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Emilie M. Bennett and Phoebe Baker Grand Tour diary, 1910

1 volume

The Emilie M. Bennett and Phoebe Baker Grand Tour diary chronicles a 1910 journey through England, Holland, Germany, Austria, and France.

The Emilie M. Bennett and Phoebe Baker Grand Tour diary chronicles a 1910 journey through England, Holland, Germany, Austria, and France. The diary, embossed with "My Trip Abroad" in gold on its cover, was presented to Emilie M. Bennett and Phoebe Baker by Margaret Burton on May 24, 1910, just prior to their Grand Tour of Europe. The volume contains supplemental information for overseas travelers, including color illustrations of semaphore and national flags, information on nautical terms and sailing, conversion charts for time and currency, a loose printed map of the world, and instructions on how to play shuffleboard, complete with a diagram. The authors added a list of hotels and of people they met during the trip. In the first entry, made on June 8-13, 1910, Emilie and Phoebe wrote about their experiences traveling to London on the Lusitania, and pasted in several printed illustrations. They wrote daily about social and sightseeing activities, including descriptions of scenery, hotels, and local food; the authors frequently visited art collections and attended musical and theatrical performances, and recorded general impressions of Europe. The two companions felt as if they "were really in a foreign land" from the time they were in London until they reached The Hague, Holland, and throughout the remainder of the trip to Germany, Austria, Hungary, and France. They returned to New York on the Oceanic in late September.


Rachel Ann White diary, 1834-1837

1 volume

Rachel Ann White of Weymouth, Massachusetts, kept this diary between 1834 and 1837 while she was between the ages of 17 and 20. The diary begins with White's trip to New York City in the summer of 1834. Entries after White's return home in mid-August 1834 shorten and become more abbreviated, giving accounts of her family, social, and educational life.

Her trip to New York was spent sight-seeing and visiting with friends and family. She visited such places as Niblo's Garden Theater, a Jewish synagogue, Trinity Church, the city of Hoboken in New Jersey, Scudder's American Museum, and Castle Garden (where she saw a balloon ascension by Eugene Robinson on July 4, 1834). She described the American Museum at length in her entry of July 29, 1834, seeing such things as "all manner of birds," "beasts and fish," and a number of wax figures in a room that also contained "a great number of Indian relics consisting of canoes, paddles, ornaments…[and] the skeleton of a child found in a cave in one of our western states."

White also attended the funeral procession of the Marquis de Lafayette on June 26, 1834, and visited a relative at the Bloomingdale Asylum at the end of her trip. After visiting at the Asylum, White returned home, describing in part the damage left after the New York anti-abolitionist riots of 1834.

When back in Weymouth, she spent her time going to meetings, socializing with friends and family, taking trips to the beach, going to church, playing cards, attending lectures on temperance, quilting, and more. White mentioned her studies, which apparently included ciphers, history, and especially astronomy, the latter of which White attended several lectures on and viewed the moon through a telescope while in New York.

In 1835, White became a schoolteacher. Details regarding her social life are frequent within the volume, including a close friendship: she spoke highly of a woman named Betsey, experiencing "more joy on meeting [her] than I can express" (September 23, 1835). She wrote about Betsey's health scares that led to her death in October of 1836, for which White was present: "the cold grave has taken to its bosom, one who with a single exception, is my dearest friend. Now futurity seems a blank. I have nothing to anticipate but gloom. Oh why was she taken! Would it have been me!" (October 27, 1836).

White did not make another entry until December 26, 1836; Betsey's death affected her deeply and she has remained at home with the exception of going to meetings. The last entry on the same day mentions a debating meeting she attended: "the question was whether the signs of the times were favorable to the perpetuity of a republican form of government. Mr. Lincoln, argued, nobly in the affirmative."

Overall, entries relate to social visits, attending temperance lectures, domestic affairs, education, and entering into the profession of teaching.


Sophia McCormick diary, 1811, 1818

1 volume

This 72-page diary is an account of the five-month trip Sophia Cumming McCormick took with her uncle, aunt, and cousin from Savannah, Georgia, to New York City and along the East Coast in 1811. A second, shorter portion of the diary consists of nine entries from 1818, in which McCormick reflected on her spiritual state.

This 72-page diary is an account of the five-month trip Sophia Cumming McCormick took with her uncle, aunt, and cousin from Savannah, Georgia, to New York City and along the East Coast in 1811. A second, shorter portion of the diary consists of nine entries from 1818, in which McCormick reflected on her spiritual state.

The first 65 pages of the diary (May 22, 1811-November 4, 1811) contain daily entries chronicling McCormick's travel experiences. She recorded details about the geographic, physical, and historical features of the cities and towns she and her family visited or passed through. Her accounts of New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Richmond are the most extensive, and include details about specific streets, buildings, and bridges. McCormick's descriptions of Charles Wilson Peale's natural history museum in Philadelphia (located in what is now the basement of Independence Hall) and the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., are particularly colorful.

McCormick's entries from July to September 1811, written while she attended Miss Scribner's School in Morristown, New Jersey, are often brief, though she commented more extensively about Fourth of July celebrations and recorded her thoughts about leaving the school. She also mentioned a Morristown funeral custom, a solar eclipse seen from Trenton, a visit to Thomas Jefferson's birthplace, public water supplies, a Gaelic-language sermon near Fayetteville, North Carolina. Throughout her travels, McCormick recorded the names of churches she attended, along with the ministers' names and sermon topics.

The second part of the diary (7 pages) consists of 9 entries dated between July 11, 1818, and November 1 [1818?]. In these entries, McCormick primarily reflected on her spiritual well-being. She appears to have been traveling during this span of time as well, staying with cousins near Augusta, Georgia.


Woman's travel diary, 1865

1 volume

This diary was kept by a woman travelling to Charlotte, New York, in 1865 via the Potomac River (Va.), aboard the ship Little Ada.

She made notes and observations about daily life aboard the ship, the fine accommodations, clothing, children, St. Lawrence River travel, food, and "making fun of the yanks." The woman wrote about the funeral of an indigenous child near Novia Scotia on page three of folio seven. In some entries, the writer used racial epithets.