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Colombia Photograph Album, approximately 1895

approximately 110 photographs in 1 album

The Colombia photograph album contains approximately 110 photographs showing scenes from Cartagena, Turbaco, and Barranquilla in Colombia.

The Colombia photograph album contains approximately 110 photographs showing scenes from Cartagena, Turbaco, and Barranquilla in Colombia. The album (18 x 28 cm) is half bound in black leather. Images of particular interest include photographs related to diplomatic functions, such as views of the British and Spanish consulates, interiors of the American consulates in Barranquilla and Cartagena, two portraits of the British Consul and family, and a series of portraits of the large family of the Spanish Consul, "Familia Zubiria Stevenson." Other images of note include photographs of a bullfight, the tomb and former home of Rafael Núñez, street and architectural views, churches, thatched huts, local inhabitants including mule drivers and cemetery workers, guns at the Baluarte de San Javier, soldiers in formation, and harbor views including views of passanger sternwheel ferry Alicia and a clipper ship. Some photographs have handwritten captions in Spanish.


Frost Family Travel Photograph Album, 1896-1900

approximately 345 photographs in 1 album

The Frost family travel photograph album contains approximately 345 photographs of trips to Florida, the Bahamas, Colorado, Maine, and other locations.

The Frost family travel photograph album contains approximately 345 photographs of trips to Florida, the Bahamas, Colorado, Maine, and other locations.

The album (18 x 29.5 cm) has brown leather covers with "Photographs" stamped in gold on the front. Contents begin with images of Greenwich, Connecticut, and views taken aboard a Clyde steamer heading to Jacksonville, Florida, in 1898. Subsequent images of interest include a couple posing in front of Hotel Ponce de Leon; breaking ground for the Miami Hotel; views of Palm Beach; Fourth of July in the Catskills; and views of New York and Long Island. Also present are images of a trip to Colorado Springs in 1900 including views of the Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak; views of Minneapolis and Duluth in Minnesota (including "Indian Mounds"); a steamer from Duluth to Buffalo; the Great Lakes; the International Hotel in Buffalo; Niagara Falls; several large commercially produced views of Cuba; Frost family headstones in Newcastle and Eliot, Massachusetts; the Pepperrell and Sparhawk houses in Kittery Point, Maine, and Boston; the Pepperrell Tombs; Washington, D.C.; and a trip to Nassau in the Bahamas in 1897.


Ismailia-Damascus pilgrimage photograph albums, ca. 1902

3 volumes; approximately 260 photographs

The Ismailia-Damascus pilgrimage photograph albums consist of a three-volume set containing approximately 260 photographs taken during an Ismailia Shriner pilgrimage trip in 1902 to the western United States and an undated expedition overseas to various places in Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Palestine, Syria, Algeria, Lebanon, and Italy.

Volume 1 (23 x 25 cm) contains approximately 98 photographs pertaining to an overseas Shriner expedition to various locations around the Mediterranean Sea region including sites in North Africa, western Asia, and southern Europe. It is unclear when this expedition took place, though it likely occurred ca. 1902. Many of the sites visited by the group are related to biblical stories, events, and personages. Images of particular interest include the Lion's Gate at Mycenae (pg. 1); the Arch of Hadrian in Athens (pg. 3); the supposed tree under which Mary and Joseph rested in the Land of Goshen (pg.8); ruins from a "last stand" made by European Crusaders (pg. 11); the Plain of Sharon (pg. 12); the Great Pyramid (pg. 14); a "Nilo-meter" on the River Nile (pg. 14); an elevated view of Istanbul (pg. 16); a group of Greek Klephts marching in traditional uniforms (pg. 17); Tiberias (pg. 18); a tour boat conducted by guides of Nassaire, Farajallah & Co. (pg. 19); Jerusalem's Damascus Gate (pg. 21); the bell tower on the Mount of Olives (pg. 24); the Monastery of Choziba (pg. 24); the Mosque of Amr in Cairo (pg. 28); ancient Egyptian ruins at Luxor (pg. 30); the public square in Corinth where Paul was said to have preached (pg. 31); Bisharin villagers near Aswan (pg. 34); a waterfront view of Algiers (pg. 35); Pompeii (pg. 36); Job's Wall in Silwan, Palestine (pg. 40); the Bosporus Strait (pg. 41); Haifa (pgs. 43 & 45); Damascus (pg. 46); Ba'labakk (pgs. 47 & 48); and Hotel Fast in Jerusalem (pg. 49). Many but not all of the images have inscribed captions on their versos. A loose cartoonish engraving/etching of a bald man with a moustache wearing Arabic clothing while riding a camel titled "Dr. Walter D. Greene" is also present inside the front cover. The album is string bound in black leather covers with the word "Photographs" embossed in gold on front.

