29 items) primarily concern the actions of the 28th Division of the United States Army, including several reprinted letters that Randal Crouse sent to his mother while serving overseas, taken from the Gazette and Daily (York, Pa.) and other papers. Seven of the items are duplicates.


Shaw family collection, 1905-1925 (majority within 1915-1925)

1.75 linear feet

This collection is primarily made up of letters that brothers Charles B. and Clarence F. ("Freeman") Shaw wrote to their mother, Hattie C. Shaw of Swampscott, Massachusetts. Charles discussed his life in Schenectady, New York, prior to World War I and his life in Washington, D.C., in the early 1920s, when he was a clerk for General John J. Pershing. Freeman Shaw wrote to his mother about his experiences with the United States Army's 103rd Aero Squadron in the United States and France during World War I.

This collection (1.75 linear feet) contains correspondence and other items related to Hattie C. Shaw of Swampscott, Massachusetts, and her two eldest sons, Clarence F. ("Freeman") and Charles B. Shaw.

The Correspondence series (approximately 400 letters) comprises the bulk of the collection. The earliest items are personal letters to Hattie C. Shaw from her son Charles and from other correspondents, between 1905 and 1911. Charles B. Shaw began writing regularly to his mother after he moved to Schenectady, New York, in July 1915. He wrote about his daily life, including initial homesickness and leisure activities, such as attending dances, attending sporting events, and participating in bowling leagues. He described public gatherings such as parades and pro-war rallies, Union College events, and festivals, and mentioned local efforts to enlist volunteers after the country's entry into World War I in April 1917. A few letters briefly reference a large workers' strike in October 1915 and the presidential election of 1916. Shaw's final letters from this period concern his intention to accept employment in Washington, D.C., which he did just before joining the United States Army. Enclosures in these letters include a printed advertisement, newspaper clippings, and a certificate authorizing Charles B. Shaw to work as a stenographer for the state of Massachusetts (June 16, 1915).

The bulk of the letters written during World War I consist of Freeman Shaw's letters to his mother pertaining to his experiences in the United States Army. His letter of December 2, 1918, provides details about his service history, including the names of the towns and bases where he was stationed. Shaw wrote a few letters from Fort Slocum, New York, in August 1917 before joining the 103rd Aero Squadron at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas. While in training, he shared details of camp life and conditions, often commenting about his uniform. After his arrival in Europe around December 1917, Shaw was briefly stationed in England before traveling to France. He commented on the scenery and the warm reception his squadron received from local citizens. His letters refer to his work digging trenches and performing guard duty, and his preference for working with the French army rather than the American army. By April 1919, he returned to the United States, where he awaited a discharge.

Charles B. Shaw wrote infrequently to his mother while serving at the American Expeditionary Forces' headquarters during the war, focusing mostly on his leisure activities, including concerts and sporting events held at the YMCA. From May-July 1919, he received a group of letters from the War Department Zone Finance Office, concerning the payment of his Liberty Loan bonds. Many of these letters enclose blank affidavits and similar forms.

From 1920-1925, Charles B. Shaw wrote weekly letters to his mother about his life in Washington, D.C., where he was a clerk in the office of John J. Pershing. He often used stationery of the American Expeditionary Forces' General Headquarters and the office of the General of the Armies. Shaw reported on Pershing's travels, the gradual downsizing of his office, and the general's retirement. Despite fears that he would lose his job, he remained employed until at least August 1925. Shaw also discussed his leisure activities, including bowling, playing tennis, going to the racetrack, and attending football and baseball games (including at least one contest that featured Babe Ruth). He occasionally wrote about his automobile. In his later letters, he referred to a female acquaintance named Mary, possibly his future wife.

The collection's Writings (2 items) are a typed copy of a speech by Chauncey Depew entitled "The Problem of Self-government," delivered by Charles B. Shaw in a prize speaking contest on May 26, 1911, and a brief essay regarding the "Fortification of the Panama Canal."

Five Financial Documents include a receipt to Charles Shaw for dental work (December 3, 1910), receipts for dues paid to the Swampscott Club (July 1, 1917) and the Supreme Temple of Pythian Sisters (February 8, 1922), and receipts related to Charles B. Shaw's policies with the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company (December 1, 1921, and undated).

The Photographs series (22 items) contains snapshots of unidentified men, women, children, and a cat at leisure outdoors. Four items show young men wearing sweaters with a large letter S sewn on the fronts.

The Printed Items and Ephemera series (4 items) is made up of a newspaper clipping with photographs of Russians in a queue and barracks in France, a social invitation for Charles B. Shaw, a wedding invitation, and a monogrammed napkin.