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February 16, 1790 Circular. To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Requests changes be made on a circular letter which was transmitted on December 1, 1789; June 9, 1790 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Requests an account of such vessels, goods, wares or merchandise that may have been seized, during the period for which your future quarterly returns may be rendered. April 28, 1791 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Instructions regarding strict uniformity in the returns of all customs. Also enclosed a new form of abstract duties on merchandise in which further provisions must be made. February 2, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Abstract drawbacks payable on the exportation of spirits distilled in the United States which will regulate the accounts rendered for settlement. July 21, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Transmitted form calculated to apply to different cases, stated in the said letter. Importance of framing receipts. August 4, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Circular. Requests certain alterations be made in the form of a quarterly abstract for the purpose of facilitating the computation of the duties so the Treasury can examine the accounts. November 14, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Circular. Requests accounts be rendered according to the provisions of the act concerning Fisheries of the United States. November 17, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Circular. Expenses and compensations relating to foreign distilled spirits, wines, teas be kept distinctly from those relating to spirits in the United States. December 24, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Secretary wishes that weekly returns sent may commence with each quarter. Further, may there be annexed to the last return, a schedule of dates and amounts of all remittances to treasury and payments to the bank. December 29, 1792 To Collectors of the Revenue. From the Treasury Department. Because of questions stated by the collectors of several districts, a circular communication for the purpose of uniformity of practice has been made. March 22, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. Concerning certain rates per cent allowed for the tares of coffee, pepper and sugar. March 23, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. Forms of oaths required to be taken in certain cafes in conformity of “An Act to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.” April 27, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. Questions concerning an act about the recording of ships and vessels. A new provision, however will not change those already recorded. May 22, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. Communication deeming the true construction of the 61st section of the collection law. It is necessary because of varied meanings. May 23, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. Requests that our vessels take with them something equivalent to a certificate of the number, quantity, and species of each article. Pertains only if going to France to Netherlands - they are not sure of the requirements. August 15, 1793 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Treasury Department. Circular. No foreign built ships are entitled to be registered which were not owned wholly or in part by a citizen of the United States. February 7, 1794 To Collectors of the Revenue. From Department of Treasury; (William Bradford). Circular. Philadelphia. Opinions regarding the cafe provisions, advising renewal of 12 months. November 17, 1794 To Collectors of Revenue. From Department of Treasury. Circular. Requests complete information regarding fund bonds that have been or may be taken to secure the payment of duties. April 22, 1797 To Collectors, Naval Officers and Surveyors. From Treasury Department. Information regarding Acts of Congress passed at the last session; concerning certain duties on snuff, sugar, and registration of vessels, etc. July 24, 1797 To Collectors, Naval Officers and Surveyors. From Treasury Department. Circular. Acts of Congress passed during the last session, and additional duties., 1790-1797

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