Volume 2 (18.5 x 27.5 cm) contains approximately 98 photographs related to the Ismailia-Damascus Pilgrimage of 1902. Images of particular interest include a cyanotype of B.W. Rowell (pg. 1); a group portrait of the travelling party at the railroad station in McFarlan, Kansas (pg. 5); scenes from Pikes Peak, Colorado (pgs. 7-23); views of the Garden of the Gods (pgs. 24, 25, 28-36 & 38); the Royal Gorge (pgs. 37, 39, 40, 42 & 44); Glenwood Springs, Colorado (pgs. 47-49, 57 & 58); the Mormon Tabernacle and Salt Lake Temple (pgs. 52-54); Monterey Bay, California (pgs. 64-66 & 67); Santa Barbara, California (pgs. 68-71); Mount Shasta and Shasta Springs (pgs. 73-77); natural landscapes in Oregon (pgs. 81-86); and a ferry boat on the Columbia River (pgs. 91-96). The album is bound in red leather covers with the words "Photographs of the Ismailia-Damascus Pilgrimage 1902; Compliments of B.W. Rowell, Imperial Recorder; To Walter D. Greene" embossed in gold on front.

Volume 3 (18.5 x 27.5 cm) contains approximately 63 photographs related to the Ismailia-Damascus Pilgrimage of 1902. Images of particular interest include scenes from Spokane, Washington (pgs. 1-3); geysers at Yellowstone's Norris Basin (pgs. 12-22) and Upper Basin (pgs. 27-36); Yellowstone Lake (pgs. 39-43); Yellowstone's Upper and Lower Waterfalls and Grand Canyon (pgs. 46-51); Shriner Caleb Saunders posing with a haul of fish (pg. 52); and Walter D. Greene posing with his wife Mary L. Greene (pg. 55), an unidentified fellow "manager" of the pilgrimage (pg. 56), and alongside George F. Loder and a man identified as "Gass" (pg. 57). The album is bound in red leather covers with the words "Photographs of the Ismailia-Damascus Pilgrimage 1902; Compliments of B.W. Rowell, Imperial Recorder; To Walter D. Greene" embossed in gold on front.


Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, Boston, and Canada Travel Photograph Album, ca. 1893-1905

approximately 240 photographs in 1 album

The Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, Boston, and Canada travel photograph album contains approximately 240 photographs of a trip to several locations around the eastern United States and Canada.

The Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, Boston, and Canada travel photograph album contains approximately 240 photographs documenting a trip to several locations around the eastern United States and Canada.

The album (25.5 x 31.75 cm) is a "Ward's Album for Unmounted Photographs" with green cloth covers. Images of interest include views of a beachside town with palm trees in what appears to be New Jersey; the Elephantine Colossus at Coney Island, New York; a railroad likely near the Delaware Water Gap; John Bartram's House and various other buildings in Philadelphia; the railroad depot at Landsdowne, Pennsylvania; the Longfellow House and Trinity Church in Boston; as well as the interior of what appears to be a summer cabin. Also present are images of Baltimore, Maryland, including views of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and images from Canadian locations including the Ontario Provincial Legislation Building in Toronto as well as the Château de Ramezay and Market Day at Place Jacques-Cartier in Montreal.


John D. Bagley photograph albums, 1903-ca. 1920

3 volumes containing approximately 1280 photographs

The John D. Bagley photograph albums consist of three photograph albums created by John DuCharme Bagley IV of the Bagley family of Detroit, Michigan.

The John D. Bagley photograph albums consist of three photograph albums belonging to John DuCharme Bagley IV of the Bagley family of Detroit, Michigan.

The photograph albums document the life of John DuCharme Bagley IV over a period of twenty years or so. Bagley IV was clearly an enthusiastic amateur photographer who enjoyed documenting his family and friends. The photos in all three albums are snapshot-sized and mostly taken outdoors. While the earliest album (Volume I) is extensively captioned, the other two are not.

Volume 1:

The first volume (14 x 30 cm) includes images taken between 1903 and 1905, including numerous photographs taken during a Bagley family trip to Europe. Bagley IV was a teenager at the time. Identified family members documented in this album include his older sister Frances, younger brother Phil, parents John N. and Esther, and an “Aunt Frankie” who was likely Esther’s sister. This trip appears to have lasted several months, perhaps the better part of an entire year. Locations visited included the German Alps, Naples, Rome, Pompeii, Lake Lucerne, Amsterdam, and London. The family’s return to New York by steamship is also represented. The remainder of this album documents experiences on Woodcote Farm in Ionia, Michigan, as well as family life in Detroit and outdoor summer activities at Long Lake in Grand Traverse County, Michigan.

Volume 2:

The second volume (20.5 x 30.5 cm) contains material compiled during World War I and afterwards. Views of the U.S. Naval Academy and of Washington D.C. are included, and Bagley IV is shown in many images wearing a naval uniform. Several warships (including what appears to be the USS Pennsylvania, commissioned in 1916) are pictured from afar throughout the album. One series of snapshots shows an Armistice celebration taking place at an unidentified location. Several pages showcase scenic views taken during a train journey through an unidentified mountainous region. The bulk of the remaining pictures in this album consist of portraits of family and friends posing informally in urban, domestic, and rural settings. Bagley IV appears regularly, usually in a business suit, and in a couple of cases he can be seen standing next to a Bagley & Co. company vehicle. Also present is a large loose photo that shows John J. Bagley’s birthplace in Medina, New York, which was photographed in 1895.

Volume 3:

The third volume (20.5 x 30.5 cm) contains numerous photographs taken during visits to New Mexico and Colorado in 1908 as well as Oregon in 1909. Images in the New Mexico section highlight operations and personnel of the Maxwell Irrigated Land Company. Bagley IV’s younger brother Phil may have been involved with this company. While it is not entirely clear which photos were taken in Colorado, numerous images of logging operations and logging camps were most likely taken in Oregon. Also present are personal photos showing Bagley IV and his wife Mary visiting forests and beaches. The final section of the album includes photos of Bagley IV in a navy uniform and views of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland.


MacMillan Arctic Expedition Photograph Album, 1925

approximately 160 photographs in 1 album.

The MacMillan Arctic Expedition photograph album contains approximately 160 photographs related to the Arctic Expedition to Greenland in the summer of 1925 led by Donald Baxter MacMillan aboard the ships Peary and Bowdoin.

The MacMillan Arctic Expedition photograph album contains approximately 160 photographs related to the Arctic Expedition to Greenland in the summer of 1925 led by Donald Baxter MacMillan aboard the ships Peary and Bowdoin. The photographs were removed from the journal of Chief Boatswain Earl E. Reber, an expedition pilot, and stored in plastic sheets in a green three-ring binder (30 x 30 cm). Images of interest include scenes from the departure out of Boston, Massachusetts; a stop at Labrador; many views of native peoples and landscapes of Greenland; and shipboard photographs including individual and group crew portraits, crew members playing pirate, and a view of the captain's table with officers and servants. Landscape views include rocky shorelines, glaciers, drift and pack ice, icebergs, and aerial photographs of Etah harbor, the Greenland ice cap, and Ellesmere Island. Crew members are shown in various images interacting with native Greenlanders onboard ships, showing a group of children how to use a camera, and visting a native Greenlander residence. Additional images include views of an Inuit summer hut and permanent shelter, sled dogs, and natives kayaking and cleaning a walrus carcass; the unloading and assembly of the Loenig amphibious aircraft; and waterfront views of Battle Harbor, Labrador, and of Gotthaab, Godhavn, and Umanak, Greenland.

Expedition members identified by typewritten captions include: Floyd Benney, Richard Byrd, Leo Max Davidoff, Albert Francis, Jacob Gayer, John La Gorce, Donald MacMillan, E. F. McDonald, A. C. Nold, W. D. Publicover, Earl E. Reber, Charles Rocheville, M. A. Schur, Nels Sorensen, and G. F. Steele.


Olney Family Photograph Albums, ca. 1895-1910

approximately 222 photographs in 4 albums

The Olney family photograph albums consist of a four-volume set containing approximately 222 photographs depicting family, friends, and neighbors of Clyde Charles Olney, a photographer and bookkeeper based in Columbiaville, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois.

The Olney family photograph albums consist of a four-volume set containing approximately 222 photographs depicting family, friends, and neighbors of Clyde Charles Olney, a photographer and bookkeeper based in Columbiaville, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois.

Volume one (14.5 x 20 cm) has black cloth covers and contains 30 snapshots. Images of note include views of the Tug River Coal & Coke Co. in West Virginia, the Columbiaville Band in uniform, the interior of a men’s winter camp, and two women dressed as men.

Volume two (15 x 21 cm) has black cloth covers and contains 94 snapshots. Images of note include views of a parade in Neenah, Wisconsin, a farm and hotel in Columbiaville, the interior of a house in Chicago, and a humorous staged scene of two men waking up in a brass bed together. Several family members on both the Raymond and the Olney sides are identified in a number of photographs, including one of Clyde Olney’s mother Belle. Also present are pictures of "High Steppin' Hallie" dancing in a plaid dress, Clyde Olney playing what appears to be a banjo, and "Dad" Charles Olney.

Volume three (14.5 x 19 cm) has black cloth covers and contains 45 snapshots. Images mainly show Olney’s wife Augustha (aka “Muddy”) and their daughter Mary as an infant in Chicago. Several pictures of Clyde, Muddy, and Mary together are included as well as some that show "Grandma" and Daisy Olney. The album ends with photographs of "Grandpa, Grandma Olney, Mary and Muddy" as well as Hallie Olney in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Volume four (14.5 x 19.5 cm) has black cloth covers and contains 53 snapshots. Images of interest include pictures of Daisy and Hallie Olney in front of a piano around 1895, an older looking Daisy in front of a different piano, a Columbiaville-based photographer named William J. Leisaw eating watermelon, and another photograph of the Columbiaville Band in which each person is identified and labeled (including Charles Vermilya, younger brother of Clyde’s mentor photographer Albert L. Vermilya.)


Pageant of the Dunes Photograph Album, 1917-1918

92 photographs in 1 album

The Pageant of the Dunes photograph album contains 92 photographs including snapshots of scenery in and around the vicinity of Chicago, Illinois, as well as images of the “Pageant of the Dunes” event held in Port Chester, Indiana, in 1917.

The Pageant of the Dunes photograph album contains 92 photographs including snapshots of scenery in and around the vicinity of Chicago, Illinois, as well as images of the “Pageant of the Dunes” event held in Port Chester, Indiana, in 1917.

The album (19 x 29 cm) is string-bound and has black paper covers and pages. Contents begin with images of Chicago scenery including views of Navy Pier, Edgebrook, and the Chicago River while the following section features several images showing statues of World War I soldiers in the display window of Marshall Field's department store. Photographs in the section captioned “Pageant of the Dunes, 1917” consist of images of crowds as well as actors and actresses, including some dressed as Native Americans. Three photographs dated to 1918 are also present.


Pictorial Record of the United States Army Air Forces 90th Bombardment Group, ca. 1942-1945

2 volumes containing approximately 412 photographs and 1 manuscript item

The Pictorial Record of the United States Army Air Forces 90th Bombardment Group consists of two volumes containing 1 manuscript item and approximately 412 photographs documenting the activities of the USAAF 90th Bombardment Group during the New Guinea campaign of War World II.

Materials are housed in plastic sleeves contained in two green-colored 3-ring binders (30 x 33 cm). All photographs are gelatin silver developing-out prints and for the most part measure between 10 x 12 cm and 26 x 20 cm in size. Numerous images bear stamps that state “Passed by U.S. Army Examiners.” Most images do not have captions, though a small number do have typescript captions on their versos.

Volume A:

Volume A contains approximately 186 photographs as well as 1 manuscript item. The volume begins with a one-page typescript document issued ca. 1944 that is addressed to the 400th Bomb Squadron 90th Bomb Group, stating the photographs are intended to be “the Pictorial Record of Our Unit.” The letter is signed by Maj. C. Vernon Ekstrand of the U.S. Army Air Corps. Photographs include a composite portrait of the 90th Bomb Group members, individual and group portraits of 90th Bomb Group members, a group portrait of Japanese military personnel, images of Allied military facilities, Japanese warships being bombed, military aircraft shown both midair as well as on the ground, what appears to be an abandoned Japanese tank, and numerous landscape views. Also present are several images showing aircraft nose art. Of particular interest are various pictures documenting interactions with native Papuan people including individual and group portraits as well as photographs of Papuan settlements and structures (including churches).

Volume B:

Volume B contains approximately 226 photographs. This volume includes a substantial number of pictures of indigenous Papuan individuals, children, and families, including several portraits of nude women (including mothers breastfeeding), as well as images showing traditional Papuan body modifications and tattoos. Of particular note are images that appear to document a Papuan ceremony that showcases elements of traditional Papuan clothing, music, and ritual dance, as well as a photograph of a Papuan trumpet player. Other items of interest include numerous images documenting USO performers (including Bob Hope and Patty Thomas) and a series of aircraft nose art photographs that include several works signed by Cpl. Al G. Merkling. Images of airborne planes and landscape views also feature prominently in this volume.


Raymond Family Travel and Portrait Photograph Album, 1917-1929 (majority within 1924-1929)

approximately 315 items in 1 album.

The Raymond family travel and portrait photograph album contains approximately 315 items (including photographic prints and illustrated postcards) related to the family, acquaintances, and travels of Francis J. Raymond, Jr., of St. Louis, Missouri.

The Raymond family travel and portrait photograph album contains approximately 315 items (including photographic prints and illustrated postcards) related to the family, acquaintances, and travels of Francis J. Raymond, Jr., of St. Louis, Missouri. The album (25 x 34 cm) has black cloth pages and is largely disbound. The majority of photographs have printed or typewritten captions. Many images are posed individual and group portraits of men, women, and children wearing fashionable clothing in a variety of settings, including on porches, patios, indoors, and beside trains. Several photographs appear to have been taken at the Antler Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, over a number of years, including images taken of a children's party on the hotel lawn replete with a group of Native American performers wearing war bonnets and carrying drums. Francis Raymond, Jr., is also shown visiting Charles L. Raymond and family in Detroit, as well as the Keelyn family and other friends in Los Angeles and Riverside, California. Other images show a golf outing; numerous cats and other animals; attractions in Colorado Springs, including the Cheyenne Mountain Lodge; scenes from Hawaii, including colored commercial prints of Mt. Muana Loa and a portrait of "Phillip Abdul" playing a ukelele on a Honolulu beach; several photographic silhouettes; a beach scene at Northport Point, Michigan; and a cottage at Topinbee, Michigan. Laid in images include two photographs of children's parties in 1917 and 1919, and two family groups from the same period.